七、长拳主要动作名称 Main Action Name of Chang Handform(1 / 1)

并步抱拳 Feet together fists clenched

高虚步上挑掌 High Empty Stance and up-supporting Palm

弓步冲拳 Bow Stance and Thrust Punch

弹腿冲拳 Snap Kick and Thrust Punch

转身马步架冲拳 Turn Body,Block and Thrust Fist with Horse Stance

弓步架推掌 Bow Stance with Palms Upholding and Pushing

提膝挑掌 Knee Uplift with Palm Raised

弓步连环冲拳 Bow Stance with Double Thrust Punch

弓步顶肘 Bow Stance and Elbowing

击步腾空飞脚 Jump Front Kick Slapping Foot

仆步穿手亮掌 Crouching Stance with Arm Piercing and Palm Flashing

撤步仆步抡拍 Step Backward till Crouching Posture, while Swing Arms to Slap the Ground

并步砸拳 Feet Together and Fist Pounding

虚步架栽拳 Empty Step with Fist Downward and Arm Uplifting