Children’s literacy development is not only determined by their personal characteristics, but influenced by a set of environmental factors.In this chapter, important environment discrepancies across several Chinese societies are first summarized.How these discrepancies affect children’s Chinese literacy acquisition and development are then addressed, from the following aspects: 1)How does the adoption of different scripts (simplified Chinese VS traditional Chinese) impact children’s word recognition and visual skills? 2)How do differences in various aspects in educational approaches, including teaching strategies, age of formal education, affect children’s Chinese literacy acquisition across Chinese societies? 3) What is the influence of dialects (e.g.Cantonese) and the second language (i.e.English) acquisition on children’s reading and writing development? In sum, environmental discrepancies should always be taken into account as they impose variant impacts on literacy development.
Key words
Chinese learning, Literacy development, environment discrepancies, scripts, teaching methods
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[1] 香港城市大学应用社会系
[2] 香港中文大学生命全期发展实验室
[3] 香港中文大学社会科学学院副院长、心理系发展中心主任
[4] 语义部首与其所处汉字语义相关程度越高,则代表该汉字语义透明度越高。
[5] 尽管存在粤语拼音,但由于该拼音系统较为复杂,学校并不教授。
[6] 部首意识:儿童意识到一部分汉字(复合字)可以被拆分不同的部首(语音部首和语义部首)。
[7] 标识汉字所属语义范畴,或所属类别。例如“钅”通常出现在标识各类金属名称的汉字中,如 “铁”“铜”“锌”等。
[8] 标识汉字发音,与汉字真实发音的一致程度因字而异。
[9] 特定部首在不同汉字中出现的位置相对固定。语义部首通常出现在左侧,比如“钅”在“铁”字左侧;语音部首更多出现在右侧,比如“昌”在“唱”的右侧。
[10] 该研究中,中文抄写使用延迟抄写的方式对陌生的中文字进行默抄;而与中文无关的抄写则是对韩文、希伯来文和越南文的部分符号进行复刻式抄写。
[11] “节俭”规划(economical programming)是指,与随机的、无组织的汉字笔画涂抹相反,通过对书写顺序的规划、对手部动作的组织,最大程度上减少无效动作,提高书写效率。
[12] 此处的同音字是指,声母和韵母组合均相同的字。
[13] 参与“集中英语课程”的儿童每星期接受10小时的英语教学,必须学会的英文词汇亦较参与“常规英语课程”的儿童多2~4倍。