This chapter begins by discussing the importance of research in bilingualism and giving an overview of how reading acquisition and development in bilingual children differ from their monolingual counterparts.We proceed by defining the prevailing theories in bilingual reading development and highlighting the important aspects of reading development that are critical to bilingual reading acquisition.More specifically, we take an in-depth look at the various aspects of cross-language transfer, including phonological, morphological, and orthographic transfer.After each discussion of these topics, we examine how each of these areas of bilingual reading development impacts the learning process for bilingual children.We then proceed to specific advantages and disadvantages that Chinese children face in their acquisition of a second language and how their experience with their second language relates to their experience with their first language.We then review current challenges in our understanding of reading development in bilingual children.Finally, we attempt to bring light to new opportunities for future research in bilingual reading development in an effort to target new potential lines of investigation for prospective researchers in the context of Chinese-English bilingual children.
Key words
bilingualism, cross-language transfer, phonological transfer, morphological transfer, orthographic transfer, benefit of bilingualism
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[1] 美国马里兰大学帕克分校(University of Maryland, College Park)
[2] 美国马里兰大学帕克分校(University of Maryland, College Park)
[3] L1为第一语言简称,L2为第二语言简称。——编者注