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610.Gordon, R. L., Baker, E. L., Roper, W. L., et al., “Prevention and the reforming U.S. health care system: Changing roles and responsibilities for public health.” Annual Review of Public Health 17 (1996): 489-509; Lasker, R. D., Medicine and Public Health: The Power of Collaboration. New York: Academy of Medicine, 1997; Lasker R. D., Abramson, D. M.,and Freedman, G. R., Pocket Guide to Cases of Medicine and Public Health Collaboration. New York: Academy of Medicine, 1998; Loeppke, R. R.,“Prevention and managed care: The next generation.” Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 37 (1995): 558-562; etc..

611.Johnson, H., 1994, op. cit.


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