九、武术竞赛常用词汇 Normal Vocabulary of Wushu Competotion(1 / 1)

(一)竞赛组织 Competition Organization

裁判委员会 referee commission

仲裁委员会 appeal commission

竞赛委员会 competition commission

竞赛办公室 competition office

竞赛项目 competition event

比赛地点 competition site

比赛场地 competition venue

比赛时间 competition time

秩序册 program brochure

报名表 entry form

报名截止日期 deadline for entry

性别 sex

男运动员 sportsman

女运动员 sportswoman

抽签 draw lots

评分表 scoring form

第一类 first category

第一场地 first court

第二场地 second court

比赛记录表 game report

成绩统计 calculation of results

成绩公布 announcement of results

授奖 award

纪念奖 badge

中线 centre line

锦标赛 championship

金牌 gold medal

银牌 silver medal

铜牌 bronze medal

全能 all-round

全能冠军 all-round champion

最高分 highest score

最低分 lowest score

国家级裁判员 national judge

一级裁判员 first class judge

开幕式 opening ceremony

闭幕式 closing ceremony

(二)裁判组成员 Jury Members

总裁判长 general chief referee

裁判长 chief referee

评分裁判员 rating referee

套路检查员 routine inspectors

计时员 time keeper

记分员 recorder

检录长 head registrar

宣告员 announcer

(三)竞赛项目 Contest

套路 Routine

规定套路 regular routines

自选套路 optional routine

传统套路 traditional routine

个人项目 individual event

全能项目 combined events

集体项目 group event

表演项目 exhibition event

(四)竞赛规则 Competition Rules

点名 call the roll

预备 ready

开始 start

上场、出场 enter court

进场、入场 entrance

抱拳礼 salute with fist

比赛 competition

决赛 finals

退场 exit

(五)基本动作 Basic Techniques

拳(quán) fist

拳法(quánfǎ) fist techniques

掌(zhǎnɡ) palm

掌法(zhǎnɡfǎ) palm techniques

勾(ɡōu) hook

手形(shǒuxínɡ) hand gesture

手法(shǒufǎ) hand techniques

步形(bùxínɡ) foot gesture

步法(bùfǎ) footwork

腿法(tuǐfǎ) leg techniques

弓步(ɡōnɡbù) bow stance

马步(mǎbù) horse-riding stance

仆步(púbù) couch stance

虚步(xūbù) empty stance

歇步(xiēbù) cross-legged couch stance

坐盘(zuòpán) cross-legged sitting stance

平衡(pínɡhénɡ) balances

跳跃(tiàoyuè) jumping

腾空飞脚(ténɡkōnɡfēijiǎo) jumping front kick

旋风脚(xuànfēnɡjiǎo) tornado kick

腾空摆莲(ténɡkōnɡbǎilián) flying lotus kick

侧空翻(cèkōnɡfān) aerial cartwheel

旋子(xuànzǐ) butterfly spinning

(六)拳术类 Boxing

长拳(chánɡquán) Chang fish/boxing/quan

太极拳(tàijíquán) Taiji fish/boxing/quan

南拳(nánquán) Southern fish/boxing/quan

二十四式太极拳(èrshísìshì tàijíquán) twenty-four styles Taiji fish/boxing/quan

查拳(cháquán) Cha fish/boxing/quan

华拳(huáquán) Hua fish/boxing/quan

红拳(hónɡquán) Hong fish/boxing/quan

炮拳(pàoquán) Pao fish/boxing/quan

绵拳(miánquán) Mian fish/boxing/quan

八卦拳(bāɡuàquán) Bagua fish/boxing/quan

八极拳(bājíquán) Baji fish/boxing/quan

五步拳(wǔbùquán) Wubu fish/boxing/quan

戳脚(chuōjiǎo) Chuojiao fish/boxing/quan

翻子拳(fānzǐquán) Fanzi fish/boxing/quan

地趟拳(dìtànɡquán) Ditang fish/boxing/quan

劈挂拳(pīɡuàquán) Pigua fish/boxing/quan

少林拳(shǎolínquán) Shaolin fish/boxing/quan

武当拳(wǔdānɡquán) Wudang fish/boxing/quan

象形拳(xiànɡxínɡquán) Imitation fish/boxing/quan

螳螂拳(tánɡlánɡquán) Mantis fish/boxing/quan

通背拳(tōnɡbèiquán) Tongbei fish/boxing/quan

鹤拳(hèquán) Crane fish/boxing/quan

猴拳(hóuquán) Monkey fish/boxing/quan

蛇拳(shéquán) Snake fish/boxing/quan

虎拳(hǔquán) Tiger fish/boxing/quan

鹰爪拳(yīnɡzhǎoquán) Eagle claw fish/boxing/quan

形意拳(xínɡyìquán) Xingyi fish/boxing/quan

燕青拳(yànqīnɡquán) Yanqing fish/boxing/quan

咏春拳(yǒnɡchūnquán) Yongchun fish/boxing/quan

醉拳(zuìquán) Drunken fish/boxing/quan

(七)器械类 Routine with Weapons

1.单器械 Single Weapon

刀(dāo) broad sword

刀术(dāoshù) broad sword play

棍(ɡùn) staff

棍术(ɡùnshù) staff play

枪(qiānɡ) spear

枪术(qiānɡshù) spear play

剑(jiàn) straight sword

剑术(jiànshù) straight sword play

2.双器械 Double Weapons

双钩(shuānɡɡōu) double hook swords

双剑(shuānɡjiàn) double straight swords

双刀(shuānɡdāo) double broad swords

双鞭(shuānɡbiān) double whip

3.其他器械 Other Weapons

醉剑(zuìjiàn) drunken straight sword play

长穗剑(chánɡsuìjiàn) long-tassel straight sword play

长器械(chánɡqìxiè) long weapon

大刀(dàdāo) handle broad sword

九节鞭(jiǔjiébiān) nine-joint whip

绳标(shénɡbiāo) rope dart

三节棍(sānjiéɡùn) three-section staff

流星锤(liúxīnɡchuí) meteor hammer

(八)对练类 Sparring

徒手对练(túshǒuduìliàn) Bare-handed dual exercises

器械对练(qìxièduìliàn) Weapons dual exercises

徒手与器械对练(túshǒuyǔqìxièduìliàn) Bare-handed against Weapons dual exercises

(九)评分标准 Grading Standards

动作规格 standard of movement

姿势 posture

劲力 strength

速度 speed

精神 spirit

风格 style

节奏 rhythm

协调 coordination

内容 content

布局 arrangement

结构 structure

准确 accuracy

熟练 proficiency

沉稳 stable

发声 shout

分段 section

动作组合 series

训练 train

起伏 undulation

定势 fixed posture

(十)扣分内容 Deduction

没有完成套路 unfinished routine

器械、服装影响动作 movement affected by apparatus and costumes

器械折断(或掉地) broken(or down)weapon

弃权 abstention

附加动作 additional movement

附加支撑 additional support

出界 outside boundary

遗忘 forget

失去平衡 lose balances

重做 re-performance

时间不符规定 time violation

服装(开纽) costume (unbuttoned)

轻微不符 slight inconformity

显著不符 apparent inconformity

严重不符 serious inconformity

扣分 deduction of point

加分 bonus

取消比赛资格 disqualify

示分 display points device

得分相等 same score

最后得分 final score

最高分 highest mark

最低分 lowest mark

总分 total point

停 sto