480.Levine, D. B. and Sobel, J. D., Infections in Intravenous Drug Abusers. New York: Oxford University Press, 1991; and Institute of Medicine, Treating Drug Problems. Vol. I. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1990.
482.所有可卡因的价格都已骤降,其原因主要是拉美的供应量大幅上升。1979年,一克纯可卡因的价格是780美元,到1987年就跌至142美元。参见Trebach, A. S. and Zeese, K.B., editors, The Great Issues of Drug Policy. Washington, D.C.: Drug Policy Foundation, 1990。
483.Duster, T., “Pattern, purpose, and race in the drug war.” In Reinarman, C. and Levine, H. G.,editors, Crack in America. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997; Baum, D., 1996, op. cit; Gray, M.,1998, op. cit; and Massing, M., 1998, op. cit.
484.Kozel, N. J. and Adams, E. H., “Epidemiology of drug abuse: An overview.” Science 234 (1986):970-974.
485.Institute of Medicine, Homelessness, Health, and Human Needs. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1988.
486.Wallace, D. and Wallace, R., A Plague on Your House: How New York Was Burned Down and National Public Health Crumbled. New York: Verso, 1998.
487.Bourgois, P., “In Search of Horatio Alger.” In Reinarman, C. and Levine, H. G., 1997, op. cit.;Myers, S. L., “Crime, entrepreneurship, and labor force withdrawal.” Contemporary Policy Issues X (1992):84-97; and Prothrow-Stith, D., Deadly Consequences. New York: HarperCollins, 1991.
488.National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, 1985. Washington, D.C.: National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1986.
489.Kleiman, M. A. R., 1992, op. cit; and Reinarman, C. and Levine, H. G., “The crack attack.” In Reinarman, C. and Levine, H. G., 1997, op. cit.
490.Reinarman, C. and Levine, H. G., 1997, op. cit.
491.Minnesota § 152.025 statute.
492.该案例详见Glasser, I. and Segal, L.,“Civil rights and liberties.” In Reinarman, C. and Levine, H.G., 1997, op. cit.
494.Duffy, M. and Goodgame, D., Marching in Place: The Status Quo Presidency of George Bush. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992.
495.《华盛顿邮报》公布了这次逮捕的细节,正是这次逮捕导致了这个袋子落入布什总统手中。少年基思·杰克逊被缉毒局特工从哥伦比亚特区的另一边引诱到拉斐特公园,他们买下了这些快克毒品,并以此罪名逮捕了杰克逊,这样布什就可以说,白宫对面的公园是毒贩的天堂。事实并非如此。参见Isikoff, M., “Drug buy set up for Bush speech: DEA lured seller to Lafayette Park.” Washington Post (September 22, 1989): A1。
496.National Criminal Justice Commission. Donziger, S. R., editor, The Real War on Crime. New York: Harper Perennial, 1996.
499.Trebach, A. S. and Zeese, K. B., editors. The Great Issues of Drug Policy. Washington, D.C.:Drug Policy Foundation, 1990.
500.Baum, D., 1996, op. cit.
501.Tonry, M., Malignant Neglect. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995; and Glasser I. and Siegal, L., 1997, op. cit.
502.Free, M. D., African Americans and the Criminal Justice System. New York: Garland, 1996.
506.Chasnoff, I. J., “Drug use in pregnancy.” New York State Journal of Medicine (May 1989):255; Handler, A., Kistin, N., Davis, F., et al., “Cocaine use during pregnancy: Perinatal outcomes.” American Journal of Epidemiology 133 (1991): 818-824; Kaye, K, Elkind, L., Goldberg, D., et al., “Birth outcomes for infants of drug abusing mothers.” New York State Journal of Medicine (May 1989): 256-261; Morgan, J.P. and Zimmer, L., “The social pharmacology of smokeable cocaine.” In Reinarman, C. and Levine H. G., 1997,op. cit; Siegal, L., “The pregnancy police fight the War on Drugs.” In Reinarman, C. and Levine H. G., 1997,op. cit; Toufexis, A., “Innocent victims.” Time magazine (May 13, 1991): 56-63; etc...
507.Donziger, S. R., 1996, op. cit; Nadelman, E. A., “Drug prohibition in the United States: Costs, consequences, and alternatives.” Science 245 (1989): 939-946; and Trebach, A. S.and Zeese, K. B., 1990, op. cit.
508.Joseph, S. C., “A methadone clone for cocaine.” New York Times (January 11, 1989): Op-Ed.A:17.
509.Goldstein, P. J., Brownstein, H. H., Ryan, P. J., et al., “Crack and homicide in New York City.” In Reinarman, C. and Levine, H. G., 1997, op. cit.
510.Glasser, I. and Siegel, L., 1997, op. cit.
512.Scott, J.,“L. A.'s battle against AIDS.” Los Angeles Times (February 26, 1988): Part II, 1.
See: Trebach, A. S. and Zeese K. B., editors, 1990, op. cit..
514.Booth, R. E., Walters, J. K., Chitwood, D. D., et al.,“HIV risk-related sex behaviors among injection drug users, crack smokers, and injection drug users who smoke crack.” American Journal of Public Health 83 (1993): 1144-1148; Diaz, T. and Chu, S. Y., “Crack cocaine use and sexual behavior among people with AIDS.” Journal of the American Medical Association 269 (1993): 2845-2846; Fullilove, R. E., Fullilove, M.T., Bowser, B. P., et al., “Risk of sexually transmitted disease among black adolescent crack users in Oakland and San Francisco, Calif.” Journal of the American Medical Association 263 (1990): 851-855; Knox, R. A., “AIDS experts track the cocaine connection.” The Boston Globe (June 14 1988): A5; etc..
515.Chaisson, R. E., Bacchetti, P., Osmond, D., et al., “Cocaine use and HIV infection in intravenous drug users in San Francisco.” Journal of the American Medical Association 261 (1989): 561-565; Garrett,L., “New AIDS cocaine connection.” Newsday (January 27, 1989): A3; and Lambert, B., “AIDS peril grows for cocaine users,” New York Times (November 28, 1988): Al5.
516.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. On the Front Lines: Fighting HIV/AIDS in African-American Communities. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, August, 1999.
517.Hertzman, C., Frank, J., and Evans, R. G., “Heterogeneities in health status.” In Evans, R. G., et al.,1994, op. cit.
518.Callahan, D., 1998, op. cit.
520.LeBaron, C. W., et al., 1996, op. cit.
521.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Physician vaccination referral practices and vaccines for children—New York, 1994.” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 44(1995): 3-6; Dietz, V., Zell, E., Eddins, D., et al.,“Vaccination coverage in the USA.” Lancet 344(1994): 1439-1440; Institute of Medicine, Adverse Events Associated with Childhood Vaccines.Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1993; Manning, A., “Kids in USA get 21 shots before start of lst grade.” USA Today (August 3, 1999): A1; etc..
522.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “National, state, and urban area vaccination coverage levels among children aged 19-35 months—United States, January-December 1995.” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 46 (1997): 176-182.
523.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Summary of notifiable diseases, United States 1997.” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 46 (1997): full issue #54.
524.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,“Epidemiology of measles—United States, 1998.” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 48 (1999): 749-753.
See: Centers For Disease Control and Prevention,“Resurgence of pertussis—United States,1993.” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 42 (1993) 952-965; and Christie, C, D. C, I.Marx, M. L., Marchant, C. D., et al., “The 1993 epidemic of pertussis in Cincinnati.” New England Journal of Medicine 331 (1994): 16-21.
526.事实上,1992年,卫生部部长唐娜·沙拉拉曾恳求医生认真对待儿童免疫。她说,“现在是每个医疗保健提供者展示他们对儿童健康的承诺程度的时候了”。她承认只有44%的美国儿童全程接种了疫苗。参见Shalala, D. E., “Giving pediatric immunizations the priority they deserve.” Journal of the American Medical Association 269 (1993): 1844-1845。
See: “Big shots.” The Economist (May 9, 1998): 63; Gilbert, S., “New study supports effectiveness of little used chickenpox vaccine.” New York Times (November 4, 1997): B8;Keusch, G. T. and Cash, R. A., “A vaccine against rotavirus-when is too much too much?” New England Journal of Medicine 337 (1997): 1228-1229; Pollak M., “Doctors Fighting Backlash Over Vaccines.” New York Times (April 27, 1999): F7; and “Rash worries.” The Economist (April 11, 1998): 63-64.
528.Duffy, M. and Goodgame, D., 1992, op. cit.
530.Salive, M. E., Vlahov, D., and Brewer, T. F., “Coinfection with tuberculosis and HIV-1 in male prison inmates.” Public Health Reports 105 (1990): 307-310.
531.关于1989—1992年结核病死灰复燃的详细资料,见Garrett, L., 1994, op. cit, the chapter entitled “Thirdworldization”。细节此处不再重复。
533.除非另有说明,否则本节所有未在《逼近的瘟疫》一书或本书书目引文中涉及的细节都是基于作者的报告和访谈。其他的参见Annas, G. J., “The impact of health policies on human rights: AIDS and TB control.” In Mann, J. M., et al., 1999, op. cit.; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Tuberculosis elimination revisited: Obstacles, opportunities, and a renewed commitment.”Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 48: (1999): RR-9 (special issue); Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Tuberculosis outbreaks in prison housing units for HIV-infected inmates in California,1995-1996.” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 48 (1999): 79-82; Farmer, P., Infections and Inequalities: The Modern Plagues. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999;等。
534.Belkin, L., “A brutal cure.” New York Times Sunday Magazine (May 30, 1999): 34-39; and Sachs, S., “90 asylum seekers at center are infected by man with TB.” New York Times (July 31, 1995): B5.X
535.Dye, C., Garnett, G. P., Sleeman, K., et al., “Prospects for worldwide tuberculosis control under the WHO DOTs strategy.” Lancet 352 (1998): 1886-1891。1998年,世界卫生组织正式接到全世界381万例活动性肺结核病例报告,85%的国家提交了报告。这无疑严重低估了活动性肺结核病例。因为在1998年,几乎没有国家建立准确的结核病监测和报告系统,而且大多数国家都出于政治和经济原因低报其流行病的规模。戴伊的研究小组估计,当年全球真正的结核病负担是796万新病例加上1620万慢性结核病患者,其中187万人死亡。他们估计,每年全球病例死亡率占所有活动性肺结核病例的23%,其中死亡率最高的国家是艾滋病大规模流行的国家。
See: Goodstein, L. and Glaberson, W., “The well-marked road to homicidal rage.” New York Times (April 10, 2000):A1.
540.For summaries, see Morse, S., 1993, op. cit.
541.For more details see: Henig, R. M., 1993, op. cit; and Garrett, L., 1994, op. cit.
542.Institute of Medicine, 1988, op. cit.
544.Weiss, L. D., Private Medicine and Public Health. Boulder: Westview Press, 1997.
546.Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Access to Health Care in the United States: Results of a 1986 Survey. Special Report No.2. New York: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 1987; and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Announcing the Health Care for the Uninsured Program. New York: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 1985.
547.Annas, G. J., “Back to the future: The IOM report reconsidered.” American Journal of Public Health 81 (1991): 835-837.
548.Pickett, G., “The future of health departments: The governmental presence.” Annual Review of Public Health 1 (1980): 297-321. Roper, W. L., Baker, E. L., Dyal, W. W., et al.,“Strengthening the public health system.” Public Health Reports 107 (1992): 609-615.
See: U.S. Public Health Service, Healthy People 2000. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1990.
551.Navarro, V., “The future of public health in health care reform.” American Journal of Public Health 84 (1994): 729-730.
552.Baker, E. L, Melton, R. J., Stange, P. V., et al., “Health reform and the health of the public.” Journal of the American Medical Association 272 (1994): 1276-1282; and Roper, W. L.,Baker, E. L., Dyal, W. W., et al.,“Strengthening the public health system.” Public Health Reports 107 (1992): 609-616.
555.Johnson, H., Divided We Fall: Gambling with History in the Nineties. New York: W. W.Norton, 1994.
556.Ibid. See also Castro, J., “Condition: Critical.” Time magazine (November 25, 1991): 34-42; Easterbrook, G., “The revolution in medicine.” Newsweek (July 26, 1987): 40-74; Friedman, E.,“Problems plaguing public hospitals: Uninsured patient transfers, tight funds, mismanagement, and misperception.” Journal of the American Medical Association 257 (1987): 1850-1857; “The healthy option.” The Economist (February 8, 1992): 14-15; Walton, S., “For-profit health care facilties:Higher costs, comparable care.” News Report XXXVI (1986): 410; etc..
557.Imershein, A. W., Rond, P. C., and Mathis, M. P., “Restructuring patterns of elite dominance and the formation of state policy in health care.” American Journal of Sociology 97(1992): 970-993.
558.U.S. Bureau of the Census, Census Brief: Children Without Health Insurance. CENBR/98-1.Washington, D.C.: U.S. Bureau of the Census, March 1998; Davis, K., Rowland, D., Altman, D., et al., “Health insurance: The size and shape of the problem.” Inquiry 32 (1995): 196-203; Lewis, K.,Ellwood, M., and Czajka, J. L., Counting the Uninsured: A Review of the Literature. Washington, D.C.:The Urban Institute, 1998; and Swartz, K., Marcotte, J., and McBride, T. D., “Personal characteristics and spells without health insurance.” Inquiry 30 (1993): 64-76.