二、对打套路 Fighting Form(1 / 1)

(一)动作名称 Action names

(二)动作图解 Action diagrams


Prepare motion: A and B stand up-right(Fig.5-2-29).




Starting motion: A and B turn and stand up-right.A and B stand on erzi qianyangma(Fig.5-2-30①②).


A left fu right bang, B left fu right tan: A and B with four arms intersect, A does left fushou forward from outsider to race to control the midline of B, right hand does bangshou desiring to defuse B's fushou, put the wrist to the midline of B's chest.Relax the left wrist of B, does fushou on the bangshou of A, right hand does tanshou intersecting with A's fushou(Fig.5-2-31).


Points to Remember: A and B constantly grab midline of each other's chest by fushou, bangshou, tanshou, to protect his own midline.Require waist, lower limb, hands and mind in a overall unity.


A left fu right tan,B left fu right bang: The arms of A and B intersect with each other.A does left fushou forward from outsider and the right hand does tanshou from insider to grab B's midline of chest, the wrist should put on the midline of chest.B does left fushou on the tanshou of A,right hand changes tanshou to bangshou, rolls forward to grab A's midline of chest(Fig.5-2-32).(this is the distinct two-handed practice of Yongchun Quan,applying to single practice and two-person practice)


Points to Remember: A and B make bodies and shoulders immovability, wrists on the same level, grab the midline of the other side directly without pressing mind.




A right pushing palm, B left zhenshou: A changes right tanshou to palm and pushes out toward B's midline, B changes left fushou to zhenshou and pushes out forward to midline to intercept A's palm(Fig.5-2-33①②).



Points to Remember: When A changes tanshou to pushing palm, the hand and elbow can not pull back, A should change hand motion at home position attacking the other side.When B does zhenshou to grab the midline of chest, the upper limb keeps unchanged, the fingers raise up, the elbow closes to the midline of chest.the fingers, palm and forearm reach a line aim at A's midline of chest without pressing mind.Two sides only move one hand, the other hand keeps unchanged.


Aspiring mode but not hands is the main technical features of Yongchun Quan, meaning that during contacting with enemy by doing qiaoshou, do not follow the change of enemy, but attack enemy's important part of trunk.


B left fish right tan, A left fu right bang: B changes left zhenshou to fist pushing to chest of A, right bangshou changes to tanshou to intercept left fushou of A at midline.A changes right pushing palm to bangshou to round defusing the left fist of B, and keeps left fushou forward(Fig.5-2-34①②).


Points to Remember: When A does left bangshou, does not shrug shoulders, does not force against and leads other deviation by rolling force.Left punching fist and right tanshou of B should do at the same time.



B left zhuanma with elbowing, A left zhuanma with clap: When B does left zhuanma, right arm entad bend, attack A's middle colpus from top to bottom by elbow, left arm bends naturally and takes back at midline for protection.A does left zhuanma conveniently, claps B's right shoulder by right palm, left hand takes back at midline for protection(Fig.5-2-35①②).


Points to Remember: B: taking wrist back and elbowing are in one go.A: zhuanma and clapping are overall party.



B left fist right tan, A left fu right bang: B turns to right for 90 degrees,the barycenter moves to left foot, and left hand changes to fist to punching towards middle of A's chest with eye of fist upward. At the same time, right elbow falls down and changes to tanshou aiming at A's left shoulder.Lower limb of A keeps unchange, attacks B's midline of chest by left fushou, right bangshou defuses the fist from A(Fig.5-2-36).


Points to Remember: B punching fist and tanshou do simultaneously.A fushou and bangshou are all forward, intercept B's attacking, make attack and defense integral.


A left tanshou and right heel kick, B tuima: A changes right bangshou to tanshou to attack midline of B's chest, left hand almost unchanged, meanwhile lifts right leg to kick B's right thigh, then conveniently falls over the between of B's two legs.B does tuima, takes right foot back, two arms almost unchanged(Fig.5-2-37①②).


Points to Remember: When A kicks leg, B does tuima timely.




B outsider sweeping leg, A circling leg tuima: B's left foot sweeps to A's right foot from outer to inner.A adduces right knee, lifts right foot to the foreupward of left leg and circles leg tuima.Keeps qiaoshou of each other unchanged(Fig.5-2-38).




Points to Remember: B's circling leg should not hook foot.After sweeping, steps left foot first and right foot followed without surpassing.The right foot of A takes advantage of the power of B's circling leg to stand on Erzi qianyangma.


B left fish right tan,A left fu right bang: B takes back left foot as erzi qianyangma, left hand does fushou attacking the center of A's chest, right tanshou intercepts A's fushou.A does left fushou attack the center of B's chest and intercepts B's left fushou by right bangshou(Fig.5-2-39).


Points to Remember: When chishou,arms are relaxing and grabing the midline.


A right tan right jinma, B left fu left tuima: A's right leg steps along with arc to jinma, right bangshou changes to tanshou grabbing the midline of B's chest, left hand unchanged.while B steps left tuima, the hand does left fushou to defuse the attacking of A's tanshou, right tanshou rolls forward changing to bangshou(Fig.5-2-40).


Points to Remember: A: right leg steps jinma to grab the inner of B's left leg, left leg follows behind, keeps the hand and foot simultaneous.B:Left fushou pushes forward from outsider by elbow and takes advantage of B's jinma to retreat.




B right tan right jinma, A left fu left tuima: B steps right jinma, meanwhile, right bangshou changes to tanshou to grab the midline of A, left hand keeps unchanged.A steps left tuima, when left fushou grabs midline desiring to lead B's tanshou deviation, right tanshou rolls forward changing to bangshou(Fig.5-2-41).


Points to Remember: B: jinma and tanshou does simultaneously.A: left fushou pushes forward from outsider by elbow and takes anvantage of B's attack to tuima.


Ending motion: Two legs up-right, left to right foot; clench the fists beside the chest with eye of fists upward,then fists change to palms falling down and stand on up-right(Fig.5-2-42①②).


Points to Remember: stand on up-right.
