四、释迦舍利灵通之塔碑文(1 / 1)


[1] 莎南嘉措编《萨思迦全集》,卷7,36.2~38.2叶。

[2] 详见Shen Weirong,“Tibetan Tantric Buddhism at the Court of the Great Mongol Khans: Sa skya pandita and'Phags pa's Works in Chinese during the Yuan Period,”Quaestiones Mongolorum Disputatae1 (Tokyo: Association for International Studies of Mongolian Culture,2005),pp.79-81.

[3] János Szerb,“Glosses on the Oeuvre of Bla-ma'Phags-pa: Ⅱ.Some Notes on the Events of the Years 1251-1254,”Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae(T.34,Fasc.1/3,1980),pp.263-285.

[4] 于《大乘要道密集》中“最妙上师”通常与bla ma dam pa对应,然此与其对应的藏文仅作bla ma。

[6] 梵文guggulu,guggula。参见Yael Bentor,Consecration of Images and Stūpas in Indo-Tibetan Tantric Buddhism(Leiden: E.J.Brill,1996),pp.118-119.

[7] sumbha ni mantra: sumbha hūmgrhna grhna hūmgrhnāpaya grhnāpaya hūmānaya ho bhagavab vidyā rājā hūmphat参见Yael Bentor,Consecration of Images and Stūpas in Indo-Tibetan Tantric Buddhism(Leiden: E.J.Brill,1996),pp.118-119;English,Vajrayogini.

[8] 梵文作:sarva vighna uccathaya,意为驱除一切魔类。

[9] 此述“瓶灌”(bum sgrub,或者bum bskyed),二净瓶分别是“尊胜瓶”(rnam rgyal bum pa)和“羯磨瓶”(las kyi bum pa)。参见Stephan Beyer,Magic and Ritual in Tibet,The Cult of Tārā (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers,1996),pp.410-414; David L.Snellgrove,Indo-Tibetan Buddhism: Indian Buddhists and Their Tibetan Successors(Boston: Shambhala,1987),pp.223-225; 前揭Bentor 1996,pp.100-108.

[10] sngags ni// ji ltar bltams pa tsam gyis ni/ de bzhin gshegs pa kun khrus gsol ltar/ lha yi chu ni dag pa yis/ de bzhin bdag gis khrus gsol lo/ 《略胜住法仪本续》(Rab tu gnas pa mdor bsdus pa'i rgyud,Supratisthātantrasamgraha),Toh.no.486,sDe dge: 295.

[12] 即指羯磨瓶(las kyi bum pa)。

[13] 关于镜灌参见Yael Bentor,“On the Symbolism of the Mirror in Indo-Tibetan Consecration Rituals,”Journal of Indian Philosophy1995(23): 57-71.

[14] 按照《略胜住法仪本续》中的原文,此偈或可译作:“即如[佛陀]降生时,一切如来请沐浴,今以清净天之水,如是我亦请沐浴!”

[15] 关于沐浴净治污垢仪轨,参见前揭Yael Bentor,Consecration of Images and Stūpas in Indo-Tibetan Tantric Buddhism(Leiden: E.J.Brill,1996),pp.164-178.

[17] 按照瑜伽部,或曰下部密教(lower Tantras)的修法,为身、语、意三所依作胜住仪轨时,通常为身所依佛塔等开光时生起大日如来佛,为语所依佛经等开光时生起阿弥陀佛,为意所依佛像开光时生起不动佛或金刚萨埵佛。而到无上瑜伽部则通常以金刚萨埵、大威德、喜金刚、胜乐等密宗尊佛为智慧尊。参见Yael Bentor,“Literature on Consecration[rab gnas],”Tibetan Literature: Studies in Genre,eds.,Roger Jackson and José I.Cabezón (Ithaca: Snow Lion Publications,1996),p.292,n.10.

[18] de nas gnas gsum rnams su bstim// omhūmāhyi yi ge gsum// omni spyi bor bstim bya bzhin// snying gar hūmgi yi ger'gyur// ngag gi phyogs su āhyig go// sku gsung thugs ni bsgrub pa bya// 《略胜住法仪本续》,Toh.no.486,sDe dge: 294.

[19] omsarva tathāgta vajra samā[ya] jahjahhūmbamhoh.

[20] ji ltar sangs rgyas thams cad ni// dga' ldan du ni gnas pa las// lha mo sgyu sphrul ltums zhugs ltar// de bzhin gzhugs brnyan'dir bzhugs shig//'di ru mgon po rtag bzhugs nas// byang chub sems ni bskyed pa dang// che ge mo yi don slad du// bdag gi'byor pa nyid kyis ni// ci'byor ba yi mchod pa rnams// me tog la sogs'di bzhes shig// bdag dang slob mar bcas pa la// rjes su brtse bar dgong su gsol// kun gyis'di la byin brlab cing//'di nyid du ni bzhugs par rigs// 《略胜住法仪本续》,pp.293-294; 参见Yael Bentor,Consecration of Images and Stūpas in Indo-Tibetan Tantric Buddhism(Leiden: E.J.Brill,1996),p.294.

[21] omvajra ankusa jahvajra pāsa hūmvajra sphoha bamvajra a be sha āh,参见前揭Yael Bentor,Consecration of Images and Stūpas in Indo-Tibetan Tantric Buddhism(Leiden: E.J.Brill,1996),p.238.

[22] 此段若按《略胜住法仪本续》中的原文或当译作:即如诸佛陀,安住兜率天,如入幻女胎,请住此像中。

[24] omvajra abhisi?ca hūmbuddha abhisi?ca omratna abhisi?ca hūmpadma abhisi?ca hrīhkarma abhisi?ca āh.

[25] 此段偈语译文与八思巴帝师引文相同,而与《略胜住法仪本续》中的原文略有差异。参前注。

[28] 梵文作:omsuprati sstha-vajraye svāhā omhūmhūm.参见前揭Yael Bentor,Consecration of Images and Stūpas in Indo-Tibetan Tantric Buddhism,pp.320-321.

[32] 梵文作:om[supra]tistha vajra[ye svāhā].

[33] 关于永驻仪(brtan bzhugs)或曰长寿仪参见José Ignacio Cabezón,“Firm Feet and Long Lives: TheZhabs brtanLiterature of Tibetan Buddhism,”Tibetan Literature: Studies in Genre,Edited by José Ignacio Cabezón and Roger R.Jackson (Ithaca,New York: Snow Lion Publications,1996),pp.344-357.

[34] 缘起心咒梵文作:ye dharmā hetuprabhavā hetumtesāmtathāgato hy avadat tesāmca yo nirodha evamvādī mahāhramanah.Bentor,“Literature on Consecration [rab gnas],” 301,n.21; 关于缘起心咒和吉祥偈亦参见Yael Bentor,“Sūtra-style Consecration in Tibet and Its Importance for Understanding the Historical Development of Indo-Tibetan Consecration Ritual forStūpasand Images,”Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the5thSeminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies,Narita,1989 (Narita: Naritasan Shinshoji),pp.1-12.

[35] 13世纪有两位Khro phu ba,其中一位居沙鲁寺(Zha lu mgon),另一位是Khro phu bKa' brgyud派的传人。此之Khro phu ba当指与萨思迦派关系亲近的沙鲁寺上师,其生平不详。

[36] 见莎南嘉措编《萨思迦全集》,卷5,299叶;参见Sakya Pandita Kunga Gyaltshen,A Clear Differentiation of the Three Codes,Essential Distinction among the Individual Liberation,Great Vehicle,and Tantric Systems,translated by Jared Douglas Rhoton (Albany: State University of New York Press,2002),pp.127-129,307-308.

[37] 对此萨思迦班智达在其dGe bshes Do kor ba的一封回信中说得尤为明白:dam tshig sems dpa' bskyed pa la/ ye shes sems dpa' spyan drang nas/ mchod cing bstod nas bstim pa la/ rab gnas dngos gzhir rgyud las bshad// “续中所说胜住正行,即生起三昧耶尊,于彼尊迎请智慧尊,作供、赞令其融入。”《萨思迦全集》卷5,403.1-4叶.

[38] Grags pa rgyal mtshan,Arga'i cho ga dang rab tu gnas pa don gsal.

[39] 通常说佛塔为佛身之所依、佛经为佛语之所依、佛像为佛意之所依,然八思巴此说佛塔与神庙为身所依,经函、铃杵为语所依,金刚等为意所依。

[40] Yael Bentor,“Literature on Consecration[rab gnas],”Tibetan Literature: Studies in Genre,eds.,Roger Jackson and José I.Cabezón (Ithaca: Snow Lion Publications,1996).

[41] 《萨思迦全集》卷4,237~252叶。葛剌思巴监藏的这部著作或亦曾在元代流通,居庸关云台过街塔所遗赞颂铭文多与其内容相应。参见Yael Bentor,“In Praise of Stūpas: The Tibetan Eulogy at Chü-Yung-Kuan Reconsidered,”Indo-Iranian Journal38 (1995): 31-54.

[42] 文详见宿白《元大都〈圣旨特建释迦舍利灵通之塔碑文〉校注》,同氏《藏传佛教寺院考古》,北京:文物出版社,1996年,322~337页。对于这个碑文的最新研究,参见安海燕:《元大都大圣寿万安寺白塔之装藏、装饰——释注〈圣旨特建释迦舍利灵通之塔碑文〉相关段落》,《西域历史语言研究集刊》第6辑,北京:科学出版社,2013年,17~52页。