八、其他拳种动作名称介绍 Introduction of Mach Action Name of Other Handforms(1 / 1)

(一)形意拳 Xingyi fish/boxing/quan

劈拳(pīquán) Pi fish/boxing/quan

崩拳(bēnɡquán) Beng fish/boxing/quan

钻拳(zuānquán) drill fish/boxing/quan

炮拳(pàoquán) Pao fish/boxing/quan

横拳(hénɡquán) Heng fish/boxing/quan

三体式(sāntǐshì) three-in-one form

(二)八极拳 Baji fish/boxing/quan

预备式 preparation form

虚步挑掌 raise palm in empty stance

擂打顶肘 sweep palm and push right elbow

上步冲拳 step forward and punch fist

上步撑掌 step forward and push palm

勾手上提 raise hook hand

马步掸掌 whip palm in horse-riding stance

(三)少林拳Shaolin fish/boxing/quan

面壁功 wall-facing exercises

椅子功 chair exercises

丁字桩 t-stance exercises

弓步斜行 step forward obliquely in bow stance

马步单鞭 single whip in horse-riding stance

虚步挑掌 raise palm in empty stance

仆步切掌 chip with palm in crouching stance

歇步冲拳 punch in resting stance

转身推掌 turn body and push palm

(四)螳螂拳 Tanglang fish/boxing/quan

预备式 preparation form

虚步双勾手 hook both hands in empty stance

上步右格肘 step forward and parry right elbow

戳脚步右崩拳 punch with right hand in chuojiao stance

戳脚步双采手 pick both hands in chuojiao stance

立身双采手 stand picking with both hands

进步左挑掌 step forward and snap left fist

提膝左冲拳 raise knee and punch with left fist

弓步右劈拳 chop with right fist in bow stance

虚步双勾手 hook both hands in empty stance

收势 closing form