[1] “再现的人类经历”:小说家希拉里·曼特尔在BBC广播四套《睿思演讲》第四期中的表述,2017年7月4日。
[2] “奇异的事物虽多”:Sophocles, Antigone, line 332.
[3] “起来,希腊人!”:Aeschylus, Persians, lines 402–5.
[4] 自由是“文明的现代化标尺”:David Kelly and Anthony Reid editors, Asian Freedoms: the Idea of Freedom in East and Southeast Asia (Cambridge, 1998), p. 11.
[5] “如果让所有人……选出”:Herodotus 3, 38, 1.
[6] “全体希腊人……的纽带”:Herodotus 8, 144, 2.
[7] “超文化”:Christopher Dawson, The Dynamics of World History (New York, 1956), p. 402.
[8] “他完全沉浸在……研究”:Pseudo-Aurelius Victor, Epitome de Caesaribus 14, 2.
[9] “ 能有什么……更危险”:Maximus Confessor, Letters 14 (PG 91, 540A–541B).
第一章 希腊文明的曙光
[10] “既艰苦又简朴”:Aelius Aristides, On Rome 1, 31–38 (165–168D), trans. Charles Behr.
[11] “米诺斯是第一个”:Thucydides 1, 4.
第二章 古希腊人的崛起
[12] “如今这个被称为希腊的国家”:Thucydides 1, 1.
[13] “没有艺术,没有文学”:Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan, chapter 13.
[14] 从仪式上“杀死了”(勒夫坎第的建筑):参见Angélique Labrude in Anastasia Dakouri-Hill and Michael J. Boyd, eds, Staging Death (Berlin, 2016), pp. 307–8.
[15] “阿喀琉斯的怒火”:Homer, Iliad 1, 1–8. 引自Alexander Pope, The Iliad of Homer, vol. 1 (London, 1801), p. 4, lines 1–8.
[16] “好似树上的叶子”:Homer, Iliad 6, 146–148. 引自Alexander Pope, The Iliad of Homer, vol. 1 (London, 1801), p. 177, lines 181–3.
[17] “精良的头盔”:Homer, Iliad 10, 261–265. 引自Alexander Pope, The Iliad of Homer, vol. 1 (London, 1801), p. 296, lines 309–12.
[18] “这些翩翩起舞的舞者中的翘楚”:Rosalind Thomas, Literacy and Orality in Ancient Greece (Cambridge, 1992), p. 58, 引用Lilian Jeffery, Local Scripts of Archaic Greece, 2nd edn, revised Alan Johnston (Oxford, 1990), p. 76, no. 1.
[19] “首领留下众人”:Homer, Iliad 23, 257–260. 引自Alexander Pope, The Iliad of Homer, vol. 2 (London, 1801), pp. 324–5, lines 321–5.
[20] “海伦的后代”:Hesiod, Catalogues of Women, fragment 4.
第三章 新事物
[21] “墨涅拉俄斯的海伦”:Hector Catling and Helena Cavanagh, Kadmos 15 (1976), pp. 145–57. 希腊文翻译Robert Parker: www.academia.edu/22684765/The_Cult_of_Helen_and_Menelaos_in_the_Spartan_Menelaion (accessed 7 October 2016).
[22] “愿天神保佑”(德莱洛斯铭文):Russell Meiggs and David Lewis, A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions to the End of the Fifth Century BC (Oxford, 1969, revised edn 1988), no. 2.
[23] “那些善使长矛的优卑亚贵族”:Archilochus fragment 3.
[24] “几乎所有战争都是两个城邦之间的单打独斗”:Thucydides 1, 15.
[25] “参加安菲达玛斯的葬礼”:Plutarch, Moralia 153f.
[26] “我给予庶民”和“减负”:Plutarch, Solon 18. 4 and 16. 3.
[27] “传令官跑在他们前面”:Herodotus 1, 60.
[28] “他们(希腊人)发明了数学”:Bertrand Russell, History of Western Philosophy (London, 1962), p. 25.
[29] “事物由何处生”:‘Anaximander (c. 620–546 b.c.e.)’, by Dirk L. Couprie, The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ISSN 2161–0002, http://www.iep.utm.edu/ (accessed 8 October 2016).
[30] “大营中的泰勒斯”:Herodotus 1, 75.
[31] “雅典人科洛厄布斯”:Pliny, Natural History 1, 7, 56.
[32] “现在地面已洁”:Xenophanes, fragment 1 (Diels), trans. John Burnet.
第四章 像克洛伊索斯一样富有
[33] “你等待着”:Hesiod, Works and Days, lines 630–640.
[34] “万军之主……这样说”:Jeremiah 7, 21.
[35] “现任的首席执法官”:Inscriptiones Graecae 12, 5, no. 647, lines 6–16.
[36] “之后,在焚烧祭品的过程中”:Porphyry, On abstinence from animal food, 4, 15, trans. Thomas Taylor.
[37] “以巴比伦盟军的身份作战时”:Alcaeus, fragment 350 (Lobel-Page).
[38] “白昼突然间变为黑夜”:Herodotus 1, 74, 2.
[39] “像头……母狮”:Epic of Gilgamesh: Gilgamesh 8, 61–2.
[40] “这雄狮”:Homer, Iliad 18, 318–323. 与吉尔伽美什史诗的比较,参看Johannes Haubold, Greece and Mesopotamia (Cambridge, 2013), pp. 22–3.
[41] “当普萨美提克斯王来到”:Russell Meiggs and David Lewis, A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions to the End of the Fifth Century BC (Oxford, 1969, revised edn 1988), no. 7.
[42] “但你不停地叨念”(萨福新译):Dirk Obbink, Zeitschrift f?r Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 189 (2014), pp. 32–49.
[43] “卡拉克索斯”和“洛多庇斯”:Herodotus 2, 135.
[44] “雕刻立柱——精美的作品”:Apollo-temple inscription in Gillian Shepherd in Nick Fisher and Hans van Wees, eds, Aristocracy in Antiquity (Swansea, 2015), pp. 367–70.
[45] “吕底亚人……是我们所知的最早”:Herodotus 1, 94, 1.
[46] “瓦外特”:Koray Konuk in William Metcalf, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Coinage (Oxford, 2012), p. 47.
[47] 以弗所的KROIΣOΣ(克洛索伊斯):BM GR 1872.4–5.19, discussed in Brian Cook, Greek Inscriptions (London, 1987), pp. 17–18.
[48] “在吕底亚盛宴上听了”:Pindar, fragment 125 (Snell).
[49] “从吕底亚人那里学来的精致方式”:Xenophanes, fragment 3 (Diels).
[50] 米利都附近的雕塑:Berlin inventory 1664; Erich Kistler在讨论吕底亚之奢华时有过论述,Linda Marie Gunther and Paolo Filigheddu, eds, Tryphe und Kultritualim archaischen Kleinasien (Wiesbaden, 2011), p. 60.
[51] “克利尔库斯说……波利克拉特斯”:Clearchus of Soli, fragment 44 (Wehrli) cited by Athenaeus, Deipnosophists 12, 540f.
[52] “与马利亚海角保持十英里”:www.cruiserswiki.org/wiki/Elafonisos (accessed 25 January 2018).
[53] “一边直通亚洲”:Strabo 8, 6, 20.
第五章 大希腊人
[54] “大希腊”:Strabo 6, 1, 2; Pliny, Natural History 3, 95 (‘Magna Graecia’).
[55] “地震、火山喷发”(皮提库萨):Strabo 5, 4, 9.
[56] “涅斯托耳的美酒杯”:此处题字的译文参考Rosalind Thomas, Literacy and Orality in Ancient Greece (Cambridge, 1992), p. 58.
[57] “光秃秃的山坡……泛着黄色”:Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, trans. Archibald Colquhoun, The Leopard (London, 1988), p. 55.
[58] 默干提纳的ΠIBE:Carla Antonaccio and Tim Sgea in Laura Manicalco, ed., Morgantina duemilaquindici: La ricerca archeologica sessant’anni dall’avvio degli scavi (Palermo, 2015), pp. 59–67.
[59] “在阿克拉加斯人”:Polyaenus, Stratagems 5, 1, 3.
[60] 60塔伦的黄金:赛利努斯神庙铭文,Russell Meiggs and David Lewis, A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions to the End of the Fifth Century BC (Oxford, 1969, revised edn 1988) no. 38, 如今保存在重新开放的巴勒摩考古博物馆。
[61] 赛利努斯的鬼魂:Michael H. Jameson, David R. Jordan and Roy D. Kotansky, A Lex Sacra from Selinous (Durham, North Carolina, 1993), pp. 15 and 17 (translation). 参见Robert L. Fowler, Early Greek Mythography Ⅱ. Commentary (Oxford, 2015), pp. 70–1 with n. 267.
[62] 古西西里的迦太基“港口”:Justin 18, 7.
[63] “迦太基人控制下的西西里部分地区”(公元前509年):Polybius 3, 22, 10.
[64] “最杰出的喜剧诗人”:Plato, Theaetetus 152e.
[65] “规划和规模”:Polybius 9, 27, 9.
[66] “西西里之主”(盖隆):Herodotus 7, 157.
第六章 遭遇(西方)邻居
[67] 农业指南的罗马译本:Columella, De re rustica 1, 1, 12.
[68] “此刻,一个……人”:G. Flaubert, Salamb?, trans. May French Sheldon (London and New York, 1886), p. 354.
[69] “每个落入其手的孩童”:Diodorus Siculus 20, 14, 6.
[70] 亚伯拉罕:Genesis 22, 1–19.
[71] 关于迦太基孩童献祭的争论:Paolo Xella, Valentina Melchiorri and Peter van Dommelen, Antiquity 87 (2013), pp. 1199–207; Maria Giulia Amadasi Guzzo and José ?ngel Zamora López, Studi Epigrafici e Linguistici, 29–30 (2012–13), pp. 159–92.
[72] 迦太基的政治稳定:Aristotle, Politics 2, 1272b.
[73] “判断力与素养”:Cicero, On the Republic 1, fragment 1, trans. David Fott.
[74] 古迦太基的双耳细颈瓶:Babette Bechtold and Roald Docter in Motya and the Phoenician Ceramic Repertoire (Rome, 2010), pp. 85–116; Laura Portas and five others, Journal of Biological Research 88 (2015), pp. 166–9.
[75] “他们行军必经的郊野”:Diodorus Siculus 20, 8, 3–4.
[76] Supplies from Sardinia (480 bc): Diodorus Siculus 11, 20, 4.
[77] “如今”:Pseudo-Aristotle, ‘On marvellous things heard’ (原拉丁书名为‘De mirabilibus auscultationibus’), 100, trans. L. D. Dowdall, in J. Barnes, ed., The Complete Works of Aristotle: The Revised Oxford Translation (Princeton, NJ, 1984), vol. 2, p. 1282.
[78] 撒丁岛的调查结果:Andrea Roppa and Peter van Dommelen, Journal of Roman Archaeology 25 (2012), pp. 49–68.
[79] “在伊特鲁里亚”:Pseudo-Aristotle, ‘On marvellous things heard’ (同上), 93, trans. L. D. Dowdall, in J. Barnes, ed., The Complete Works of Aristotle. The Revised Oxford Transla- tion (Princeton, NJ, 1984), vol. 2, p. 1284.
[80] 索斯特拉图斯铭文:Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum 26 (1976), no. 1137.
[81] “无人可及”:Herodotus 4, 152, 3.
[82] “伊特鲁里亚人有一项法律规定”:Theophrastus fragment 204 cited by Athenaeus, Deipnosophists 12, 517d-e (trans. C. B. Gulick).
[83] “在罗马取得霸权之前”:Livy 5, 33, 7–8.
[84] “狄诺米尼斯之(子)西耶隆和叙拉古人”(西耶隆的头盔铭文):Russell Meiggs and David Lewis, A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions to the End of the Fifth Century bc (Oxford, 1969, revised edn 1988), no. 29.
[85] 战争时间:Diodorus Siculus 11, 51.
[86] “罗穆路斯和雷穆斯过着”:Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Roman Antiquities 1, 79, 11.
[87] “默默无闻、地位卑微”:Livy 1, 8, 5–6.
[88] “罗穆路斯的糟粕”:Cicero, ad Atticum 2, 1, 8.
[89] “用不可抗拒的**为借口”:Livy 1, 9, 16.
[90] “自由民的母亲”:Livy 1, 9, 14–15.
[91] “惊讶不已”:Livy 1, 1, 8.
[92] 瓦尔奇的陶罐:Munich, Antikensammlungen, 1546.
[93] “无损于(罗马)统治下的拉丁人”:Polybius 3, 22, 11.
第七章 “万众之主”
[94] “万众之主”:Aeschines, Against Ctesiphon 132, trans. C. D. Adams.
[95] “……希腊领袖”:Thucydides 1, 132, 2–3.
[96] “看哪,我必挑动”:Isaiah 13, 18.
[97] “我乃大流士,伟大的国王”:Behistun inscription (DB): § 1–4, trans. Maria Brosius, The Persian Empire from Cyrus Ⅱ to Artaxerxes I (London, 2000), p. 30.
[98] 皇家墓地的王座平台铭文:Amélie Kuhrt, The Persian Empire (London, 2007), vol. 2, pp. 483–4.
[99] “天下最富庶的城市”:Diodorus Siculus 17, 70, 2.
[100] “钩心斗角的舞台”:Madawi al-Rasheed, A History of Saudi Arabia, 2nd edn (Cambridge, 2010), pp. 77–8.
[101] “当他们到达时”(阿思达特斯):Xenophon, Anabasis 7, 8, 9–16.
[102] “珍宝总计”:Strabo 15, 3, 9. USA figures: http://minerals.usgs.gov/minerals/pubs/commodity/silver/mcs-2012-silve.pdf.
[103] “搜刮者”:Herodotus 3, 89, 3.
[104] “历史之父”:Cicero, Laws 1, 5.
[105] “你越深入研究他”:J. L. Lazenby, The Defence of Greece 490–479 bc (Warminster, 1993), p. 15.
[106] “波斯人看见(雅典人)”:Herodotus 6, 112, 2–3.
[107] “欧弗里翁之子塞涅吉鲁斯”:Herodotus 6, 114, 1.
[108] “我不希望有人”:Naqx-i Rustam inscription (DNb) § 4, trans. Maria Brosius, The Persian Empire from Cyrus Ⅱ to Artaxerxes I (London, 2000), p. 64. 参见Thomas Harrison in A. Fitzpatrick-McKinley, ed., Assessing Biblical and Classical Sources for the Reconstruction of Persian Infiuence (Wiesbaden, 2014), pp. 3–11.
[109] “木质的墙”神谕:Herodotus 7, 141, 3–4.
[110] “陌生人,去告诉”:Herodotus 7, 228, 2.
[111] “想在国王面前大显身手的”:Herodotus 8, 89, 2.
[112] “波斯人与他有亲缘关系”:Herodotus 8, 136, 1.
[113] “凭着勇气和不懈的努力”:Herodotus 9, 70, 2.
[114] “他们的自由”:Herodotus 7, 147, 1.
[115] “因此,若说雅典人”:Herodotus 7, 139, 5.
第八章 同中存异
[116] “那堆死气沉沉的大理石废墟中”:Nancy Mitford cited in Charlotte Mosley, ed., A Talent to Annoy (London, 1996), p. 107.
[117] 陶质餐具:Ann Steiner, Classical Antiquity, 21 (2002), pp. 347–90; 斯坦纳教授慷慨地让我参阅了他关于圆形建筑中的陶器的未发表的论文。
[118] “把民众拉拢进自己的圈子”:Herodotus 5, 66, 2.
[119] “nébuleuse”:Jean Duma, Les Bourbon-Penthièvre (1678–1893) (Paris, 1995), p. 14.
[120] “米太亚德之子西蒙”:Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum 46 (1996), no. 79.
[121] “它也被用来剪除”:?Aristotle, Athenian Constitution 22, 6.
[122] “蝉形金色饰针”:Thucydides 1, 6, 3–4.
[123] “倘若是其他人”:Plato, Protagoras 319b-d, trans. W. R. M. Lamb, adjusted.
[124] 伯里克利的“能力”和“个人声望”:Thucydides 2, 65, 8.
[125] “伯里克利的杰作”:Plutarch, Pericles 13, 3.
[126] “平等对待每个人”:Thucydides 2, 37, 1.
[127] “贫穷”“优秀的”:Thucydides 2, 37, 1.
[128] “你们就是值得赞美的”:Thucydides 2, 45, 2.
[129] “好女人的名声”:Plutarch, Moralia 242e.
[130] “像……驴子”:Tyrtaeus, fragments 6–7 West.
[131] “最勇猛”:Thucydides 4, 80, 3.
[132] 夜间杀戮:Plutarch, Lycurgus 28.
[133] “在任何时候都是按照……来安排”:Thucydides 4, 80, 3.
[134] “约有八千名男性”:Herodotus 7, 234, 2.
[135] “不足一千”:Aristotle, Politics 2, 1270a.
[136] “因为在斯巴达人中”:Polybius 12, 6b, 8.
[137] “自幼”:Thucydides 2, 39.
[138] “结果,有些斯巴达人”:Aristotle, Politics 2, 1270a.
[139] “他(吕库古)一方面把……设为一种荣誉”:Xenophon, Spartan Constitution 2, 9.
[140] “最可耻”:Xenophon, Spartan Constitution 2, 13.
[141] “拥抱和躺卧在一起”:Cicero, On the Republic 4, 2a (trans. David Fott).
[142] 面具:Jonah Lloyd Rosenberg, ‘The Masks of Orthia: Form, Function and the Origins of Theatre’, Annual of the British School at Athens 110 (2015), pp. 247–61.
[143] “你没看见吗?”:Alcman, Partheneion lines 50–57, trans. Gregory Nagy: http://chs.harvard.edu/CHS/article/display/5294 (accessed 10 January 2017).
第九章 “空前的灾难”
[144] “迈西普尼亚人”:lines 10–16 of Inscriptiones Graecae, vol. 1, 3rd edn, no. 259; translation in Robin Osborne and P. J. Rhodes, eds, Greek Historical Inscriptions 478–404 bc (Oxford, 2017), p. 97.
[145] “在狄俄尼索斯节的舞台上”:Isocrates, On the Peace 82.
[146] “无疑有损于希腊的形象”:Plutarch, Pericles 12, 2.
[147] 帕特农神庙的资金:参见Robin Osborne and P. J. Rhodes, eds, Greek Historical Inscriptions 478–404 bc (Oxford, 2017), p. 262.
[148] “伯里克利对民众说”:Plutarch, Pericles 12, 3.
[149] “你们从来没有考虑过”:Thucydides 1, 70, 1–3.
[150] 与特洛伊战争的比较:Simon Hornblower, The Greek World 479–323 bc, 4th edn (London, 2011), p. 156.
[151] “我打心底里讨厌斯巴达人”:Aristophanes, Acharnians lines 509–12.
[152] “你们和我们一样清楚地知道”:Thucydides 5, 89.
[153] “杀死了所有俘获的成年男性”:Thucydides 5, 116, 3–4.
[154] “最重要的行动”:Thucydides 7, 87, 5.
[155] “领略异邦风物的渴望”:Thucydides 6, 24, 3. 比较 www.quora.com/What-made-you-join-the-military (accessed 14 January 2017).
[156] “极有军事野心”:Thucydides 6, 15, 2.
[157] “沽名钓誉”:Thucydides 6, 15, 3.
[158] “大多数人的热情支持”:Thucydides 6, 24, 4.
[159] “超过两万名奴隶”:Xenophon, Ways and Means 4, 14.
[160] “被阿谀奉承腐化”:Xenophon, Spartan Constitution 14, 2.
[161] 希妮斯卡:Palatine Anthology 13.16; Sayings of Spartans, Agesilaus 49 (Apophthegmata Laconica 212b).
[162] “想将那些完全公民生吞活剥”:Xenophon, Hellenika 3, 3, 6.
[163] “仅仅一场战斗的冲击”:Aristotle, Politics 2, 1270a.
第十章 审慎的生活和金玉良言
[164] “很多平安返乡的雅典人”:Plutarch, Nicias 29.3 (Syracuse).
[165] “突然离场”:Plutarch, Pelopidas 29.
[166] “多么悲伤,多么悲伤”:维也纳保存的残片,翻译、配乐Eric Csapo and William J. Slater, The Context of Ancient Drama (Ann Arbor, MI, 2001), Plate 21A.
[167] 那不勒斯的花瓶:博物馆的网站有相关图片和英文说明http://cir.campania.beniculturali.it/museoarcheologiconazionale/thematic-views/image-gallery/RA84/view (accessed 25 January 2018).
[168] “大家公认”:Aristophanes, Knights, lines 1384–1386 (contrasted translations of Gilbert Murray (1956) and Kenneth Dover (1978).
[169] “咱俩的主人”:Aristophanes, Knights, lines 40–49, trans. Jeffrey Henderson.
[170] “只要交钱,老师就会教你”:Aristophanes, Clouds, lines 98–9.
[171] “是你们自己……看来了”:Plato, Apology 19c.
[172] “要不是我相信”:Plato, Phaedo 63b-c.
[173] “某些适合灵魂去孕育、去生产的东西”:Plato, Symposium 209a.1–2, ed. C. J. Rowe.
[174] “我认为”:Plato, Symposium 209c.1–5, ed. C. J. Rowe.
[175] “恰当的男性之恋”:Plato, Symposium 211b.6, ed. C. J. Rowe.
[176] “试图抓住真正美好之物”:Plato, Symposium 218c.6–219a.1, ed. C. J. Rowe.
[177] “阿卡德米”:Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers, Life of Plato 3, 9, trans. Mark Joyal and others, Greek and Roman Education: A Sourcebook (London, 2009), p. 110, no. 5.15a.
[178] “我看见……一群男孩”:Epicrates, fragment 10 Kassel-Austin, trans. Mark Joyal and others, Greek and Roman Education: A Sourcebook (London, 2009), p. 112, no. 5.17.
[179] “在相当长一段时间里隐瞒”:Themistius, Oration 33, 295c-d, trans. Mark Joyal and others, Greek and Roman Education: A Sourcebook (London, 2009), pp. 111–12, no. 5.16b.
[180] “他口齿不清”:Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers: Life of Aristotle 5, 2.
[181] “通常而言,软体动物”:Aristotle, Historia Animalium 544a, 16–22.
[182] “同一件事……听来是不一样的”:Aristotle, Rhetoric 2, 1377b30–1378a2 and 1378a 20–2, trans. Terence Irwin and Gail Fine, Aristotle: Selections (Indianapolis, 1995), pp. 534–5.
[183] 长矛头:Pat Foster, Greek Arms and Armour (Newcastle upon Tyne, 1982), p. 13. See John Ma, ‘Chaironeia 338: Topographies of Commemoration’, Journal of Hellenic Studies, 128 (2008), pp. 72–91.
第十一章 “闪电之光”
[184] “腓力……进行军事训练”:Polyaenus, Stratagems 4, 2, 10.
[185] “无论冬夏”:Demosthenes, Philippic 3, 50.
[186] 关于地产的铭文:Miltiades Hatzopoulos, Une donation du roi Lysimaque (Athens and Paris, 1988).
[187] “他们不在乎拥有的”:Theopompus, History of Philip, fragment 225b cited by Athenaeus, Deipnosophists 6, 260d–261 a.
[188] 喀罗尼亚:Polyaenus, Stratagems 2, 1, 9.
[189] “他没有骑马”:Plutarch, Artaxerxes 24, trans. Timothy Duff.
[190] “被攻陷,遭劫掠”:Plutarch, Alexander 11, 5.
[191] “一道耀眼的闪电之光”:Appian, Roman History Preface 10.
[192] “对扩大领地的永不知足的渴望”:Arrian 7, 19, 6, trans. Aubrey de Sélincourt.
[193] “他们(即阿拉伯人)国家的财富”:Arrian 7, 20, 2, trans. Aubrey de Sélincourt.
[194] “从巴比伦得到的资料”:Simplicius, Commentary on Aristotle's De Caelo 2, 12.
[195] “……燃起没药”:Ephippus fragment 5 = Athenaeus, Deipnosophists 12, 538a.
[196] 亚历山大装扮成阿耳忒弥斯:Ephippus fragment 5 = Athenaeus, Deipnosophists 12, 537e-f. 我最早在一份在线杂志上对这种所谓的异装癖提出了新的解释(http:// research.ncl.ac.uk/histos/HISTOS62012.html, accessed 25 January 2018):‘The pamphleteer Ephippus, King Alexander and the Persian royal hunt’, Histos, 6 (2012), pp. 169–213.
[197] “对于国王而言,剩下来的就唯有成神了”:Isocrates, Letters 3, 5.
第十二章 权力的游戏
[198] “在孩童时代”:Ai-Khanoum inscription: M. M. Austin, The Hellenistic World, 2nd edn (Cambridge, 2006), no. 192.
[199] “那些种田的人”:Aristotle, Politics 7, 1330a, 25.
[200] “城里有”:Strabo 17, 1, 8.
[201] “这座博物馆也是皇宫的一部分”:Strabo 17, 1, 8.
[202] “很明显”:Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Dinarchus 1, trans. Gladys Shoesmith.
[203] “希洛菲卢斯和埃拉西斯拉图斯”:Cornelius Celsus, On medicine, Proem 23–24, translated in James Longrigg, ed., Greek Medicine: From the Heroic to the Hellenistic Age: A Source Book (London, 1998), no. VⅡ, 2.
[204] “他们鄙视我”:M. M. Austin, The Hellenistic World, 2nd edn (Cambridge, 2006), no. 245 (dated around 255 bc).
[205] “埃及亚历山大里亚的马其顿人”:Livy 38, 17, 10 (invented speech of a Roman general supposedly in 189 bc).
[206] “托勒密爱上了”:Pausanias 1, 7, 1.
[207] “和妹妹的策略”:M. M. Austin, The Hellenistic World, 2nd edn (Cambridge 2006), no. 61 (dated between 268 and 265 bc).
[208] “做得好,符合”:William Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra, Act 5, Scene 2, lines 320–321.
[209] 帕加马祭坛:Andreas Scholl in Carlos Picón and Seán Hemingway, eds, Pergamon and the Hellenistic Kingdoms of the Ancient World (New Haven and London, 2016), pp. 44–53.
[210] “他们屠杀了所有男性”:Pausanias 10, 22, 2.
[211] “君子协定”:R. T. Pritchard,‘Cicero and the Lex Hieronica’, Historia 19 (1970), p. 357.
[212] “适合……一切用途的机械”:Plutarch, Lucullus 14, 9.
[213] “更强大、更坚定”:Pausanias 6, 12, 3–4.
[214] “他一生的大部分时间里”:Plutarch, Marcellus, 14, 9.
第十三章 “罗马的元老院与人民”
[215] 西庇阿和保拉·科尼利亚的墓志铭:Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae nos 1, 4 and 10.
[216] “可你像她那样生过孩子吗”:Plutarch, Caius Gracchus 4, 6.
[217] 按照博物馆官方网站上的说法,被称为托加图·巴伯里尼的雕像虽然很古老,但其头部是后来添加上去的:http://www.centralemontemartini.org (accessed 23 January 2018: click on‘Collezioni’, then on‘Tutte le Opere’, then on ‘Togato Barberini’).
[218] 恺撒的肖像:http://museoarcheologico.piemonte.beniculturali.it. (accessed 22 February 2017). Discussion in John Pollini, From Republic to Empire: Rhetoric, Religion and Power in the Visual Culture of Ancient Rome (Norman, OK, 2012), pp. 51–2.
[219] “他们撤退到……圣山”:Livy 2, 32, 2–4.
[220] “所有人的权利一律平等”:Livy, 3, 34, 3.
[221] “折断自由民的骨头”以及十二表法的其他条款:M. H. Crawford, Roman Statutes Ⅱ (London, 1996), pp. 607 (Tabula I, 14), 681–2 (Tabula VⅢ, 3), 707 (Tabula X, 4).
[222] “时至今日,它们仍是一切公法和私法的源头”:Livy 3, 34, 6.
[223] “奈维乌斯早就”:Pseudoasconius in T. Stangl, Ciceronis Orationum Scholiastae (Vienna and Leipzig, 1912), p. 215.
[224] “没有人……能够断言”:Polybius 6, 11.
[225] “一切的主人”:Polybius 6, 12.
[226] “大体而言,每个变成公众八卦的谣言”:?Quintus Cicero, Commentariolum Petitionis, trans. D. W. Taylor and J. Murrell as A Short Guide to Electioneering (London, 1974), p. 5 (17).
[227] “对于……的居民”:Livy 38, 36, 7–9.
[228] “斯巴达和雅典之所以覆灭”:Tacitus, Annals 11, 24.
[229] 卢修斯·奥勒留·赫米亚的墓碑:大英博物馆1867,0508.55, 可在线访问, 并附有馆长的译文http://www.britishmuseum.org/research/ collection_online/collection_object_details.aspx?objectId=465522&partId=1 (accessed 25 January 2018).
[230] “由于山里还有大量逃兵”:Appian, Civil War 1, 120.
[231] 西塞罗的“骑士”身份:Pro Murena 17.
[232] “不是新近靠运气挣来的”:Ovid, Tristia 4, poem 10, line 8.
[233] “靠血汗钱”:Ovid, Amores 3, 8, 10.
[234] “我认为,在其他国家会被摒弃的东西”:Polybius 6, 56.
[235] “新的宗教畏惧”:Livy 30, 2, 9–13.
[236] “我认为,他们的目的是利用它”:Polybius 6, 56.
[237] “真实与不真实的区别”:William James, The Principles of Psychology, vol. 2 (New York, 1890), p. 290, 引自Henk Versnel, Coping with the Gods: Wayward Readings in Greek Theology (Leiden, 2011), p. 470.
第十四章 调兵遣将
[238] 格兰德藏品:Jana Horvat, ‘The Hoard of Roman Republican Weapons from Grad near Omihel’, Arheoloxki vestnik 53 (2002), pp. 117–92.
[239] “只是拿短棒……”:Polybius 6, 37.
[240] “有时候……”:Polybius 6, 37.
[241] “按照惯例,外事祭司”:Livy 1, 32, 13.
[242] “将矛投掷到”:Livy 1, 32, 14.
[243] “你难道从来没读到过吗”:Pliny, Letters 2, 3, 8.
[244] “首先……执政官”:Livy 9, 6, 1–2.
[245] “在罗马人取得的各场胜利中”:Livy 9, 15, 8.
[246] “关于结盟”:Suetonius, Vespasian 8, 5.
[247] “……永保和平”:Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Roman Antiquities 6, 95.
[248] “适宜地点……帝国堡垒”:Cicero, De lege agraria 2, 73.
[249] “希望自己也能重演那场胜利”:Pausanias 1, 12, 2.
[250] “你或许可以叫他们野蛮人”:Plutarch, Pyrrhus 16, 5.
[251] “最长、最胶着”:Polybius 1, 63.
[252] 船鼻:参见Francesca Olivero, ‘Bronze rams of the Egadi battle,’ Skyllis 109 (2012), pp. 117–24; Jonathan Prag, ‘Bronze rostra from the Egadi islands off NW Sicily: the Latin inscriptions’, Journal of Roman Archaeology 27 (2014), pp. 33–59.
[253] “他每日操练水手”:Polybius 1, 59.
[254] “眼见迦太基人”:Polybius 1, 10.
[255] “盗窃行径”:Polybius 3, 30, 4.
[256] “决绝的勇气……没有宗教顾忌”:Livy 21, 5–9.
[257] “还是单打独斗”:Polybius 18, 32.
[258] “(希腊人)厌倦了……欢呼”:Plutarch, Flamininus 11.1.
[259] 色诺斯铭文(拉丁文):L'Année épigraphique 624 (2006).
[260] “埃托利亚人进一步掂量了”:Polybius 20, 9 with álvaro M. Moreno Leoni, Histos 8 (2014), pp. 146–79, reasserting the traditional interpretation.
[261] “埃托利亚的人民”:Livy 38, 11, 2.
[262] “……竞争异常激烈”:Sallust, Bellum Catilinum 7.6.
[263] “……记录变得毫无意义”:Livy 8, 40, 4.
[264] “推选”:Livy 35, 10, 4.
[265] “凯旋仪式”:Livy 35, 10, 5.
[266] “向民众展示的金钱数量”:Plutarch, Flamininus 14.
[267] “我,盖乌斯之子、执政官马尼乌斯·阿西留斯”:关于格拉布里奥的雕像基座,参见Dylan Bloy, ‘Greek war booty at Luna and the afterlife of Manius Acilius Glabrio’, Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 43/44 (1998/9), pp. 49–61.
[268] 德尔斐胜利纪念碑,陈列在德尔斐考古博物馆:see now Michael J. Taylor, Hesperia 85 (2016), pp. 559–76.
[269] “阴谋诡计”:Polybius 37, 1.
[270] “保持着自己那套未受玷污的习惯和原则”:Polybius 18, 35.
第十五章 恺撒万岁
[271] “在提洛岛上经商的意大利人和希腊人”:Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae nos. 8961a–b.
[272] “提洛岛……可以接收和发送”:Strabo 14, 5, 2.
[273] “野蛮人”奴隶:Plutarch, Tiberius Gracchus 8, 7.
[274] “那些为意大利而战、而死的人们”:Plutarch, Tiberius Gracchus 9, 5.
[275] “在柱廊上……张贴告示”:Plutarch, Tiberius Gracchus 8, 7.
[276] “据说这是……第一次……骚乱”:Plutarch, Tiberius Gracchus 20, 1.
[277] 提比略·格拉古:Plutarch, Tiberius Gracchus 19–20, 1.
[278] “……维持生命的必需品”:Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights 9, 14, 16–17.
[279] “他以最大的热情投身于”:Plutarch, Gaius Gracchus 7.
[280] “120年前”:Velleius Paterculus, Roman History 2, 15.
[281] “罗马人慷慨回报了他的忠诚”:Velleius Paterculus, Roman History 2, 16.
[282] 在游戏中的位置:Gaius Julius Victor, Ars rhetorica, p. 402, lines 12–15 in C. Halm, ed., Rhetores Latini Minores (Leipzig, 1863), trans. Andrew Wallace-Hadrill, Rome's Cultural Revolution (Cambridge, 2008), p. 446.
[283] “荷莫洛考斯和阿纳西达莫斯”:Plutarch, Sulla 19, 5. Jeremy McInerney and others, American Journal of Archaeology, 96 (1992), pp. 443–55.
[284] “哦,墙壁啊,我真是惊诧”:Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum 4, 1904 translated in Jennifer Baird and Claire Taylor, eds, Ancient Graffiti in Context (New York, 2011), p. 2.
[285] “他的头发……微微翘起”:Plutarch, Pompey 2.
[286] “所有的高卢人都被分成三种”:Caesar, Gallic War 1, 1.
[287] “……虽然不满10年”:Plutarch, Caesar 15, 3.
[288] “他发动了五次内战”:Suetonius, Divus Augustus 9.
[289] “……很多人因失去法律保护而被屠杀”:Cassius Dio, Roman History 47, 3.
[290] “19岁那年”;“全意大利”;“约3500头野兽”;“我提议通过了一些新的法令”;“元老院命令”:Peter M. Brunt and John M. Moore, Res Gestae Divi Augusti, 2nd edn (Oxford, 1967), sections 1, 1; 25, 2; 22, 3; 5; 34, 2.
[291] “文明的本质”:‘Empedocles on Etna’, Inquirer (27 August 1853), pp. 548–9, an anonymous article attributed to Walter Bagehot by Robert H. Tener, Biographical Society of the University of Virginia 29 (1976), pp. 349–53.
第十六章 “凶猛的罗马被俘获了”
[292] “进餐”/“酒会”:Alan Wardman, Rome's Debt to Greece (London, 1976), p. 144.
[293] “陋室”:Palatine Anthology 11, 44.
[294] “没有什么……更能展现一个人的性格”:Benjamin Disraeli, Tancred: Or, the New Crusade (Leipzig, 1847), book Ⅱ, chapter 1.
[295] “好人善言”:Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria 12, 1, 1.
[296] “以阿提卡风格说(拉丁语)”:Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria 12, 10, 26.
[297] “战争荣耀”:Cicero, Pro Flacco 64.
[298] 纽约大都会艺术博物馆的德摩斯梯尼肖像: www.metmuseum.org/collection/the-collection-online/search/257882 (accessed 25 January 2018).
[299] 一目了然的笑话:Michael Fontaine, Funny Words in Plautine Comedy (Oxford, 2010), p. 41.
[300] “在我的第六届任期内”:Augustus, Res gestae 20, 4.
[301] “我……修建了复仇者战神马耳斯的神庙”:Augustus, Res gestae 21, 1.
[302] “我要歌咏,那最初的开拓者和他的双臂”:Virgil, Aeneid 1, lines 1–11.
[303] “那个智慧超群、饱经磨难的人”:Homer, Odyssey 1, lines 1–5 (lines 1–7 in the 1801 edition of Alexander Pope’s translation).
[304] “在特洛伊人的杰出后代中”:Virgil, Aeneid 1, lines 290–293.
[305] “哈希腊族”:Scriptores Historiae Augustae, Hadrian 1, 5.
[306] “像个女人一样”:Scriptores Historiae Augustae, Hadrian 14, 5.
第十七章 罗马人为他们的帝国做了什么
[307] “缅怀(卢修斯)·卡尔普尼乌斯·皮索”:Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum 6, 31723.
[308] “皮索是马库斯·克拉苏和斯克里波尼亚之子”:Tacitus, Histories 1, 14.
[309] “和军团之鹰并排竖在一起”:‘side by side with the eagle of the legion’: Tacitus, Histories 1, 44.
[310] “贵族的末日”:chapter 32 of Ronald Syme, The Roman Revolution (Oxford, 1939, reprinted from 1960 on), pp. 490–508.
[311] “他的兄弟马格努斯”:Tacitus, Histories 1, 48.
[312] “塞涅卡……恳求”:Tacitus, Annals 15, 64.
[313] 帕塔拉的谷仓:Marie-Brigitte Carre in Javier Arce and Bertrand Goffaux, eds, Horrea d’Hispanie et de la Méditerranée (Madrid, 2011), pp. 28–30.
[314] 帕塔拉纪念柱:Mustafa Adak and Sencer ?ahin,, Stadiasmus Patarensis. Itinera Romana Provinciae Lyciae (Istanbul, 2007). 英文摘要参见Professor Nalan Eda Akyu?rek ?ahin (with bibliography) on the website of Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey: http://adkam.akdeniz.edu.tr/sp-en-text (accessed 22 March 2017).
[315] 帕塔拉剧院铭文:Tituli Asia Minoris 2, no. 420.
[316] “并命令在场任何人不得离开”:Suetonius, Caligula 26, 5.
[317] 关于卫生设施的演讲:Heikki Vuorinen of Helsinki University at the Finnish Institute at Athens (20 March 2014).
[318] “维拉尼乌斯……打击了志留人之后”:Tacitus, Annals 14, 29.
[319] 伊斯卡网站:威尔士政府官网上关于罗马要塞和浴室的内容http://cadw.gov.wales/daysout/Caerleon-roman-fortress-baths/?lang=en (accessed 21 March 2017).
[320] “布立吞人不穿盔甲”:A. K. Bowman and J. D. Thomas, The Vindolanda Writing Tablets (Tabulae Vindolandenses Ⅱ) (London, 1994); Vindolanda Tablets Online, tablet 164: http://vindolanda.csad.ox.ac.uk/4DLink2/4DACTION/WebRequestQuery?searchTerm=164&searchType=n umber&searchField=TVⅡ (accessed 22 March 2017).
[321] “为了让……变得平和安稳”:Tacitus, Agricola 21.
[322] “献给涅普顿和密涅瓦”:这段奇切斯特铭文的最新版本参见Roman Inscriptions of Britain Online, no. 91: https://romaninscriptionsofbritain.org/inscriptions/91 (accessed 22 March 2017).
[323] 缟玛瑙戒指:John Manley and David Rudkin, ‘Fishbourne Roman Palace Final Interim 1995–9’: https://sussexpast.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/FBE–95–99.pdf (accessed 25 January 2018).
[324] “女孩”:Francis Haverfield, The Romanization of Roman Britain, 4th edn (Oxford 1923), p. 30 with Figure 2.
[325] 饮食:Gillian Hawkes, ‘Beyond Romanization: The creolization of food. A framework for the study of faunal remains from Roman sites’, Papers from the Institute of Archaeology 10 (1999), pp. 89–95.
[326] “法庭上……会集了各色人等”:Dio Chrysostom, Oration 35, 15–17.
[327] “致……瓦勒留·法穆斯”:James Keenan and others, eds, Law and Legal Practice in Egypt from Alexander to the Arab Conquest (Cambridge, 2014), no. 3, 3, 5.
第十八章 门口的“野蛮人”
[328] 奥古斯都“用甜蜜的休憩赢得了所有人的心”:Tacitus, Annals 1, 2, 1.
[329] “恺撒大帝……的(工程)”:Roman Inscriptions of Britain Online, no. 1638: https://romaninscriptionsofbritain.org/inscriptions/1638 (accessed 29 March 2017).
[330] “驻扎于某地的军队”:Aelius Aristides, Oration 14 (Dindorf), 219–20.
[331] “那些人吃受害者的肉”:Cassius Dio 68, 32.
[332] “他们被禁止行割礼”:Scriptores Historiae Augustae, Hadrian 14, 1–2.
[333] “渎神的哈德良”:Jerusalem Talmud Taan 4, 8, folio 69a.
[334] “横跨在如此深……的大河上”:Cassius Dio 68, 13.
[335] “黑海、里海”:Patrick Leigh Fermor, A Time of Gifts (London, 2004), pp. 183–4.
[336] “史上最危险的百本书之一”:Arnaldo Momigliano, Studies in Historiography (London, 1966), p. 112.
[337] “阿累夷人”:Tacitus, Germania 4.
[338] “……迁移,并强迫他们缴纳贡品”:Latin inscription in Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae no. 986.
[339] “……年轻战士们的名字”:Greek inscription in Paul Roesch, Les Inscriptions de Thespies, Fascicule I (2007, revised 2009), no. 37: www.hisoma.mom.fr/sites/ hisoma.mom.fr/files/img/production-scientifique/IT%20I%20%282009%29.pdf (accessed 25 January 2018).
[340] “除了服饰、高脚杯”:Scriptores Historiae Augustae, Marcus 21, 9.
[341] “突然间,乌云密布”:Cassius Dio 71, 8.
[342] “消除了日耳曼的干旱”:Tertullian, Apologeticus 5. 关于马库斯奥勒留柱的神学解释,我采用的是Ido Israelowich, ‘The Rain Miracle of Marcus Aurelius: (Re-)Construction of Consensus’, Greece & Rome, 55 (2008), pp. 83–102.
[343] “我们的历史从黄金王国堕落进了”:Cassius Dio 72, 36, 4.
[344] 斯巴达铭文:Antony Spawforth, ‘A Severan Statue Group and an Olympic Festival at Sparta,’ Annual of the British School at Athens 81 (1986), pp. 313–32.
[345] “他的出身以及日常举止”:Herodian 7, 1, 2.
[346] “这些人胆大包天”:Herodian 8, 5, 9.
[347] “你们的祖先曾在此战斗”:Vienna manuscript translated by Christopher Mallan and Caillan Davenport, ‘Dexippus and the Gothic Invasions: Interpreting the New Vienna Fragment (Codex Vindobonensis Hist. gr. 73, ff. 192v–193r)’, Journal of Roman Studies 105 (2015), p. 206 (7).
[348] “我们……屠杀了成千上万的法兰克人和萨尔马提亚人”:Scriptores Historiae Augustae, Aurelian 7, 2.
[349] “照此下去……留给谁呢”:Scriptores Historiae Augustae, Aurelian 31, 5.
[350] “清理法兰克人和撒克逊人出没的海域”:Carausius: Eutropius, Breviarium 9, 21.
[351] “EXPECTATE VENI”:这枚硬币在可移动文物计划(英国)中的唯一识别号为BH-059652. Virgil, Aeneid 2, lines 282–3.
[352] “卡劳修斯和他的兄弟们”(CAR**SIUS ET FRATRES SVI):参见N. Shiel,‘Carausius et fratres sui’, British Numismatic Journal 48 (1978), pp. 7–11.
第十九章 基督运动
[353] John Moles, ‘Jesus the Healer in the Early Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, and Early Christianity’, Histos 5 (2011), pp. 117–82.
[354] 金银图像清单:参见Guy Rogers, The Sacred Identity of Ephesos (London, 1991), pp. 83–5, 包含在长篇希腊铭文中的详细信息见Die Inschriften von Ephesos no. 27.
[355] “所有的士兵和水手都准备着为他们的天皇而死”:New Zealand’s The Northern Advocate (Tuesday 24 September 1912), p. 2, 引自爱德华时代侨居伦敦的日本艺术家、作家Yoshio Markino给《每日邮报》的信件https://paperspast. natlib.govt.nz/newspapers/NA19120924.2.3 (accessed 25 January 2018).
[356] “供奉克劳狄的神庙”:Tacitus, Annals 14, 31.
[357] “无论她是否清白”:Pliny, Letters 4, 11, 8–9.
[358] “取一小枝月桂”:H. D. Betz, The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation (Chicago, IL, 1986), p. 14, citing PGM Ⅱ, 65–8.
[359] “天主教派的背信弃义和恶意”:John Timbs, Curiosities of London: Exhibiting the Most Rare and Remarkable Objects in the Metropolis; With Nearly Sixty Years’ Personal Recollections (London, 1867), p. 571.
[360] “为了平息(纵火)的谣言”:Tacitus, Annals 15, 44. The translation is that of Brent D. Shaw, ‘The Myth of the Neronian Persecution,’ Journal of Roman Studies 105 (2015), pp. 73–100, whose larger argument I follow.
[361] “为所有此类案件制定一般性规则是不可能的”:Pliny, Letters 10, 97.
[362] 以个体权威身份出现的早期基督徒:Heidi Wendt, ‘Ea superstitio: Christian Martyrdom and the Religion of Freelance Experts’, Journal of Roman Studies, 105 (2015), pp. 183–202.
[363] “他们因此蔑视死亡”:Lucian, On the Death of Peregrinus 13.
[364] 里昂的“殉教者”:Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History 5, 1.
[365] “致奥克西林库斯的祭祀长官”:Alan Bowman, Egypt after the Pharaohs, 332 bc – ad 642: From Alexander to the Arab Conquest (London, 1986), p. 191, citing P. Oxy. 1464.
[366] “他……吃了多少苦”:Origen: Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History 6, 39, 5.
[367] “戴克里先统治的第19个年头”:Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History 8, 2, 4.
[368] “既没有金银、钱币”:P. Oxy. 33, 2673 with the discussion by Annemarie Luijendijk in Journal of Early Christian Studies 16 (2008), pp. 341–69.
[369] “他眼前的天空中呈现出异象”:Eusebius 1, 28, 2.
[370] “上帝的神圣标志”:Lactantius, De morte persecutorum 44, 5.
[371] 圣彼得大教堂:Liber Pontificalis (Book of the Pontiffs), trans. Raymond Davis (Liverpool, 1989), pp. 16–24.
[372] “带着一截木梁”:Evelyn Waugh, Helena (Penguin, 1963), p. 154.
第二十章 合则兴
[373] “人尽皆知”:Edict of Diocletian, trans. Roland G. Kent, University of Pennsylvania Law Review 69 (1920), p. 43.
[374] “聚在一起的老兵们大喊”:Theodosian Code 7, 20, 2, trans. N. Lewis and M. Reinhold, Roman Civilization: Sourcebook Ⅱ: The Empire (New York, 1966), p. 530.
[375] “君士坦丁还推行了其他一些举措”:Zosimus 2, 34.
[376] 库萨和之拱:http s://commons.wikimedia. org/wiki/File:Arch_of_Ctesiphon_assessment_DVIDS221914.jpg (accessed 6 June 2017).
[377] “各种宝石闪烁耀眼”:Ammianus Marcellinus 16, 10, 6.
[378] “使民众感到眼花缭乱”:Karl Lagerfeld in Fastes de Cour et cérémonies royales (Paris, 2009), p. 13.
[379] “尽管他身材矮小”:Ammianus Marcellinus 16, 10, 10, cited by Rowland Smith in A. Spawforth, ed., The Court and Court Society in Ancient Monarchies (Cambridge, 2007), p. 210.
[380] “与上帝的宗教为敌者会说出的话”:Lactantius, De morte persecutorum 11.
[381] “在……残酷折磨下”:Eusebius, Praeparatio Evangelica 4, 2.
[382] “在祭坛……献上……小羊胎”:lines 4–5 of the Vera inscription, with new readings by Tibor Grüll: Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum 39 (1989), no. 855. 英译本及注释参见Patmiaka (Budapest, 1989). 另见George Deligiannakis in The Dodecanese and the Eastern Aegean Islands in Late Antiquity, AD 300–700 (Oxford, 2016), pp. 318–20.
[383] “不是历史,而是富于想象力的再创作”:Dudley Fitts's review of Gore Vidal, Julian (1964) in the New York Times, www.nytimes.com/books/98/03/01/home/vidal-julian.html (accessed 25 January 2018).
[384] “下令重开神殿”:Ammianus Marcellinus 22, 5.
[385] “曼提克洛斯让我”:John Boardman, Greek Sculpture: The Archaic Period (London, 1991), p. 30, no. 10.
[386] “身着长斗篷、举止高傲的人”:Eusebius, Praeparatio Evangelica 4, 2.
[387] “他的声音……宛如”:Eunapius, Lives of the Sophists 427.
[388] “他点了一支香”:Eunapius, Lives of the Sophists 435.
[389] “忘了”:Ammianus Marcellinus 25, 3, 3.
[390] “任何动物的”;“丑得可怕”;“野蛮得超出想象”;“掠夺、毁坏一切”:Ammianus Marcellinus 31, 2, 1–3.
[391] “他们……过河”:Ammianus Marcellinus 31, 4, 5.
[392] “争夺最激烈的地区”:John Keegan, A History of Warfare (London, 2004), p. 70.
[393] 公元381年和公元385年的奥林匹克冠军:Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum 45 (1995), no. 412.
[394] “所有人,无论来自哪个阶层”:Theodosian Code 16, 10, 12.
[395] “皇帝……心中充满信仰”:Theodoret, Ecclesiastical History 5, 17–18, trans. William Stearns Davis, ed., Readings in Ancient History: Illustrative Extracts from the Sources (Boston, 1912–13), vol. 2: Rome and the West, pp. 298–300.
[396] 布特里克和酒侍:Sozomen, Ecclesiastical History 7, 25 with the discussion of Robert M. Frakes in Robert M. Frakes and others, eds, The Rhetoric of Power in Late Antiquity (New York, 2010), pp. 47–62.
[397] “携带武器是个相当严肃的问题”:Moses Finley in Journal of Roman Studies 48 (1958), p. 159.
第二十一章 分则亡
[398] “一切属于狄奥多西”:Latin inscription on the Obelisk of Theodosius: Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae no. 821.
[399] “西哥特人”:Jordanes, Getica 5, 42.
[400] “某些最骇人听闻的、最邪恶的欲望”:Augustine, City of God 1, 28.
[401] 阿西留斯·格拉布里奥·西比狄乌斯一家:Alan Cameron, Journal of Roman Studies 102 (2012), pp. 148–50.
[402] “(他)中等个头”:Jordanes, Getica 168.
[403] “他(盖塞里克)掠夺了剩余利比亚人的”:Procopius, History of the Wars 3, 5.
[404] “他个子不高,胸膛宽阔”:R. Blockley, The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire, vol. 2 (Liverpool, 1983), Priscus fragment 12.
[405] “……不列颠省”:Gallic Chronicle of 452, Chronica minora 1, 660 (c. 126).
[406] 多切斯特陶器:James Gerrard in Britannia, 41 (2010), pp. 293–312.
[407] 哈德良长城:Rob Collins, Hadrian’s Wall and the End of Empire (New York and Abingdon, 2014), chapter 2.
[408] “他进入拉文纳,罢黜了奥古斯都路斯”:Anonymus Valesianus 8, 38.
[409] “这个皇帝虚假”:Procopius, Secret History 8, 24; 17, 5–6.
[410] “常常在剧院里”:Procopius, Secret History 9, 20–21.
[411] “西奥多拉还亲自”:Procopius, Secret History 17, 5–6.
[412] 美国翻译:Timothy G. Kearsley, Law Library Journal 99 (2007), pp. 525–54.
[413] “在一切领域中”:Alan Watson, The Digest of Justinian, revised edn, vol. I (Philadelphia, PA, 1998), p. xxxⅢ.
[414] “高悬天宇的金色穹顶”:Procopius, On Buildings 1, 1, 46 (Great Church).
[415] “光芒中的光芒”:Timothy Gregory, Isthmia, vol. 5 (Princeton, NJ, 1993), pp. 12–13, no. 4.
[416] “胆敢与男性发生可耻性行为的”:Institutions 4, 18, 4.
[417] “皇帝下令,但凡被发现”:Malalas, Chronographia 18, 168 (PG 97: 644).
[418] 索夫罗纽和哈里发:Phil Booth, Crisis of Empire. Doctrine and Dissent at the End of Late Antiquity (Berkeley and Los Angeles, CA, 2011), pp. 234–5.