一、基本技术动作 Basic Technique Movements
(一)静态动作 Static Technique Movements
1.手形 Hand Gesture
抢手Thrust Palm
Face the palm upside and tighten four fingers, internally rotate the thumb, point the fingers toward 45 degrees upside, and power extends to the finger point(Fig.5-3-1).
2.步形 Stance Gesture
虚步 Empty stance
Bow one leg and squat, the whole foot touch on the ground.The toe tips of the other foot have the empty touch on the ground, internally rotate the knee.Keep the eyes looking straight ahead(Fig.5-3-2).
Points to Remember: to be clear on the virtual or real touch down on the ground with chest out and abdomen in.
(二)动态动作 Dynamic Technique Movements
1.手法 Hand Techniques
(1)格挡 High and low block on the right side/left side
Outwardly rotate the left upper arm and uplift as shoulder level, outwardly rotate the lower arm to high block from left side to upper of left anterior.Move the gravity down to horse-riding stance to have the low block within the rebounding from the outward rotation of the lower arm.(Fig.5-3-3 ①②③)。
Points to Remember: block with high efficiency harmoniously.
(2)抢手 Thrust palms with forward step
Step the left leg forward within the left palm pushing out quickly from waist, face the palm upside and extend the power to fingers, retake the right fist to the waist.And then step the right leg forward within the right palm changing from fist quickly through waist, retaking the left fist to the waist(Fig.5-3-4①②③).
(3)拿腕 Twisting grasp
左臂前伸内旋,左掌从腰间经胸前向前叼拿,右掌向前按于左腕处,虎口向内(图5-3-5 ①②③④)。
Stretch out the left arm forward and internally rotate the arm, twist grasp the left palm through chest from the waist.The right palm presses on the left wrist, the part of hand between the thumb and index finger toward inside(Fig.5-3-5 ①②③④).
Points to Remember: make all the movements quickly and harmoniously.
图5-3-5 ①②③④(Fig.5-3-5 ①②③④)
(4)合肘 Internal Rotation Elbow
身体左转,重心下移成左虚步;双拳随身体左转内合,向前上方抄出,拳面向上,左拳高与鼻平,右拳置于胸前(图5-3-6 ①②)。
Turn the body to the left within moving gravity down to form left empty stance and internally rotate both arms and reach out the fists towards upper front, facing the fist surface upside with the left fist higher than nose and the right fist in front of the chest(Fig.5-3-6 ①②).
Points to Remember: internally rotate both elbows and extend the power to the face of fist.
图5-3-6 ①②(Fig.5-3-6 ①②)
图5-3-7 ①②(Fig.5-3-7 ①②)
2.腿法 Leg Techniques
(1)弹腿 Spring kick
左腿屈膝下蹲,右腿由屈到伸上抬并向前弹踢,脚面绷紧,力达脚尖,弹踢高不过膝,弹踢结束后迅速收小腿。目视前方(图5-3-7 ①②)。
Bend the left knee and squat, and spring the right leg from bending to straight and lift it to kick with toes pointed and powered, the kick is lower than knee.Retake the lower leg quickly after the kick.Keep the eyes looking straight ahead(Fig.5-3-7 ①②).
Points to Remember: to have the kick naturally, and full of elastic.The power extended to toes.
(2)勾踢 Low hook kick
右腿上提内扣,右脚脚掌上挑,脚跟擦地后向左前方勾踢,左脚掌与小腿夹角90°,两掌胸前合抱(图5-3-8 ①②)。
Uplift the right leg and internally rotateit, facing the sole toward upside.And hook kick to left front after the heel scratch on the ground, the angle between left sole and leg is 90 degrees.Two palms clench in chest(Fig.5-3-8 ①②).
Points to Remember: low hook kick with small margin, and power with tucked body, extend the power to inside of the hook kick leg.
(3)低踹腿 Low side sole kick
Uplift the right leg and fold the upper leg and lower leg, internally rotate the sole.Stretch out the right hip, and use the upper leg to push the lower leg and kick towards lower right within the straight knee powered to sole keep the eyes looking at the right leg.(Fig.5-3-9①②③).
Points to Remember: uplift the leg and squat, the height of the kick is lower than knee.