第二节 WTO争端解决机制的适用范围(1 / 1)



Appendix 1

Agreements Coverel by the Understanding

(A) Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization

(B) Multilateral Trade Agreements

Annex1A:Multilateral Agreements on Trade in Goods

Annex 1B:General Agreement on Trade in Services

Annex1C:Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights

Annex 2:Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes

(C) Plurilateral Trade Agreements

Annex 4:Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft

Agreement on Government Procurement

International Dairy Agreement

International Bovine Meat Agreement

The applicability of this Understanding to the Plurilateral Trade Agreements shall be subject to the adoption of a decision by the parties to each agreement setting out the terms for the application of the Understanding to the individual agreement, including any special or additional rules or procedures for inclusion in Appendix 2, as notified to the DSB.



Appendix 2

Special or Additional Rulfs and Procedures

Contained in the Covered Agreements

Agreement Rules and Procedures

The list of rules and procedures in this Appendix includes provisions where only a part of the provision may be relevant in this context.

Any special or additional rules or procedures in the Plurilateral Trade Agreements as determined by the competent bodies of each agreement and as notified to the DSB.


Article 1

Coverage and Application

2.The rules and procedures of this Understanding shall apply subject to such special or additional rules and procedures on dispute settlement contained in the covered agreements as are identified in Appendix 2 to this Understanding. To the extent that there is a difference between the rules and procedures of this Understanding and the special or additional rules and procedures set forth in Appendix 2, the special or additional rules and procedures in Appendix 2 shall prevail. In disputes involving rules and procedures under more than one covered agreement, if there is a conflict between special or additional rules and procedures of such agreements under review, and where the parties to the dispute cannot agree on rules and procedures within 20 days of the establishment of the panel, the Chairman of the Dispute Settlement Body provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 2 (referred to in this Understanding as the “DSB”), in consultation with the parties to the dispute, shall determine the rules and procedures to be followed within 10 days after a request by either Member. The Chairman shall be guided by the principle that special or additional rules and procedures should be used where possible, and the rules and procedures set out in this Understanding should be used to the extent necessary to avoid conflict.





对于WTO争端解决机制的受案范围,GATT 1994第23条规定了三种情况:另一成员违反了协定的义务;另一成员采取了某种未违反协定义务的措施;其他情况。[4]WTO的谅解在第3条第8款和第26条对此问题又进行了更详细的规定。



DSU第3条第8款规定:In cases where there is an infringement of the obligations assumed under a covered agreement, the action is considered prima facie to constitute a case of nullification or impairment. This means that there is normally a presumption that a breach of the rules has an adverse impact on other Members parties to that covered agreement, and in such cases, it shall be up to the Member against whom the complaint has been brought to rebut the charge. 该规定意味着,只要“被诉方”违反了协定义务,该行动即被视为初步构成利益抵消或减损的情况,当然“被控方”有权进行反驳。显而易见,根据该规定,WTO争端解决机制DSU所确立的程序无条件地适用于违反之诉。[6]





Non-Violation Complaints of the Type Described in Paragraph 1(b) of Article ⅩⅩⅢ of GATT 1994

Where the provisions of paragraph 1(b) of Article ⅩⅩⅢ of GATT 1994 are applicable to a covered agreement, a panel or the Appellate Body may only make rulings and recommendations where a party to the dispute considers that any benefit accruing to it directly or indirectly under the relevant covered agreement is being nullified or impaired or the attainment of any objective of that Agreement is being impeded as a result of the application by a Member of any measure, whether or not it conflicts with the provisions of that Agreement. Where and to the extent that such party considers and a panel or the Appellate Body determines that a case concerns a measure that does not conflict with the provisions of a covered agreement to which the provisions of paragraph 1(b) of Article ⅩⅩⅢ of GATT 1994 are applicable, the procedures in this Understanding shall apply, subject to the following:

(a)the complaining party shall present a detailed justification in support of any complaint relating to a measure which does not conflict with the relevant covered agreement;

(b) where a measure has been found to nullify or impair benefits under, or impede the attainment of objectives, of the relevant covered agreement without violation thereof, there is no obligation to withdraw the measure. However, in such cases, the panel or the Appellate Body shall recommend that the Member concerned make a mutually satisfactory adjustment;

(c)notwithstanding the provisions of Article 21, the arbitration provided for in paragraph 3 of Article 21, upon request of either party, may include a determination of the level of benefits which have been nullified or impaired, and may also suggest ways and means of reaching a mutually satisfactory adjustment; such suggestions shall not be binding upon the parties to the dispute;

(d) notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 22, compensation may be part of a mutually satisfactory adjustment as final settlement of the dispute.




[1] 韩立余:《既往不咎——WTO争端解决机制研究》,北京,北京大学出版社,2009,第5页。

[2] WT/DS54/R, WT/DS55/R, WT/DS59/R, WT/DS64/R.

[3] 附件4中的另外两个协定:《国际奶制品协定》和《国际牛肉协定》已于1997年年底终止。

[4] 当然,这三种情况下成员须证明其利益被抵消或减损,或者协定目标的实现受到了阻碍。

[5] 余敏友、左海聪、黄志雄:《WTO争端解决机制概论》,上海,上海人民出版社,2001,第120页。

[6] 姜作利:《中国与WTO争端解决机制——案例分析与对策研究》,济南,山东人民出版社,2007,第9页。

[7] 沈四宝主编:《世界贸易组织法教程》,北京,对外经济贸易大学出版社,2005,第363页。