715.Garrett, L., “AIDS drugs fading: New prevention approach sought.” Newsday(August 31, 1999): A4; and Wainberg, M. A. and Friedland, G., “Public health implications of antiretroviral therapy and HIV drug resistance.” Journal of the American Medical Association 279(1998): 1977-1983.





719.Barr, M., “Now what? Maverick researcher Dr. Steven Miles explains why the next great drug isn't coming and what we can do to redeem the dream of a cure.” POZ (October 1999): 60-63; Cooper, D. A. and Emery, S., “Therapeutic strategies for HIV infection—time to think hard.” New England Journal of Medicine 339 (1998): 1319-1320; and Garrett, L., “AIDS after the ‘cure’ : Amid setbacks search for new hope.” Newsday (June 14, 1998): A7.


721.Finzi, D., Harmankova, M., Pierson, T., et al., “Identification of a reservoir for HIV-1 in patients on highly active antiretroviral therapy.” Science 278 (1997): 1295-1300;Grossman, Z., Feinberg, M. B., and Paul, W. E., “Multiple modes of cellular activation and virus transmission in HIV infection: A role for chronically and latently infected cells in sustaining viral replication.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 95 (1998): 1-6; Paul, W. E.and Grossman, Z., “Ongoing HIV dissemination during HAART.” Nature Medicine 5 (1999):1099-1104; etc..

722.“Abnormal fat distribution and use of protease inhibitors.” Various letters in Lancet 351 (1998): 1735-1737; Carr, A., Sarnaras, K., Thorisdotter, A., et al.,“Diagnosis, prediction, and natural course of HIV-1 protease-inhibitor-associated lipodistrophy, hyperlipidaemia, and diabetes mellitus: a cohort study.” Lancet 353 (1999): 2093-2099; Carr, A., Sarnaras, K, Chisholm, D. J., et al., “Pathogenesis of HIV-1 protease inhibitor-associated peripheral lipodystrophy, hyperlipidaemia,and insulin resistance.” Lancet 351 (1998): 1881-1883; etc..

723.Carr, A. and Cooper, D. A., “Gap between biology and reality in AIDS.” Lancet 352(1998): siv16-siv17; Gazzard, B. and Moyle, G., “1998 revision to the British HIV Association guidelines for antiretroviral treatment of HIV seropositive individuals.” Lancet 352 (1998): 314-316; Goldstein, R., “Climb every mountain: The art of selling HIV drugs.” POZ (October 1998):64-67; Louis Harris and Associates, Inc., National HIV/AIDS Treatment Survey. Washington, D.C.:Johns Hopkins University and UCSF, June 13, 1998. Offfce of AIDS Research, Adherence to New HIV Therapies: A Research Conference. Washington, D.C., November 21-21, 1997; etc..



725.Condra, J. H., “Resisting resistance: Maximizing the durability of antiretroviral therapy.” Annals ofInternal Medicine 128 (1998): 951-954; Durant, J., Clevenbergh, P., Halfon,P., et al., “Drug-resistance genotyping in HIV-1 therapy: The VIRADAPT randomized controlled trial.” Lancet 353 (1999): 2195-2199; Hirsch, M. S., Conway, B., D'Aguilla, R. T., et al.,“Antiretroviral drug resistance testing in adults with HIV infection.” Journal of the American Medical Association 279 (1998): 1984-1991; etc..


727.Coombs, R. W., Speck, C. E., Hughes, J. P., et al., “Association between culturable human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) in semen and HIV-1 RNA levels in semen and blood: Evidence for compartmentalization of HIV-1 between semen and blood.” Journal of Infectious Diseases 177 (1998): 320-330; Dyer, J. R., Kazembe, P., Vernazza, P. L., et al., “High levels of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 in blood and semen of seropositive men in sub-Saharan Africa.” Journal of Infectious Diseases 177 (1998): 1742-1746; etc..




731.McFarland, W., 1999, op. cit.

732.Altman, L. K., “New York study finds gay men using safer sex.” New York Times(August 28, 1999): A1.

733.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Increases in unsafe sex and rectal gonorrhea among men who have sex with men—San Francisco, California, 1994-1997.”Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 48 (1999): 45-48; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “New data show decline in AIDS deaths slowing down.” Press release. Atlanta,Georgia, August 30, 1999; Handsfield, H. H, “Resurgence of syphilis and gonorrhea in men who have sex with men, Seattle-King County, Washington.” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 48 (1999): 773-777; and San Francisco Department of Public Health. San Francisco Monthly STD Report. June 1999.

734.New York City Department of Health, “Increased rates of hepatitis A among men who have sex with men.” Memo. New York City: Bureau of Communicable Disease, July 13,1998.

735.Osmond, D., Charlebois, E., Page-Shafer, K., et al.,“Increasing risk behavior has not led to higher HIV incidence rates in the San Francisco Young Men's Health Study: 1993-1998.”Twelfth International Conference on AIDS, Geneva, June 28-July 3, 1998.

736.Ekstrand, M. L., Stall, R. D., Paul, J. P., et al., “Gay men report high rates of unprotected anal sex with partners of unknown or discordant HIV status.” AIDS 13 (1999): 1525-1533.

737.Elovich, R., “Beyond Condoms.” POZ (June 1999): 86-91; Gendin, S., “They shoot barebackers, don't they?” POZ (February 1999): 48-71; Rotello, G., Sexual Ecology: AIDS and the Destiny of Gay Men. New York: Dutton, 1996; Rotello, G., “The Twilight of AIDS?” The Nation(1996) (www.thenation.com); Scarce, M., “Life after latex.” POZ (June 1999): 92-93; Sheon,N. and Plant, A., “Protease dis-inhibitors? The gay bareback phenomenon.” HIVInSite (1997)(www.hivinsite.ucsf.edu); and Vittingoff, E., Douglas, J., Judson, F., et al., “Pre-contact risk of human immunodeficiency virus transmission between male sexual partners.” American Journal of Epidemiology 150 (1999): 306-311.

738.Nieves, E., “Privacy questions raised in cases of syphilis linked to chat room.” New York Times (August 25, 1999): A1. One controversial old approach was also revisited: In 1999 the question of reopening San Francisco's bathhouses was revived by the gay community.Coates, T. J., Acree, M., Stall, R., et al., “Men who have sex with men in public places are more likely to have unprotected anal intercourse.” Abstract # Mo.D.492. Eleventh International Conference on AIDS, Vancouver, July 1996; Elwood, W. N. and Williams, M. L., “Strategic Silence: Gay men and the use of bathhouse communication rules for unprotected anal sex.” AIDS Weekly Plus (February 8, 1999); etc..

739.Boden, D., Hurley, A., Zhang, L., et al., “HIV-1 drug resistance in newly infected individuals.” Journal of the American Medical Association 282 (1999): 1135-1141; Cohen,O. J.and Fauci, A. S., “Transmission of drug- resistant strains of HIV-1: Unfortunate, but inevitable.”Lancet 354 (1999): 697-698; Garrett, L., “New, deadly HIV?” Newsday (September 22, 1999):A3; Little, S. J., Daar, E. S., D'Aquila, R. T., et al., “Reduced antiretroviral drug susceptibility among patients with primary HIV infection.” Journal of the American Medical Association 282(1999): 1142-1149; etc..






741.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Monitoring Hospital-Acquired Infections to Promote Patient Safety—United States, 1990-1999.” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 49 (2000): 149-153.

742.Murray, B., “Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcal Infections.” New England Journal of Medicine 342 (2000): 710-721.

743.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Staphylococcus aureus with reduced susceptibility to vancomycin—llinois, 1999.” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 48 (2000):1165-1167.

744.National Intelligence Council. “The global infections disease threat and implications for the United States.” Released on the Internet in January, 2000, at http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/nie/report/nie99-17d.html.

745.Chemical and Biological Arms Control Institute and CSIS International Security Program, “Contagion and conflict: Health as a global security challenge.” Center for Strategic and International Studies. Washington D.C., 2000.

746.The Commonwealth Fund, “U.S. minority health: A chartbook.” New York: The Commonwealth Fund, 1999.


748.Senior, K., “Worrying trend in hypertension described for USA.” Lancet 354 (1999): 747.

749.Reuters, “U.S. health care can kill, study says.” San Francisco Chronicle (October 21,1997): A3.

750.Edmonson, M. B., Stoddard, J. L., Owens, L. M., “Hospital readmission with feeding related problems after early postpartum discharge of normal newborns.” Journal of the American Medical Association 278 (1997): 299-303.

751.Mays, G. P., Miller, C. A., Halverson, P. K., et al., “Performing essential public health services in the nation's most populous communities: Who contributes?” In press, 2000.


1.Fenn, E. A., “Biological warfare, circa 1750.” New York Times (April 11, 1998):A1l.




4.A brilliant account of these events can be found in Remnick, D., Resurrection: The Struggle for a New Russia. New York: Random House, 1997.

5.Much of Henderson's thesis later appeared in print: Henderson, D. A., “Bio-terrorism as a public health threat.” Emerging Infectious Diseases 4 (1998): 488-94.

6.Henderson, D. A., “Biological terrorism.” International Conference on Emerging and Infectious Diseases. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, March 10,1998.

7.Lederberg, J., Speech to the International Conference on Emerging and Infectious Diseases, Atlanta, Georgia, March 8, 1998.

8.Lillibridge, S.,“Public health preparedness and response roles for CDC related to bioterrorism.” International Conference on Emerging and Infectious Diseases, Atlanta, Georgia,March 10, 1998.

9.这篇报道来自大量采访和纸质材料。欲了解更多详情,请读者参阅Falkenrath,R. A., Newmann, R. D., and Thayer, B. A., America's Achilles' Heel: Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Terrorism and Covert Attack. Boston: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press,1998; Hoffman, B., Inside Terrorism. New York: Columbia University Press, 1998; Schweitzer,G. E., and Dorsch, C. C., Superterrorism: Assassins, Mobsters, and Weapons of Mass Destruction.New York: Kluwer Academic, 1998; Stern, J., The Ultimate Terrorists. Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press, 1999; and Taylor, R., “All fall down.” New Scientist (May 11, 1996).New York psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton offers a chilling account of how the Aum Shinrikyo cult members saw their mission and rationalized their deeds. From 1995 to 1997 Lift on interviewed dozens of cult members, obtaining further details not only of their actions but also of their collective psychology. See Lifton, R. J., Destroying the World to Save It: Aum Shinrikyo,Apocalyptic Violence, and the New Global Terrorism. Metropolitan Books, New York, 1999。

10.关于奥姆真理教及其活动的细节有很多来源。除访谈外,还参考了以下来源:“Congress probes Japanese cult.” Military Newswire, 1996; Henderson, D. A., 1998, op. cit;NSTC Committee on International Science and (CISET) Working Group on Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases.“Global microbial threats in the 1990s.” The White House, 1996;“Japanese cult member gets life.” Associated Press, May 26, 1998;“Japanese guru will hear litany of nerve-gas victims.” Associated Press (April 20, 1996); Lewthwaite, G. A., “Terrorist attacks in US expected.” Baltimore Sun (November 1, 1995): A1; Morita, H., Yanagisawa, N.,Nakajima, T., et al., “Sarin poisoning in Matsumoto, Japan.” Lancet 346 (1995): 290-93;等。





14.Offce of Technology Assessment. Technology Against Terrorism: The Federal Effort.Washington, D.C., 1993.

15.关于《禁止生物毒素和武器公约》限制的客观评论可以参阅Johnson, S. E,editor. The Niche Threat: Deterring the Use of Chemical and Biological Weapons. Washington,D.C.: National Defense University Press, 1997; Kadlec, R. P., Zelicoff, A. P., and Vrtis, A. M.,“Biological weapons control: Prospects and implications for the future.” Journal of the American Medical Association 278 (1977):351-56; MacKenzie, D., “Biological weapons treaty needs teeth.” Los Angeles Times (March 23, 1998): A11; Pearson, G. S., “The complementary role of environmental and security biological control regimes in the 21st century.” Journal of the American Medical Association 278 (1997): 369-72;等。

16.我和《新闻日报》记者蒂姆·菲尔普斯、苏珊·萨克斯、大卫·费尔斯通、罗恩·豪威尔、乔希·弗里德曼和帕特·斯洛扬等人,为《新闻日报》报道了海湾战争,斯洛扬获得普利策奖,他揭露了盟军军事行动的负面影响。这里的一些细节来自我在《新闻日报》同事们的报道。此外还有:“Memopack: The gulf crisis.” Nicosia, Cyprus: Memopacks Publishing Company, 1991; and Matar, F., Saddam Hussein: A Biography. London: Highlight,1990。

17.Matar, F., 1990, ibid (English-language edition), 59.

18.两伊战争始于1980年两国外交关系紧张时期。时任伊拉克总统的侯赛因宣布,他将单方面终止维持伊伊和平的阿尔及尔协议。在谈到伊朗领导人霍梅尼时,侯赛因宣布,伊朗人“抱有幻想,认为他可以占领这个给予他14年款待的国家。如果他愿意的话,他可以通过兄弟情谊来征服它,但他不能把他的种族主义扩展到这个国家的一丁点儿土地上。霍梅尼知道,他只能越过阿拉伯湾越过伊拉克烈士的尸体。”参见Matar, F., 1990,ibid, 135。



21.Sidell, F. R. and Franz, D. R., “Overview: Defense against the effects of chemical and biological warfare agents.” In Zajtchuk, R., op. cit.

22.Manngold, T. and Goldberg, J., Plague Wars: The Terrifying Reality of Biological Warfare. New York, St. Martin's Press, 1999.




24.George, A., “Saddam bought germ warfare chemicals in UK.” Evening Standard(London) (July 11, 1995): 23; Butcher, T., “Iraq crisis: Germ warfare ‘jelly’ sold to Iraq until 1996.” The Daily Telegraph (London) (February 19, 1998): 19; Beal, C., “How to spot a killer cloud.” New Scientist (April 8, 1995): 24; and Bone, J., “Chemical agents.” The Times (London)(December 13, 1997), Features.

25.Tucker, J. B., “Hide-and-seek, Iraqi style.” New York Times, Op Ed page (November 22, 1997).

26.Zilinskas, R. A., “Iraq's biological weapons: The past as future?” Journal of the American Medical Association 278 (1997): 418-24.

27.Regis, E., The Biology of Doom: The History of America's Secret Germ Warfare Project.New York, Henry Holt and Company, 1999.