


See: Morrow, D. J., “Worldwide drug sales up 7% in '98.” New York Times (March 23,1999): C5.

78.Tanouye, E., 1998, op. cit. In this excellent Wall Street Journal analysis the reporter notes that the U.S. market was driving not only profits but also all industry research and development plans.


80.Armstrong, K., Schwartz, J. S., and Asch, D. A. “Direct sale of Sildenafl (Viagra) to consumers over the Internet.” New England Journal of Medicine 341 (1999): 1389-92; Ostrom,C. M., “Internet medicine opens can of worms: Tremendous potential good—and harm.” Seattle Times (May 12, 1999): A1; and Stolberg, S. G., “The boom in medications brings rise in fatal risks.” New York Times (June 3, 1999): A1.

81.Murray, C. J., and Lopez, A. D., The Global Burden of Disease. Geneva: World Health Organization, 1996.

82.See: Murray, C. J. L., and Lopez, A. D., “Global mortality, disability, and the contribution of risk factors: Global Burden of Disease study.” Lancet 349 (1997): 1436-42; and“Spirit of the age.” The Economist (December 19, 1999): 113-17.

83.Tanouye, E., 1998, op. cit.

84.Trouiller, P., “R & D drug development trends.” Conference on Drugs for Communicable Disease, Paris, October 14-15, 1999; and Silverstein, K., “Millions for Viagra,pennies for diseases of the poor.” The Nation (July 19, 1999): 13-19.


86.Bale, H., and Kettler, H. E., “Industry's role in meeting the need for CDC-specifc medicines.” Conference on Drugs for Communicable Diseases, Paris, October 14-15, 1999.

87.Given by the pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America.


89.Wunsch, H., “Expert warns of possible poliomyclitis vaccine shortfall in 2000.”Lancet 355 (2000): 728. And Associated Press. “Vaccine price prompts shift.” New York Times(February 17, 2000): A23. And Pecoul, B., Chirac, P., Trouiller, P., and Pinel J., “Access to essential drugs in poor countries: A lost battle?” Journal of the American Medical Association 281 (1999): 361-67. And Yudkin, J. S., “Insulin for the world's poorest countries.” Lancet 355(2000): 919-21. And Silverstein, K., “Millions for Viagra, pennies for diseases of the poor.” The Nation (July 19, 1999): 13-19.


91.Aventin, L., “Trade agreements and public health: Role of WHO.” Lancet 355(2000): 580.

92.Price, D., Pollock, A. M., and Shaoul, J., “How the World Trade Organization is shaping domestic policies in health care.” Lancet 354 (1999): 1889-92.





95.Zuger, A., “Type of penicillin is in critical supply.” New York Times (October 29,1999): A20.

96.Rosamond, J. and Allsop, A., “Harnessing the power of the genome in the search for new antibiotics.” Science 287 (2000): 1973-76.

97.World Health Organization. “Removing obstacles to health development.” World Health Organization, Geneva, June 17, 1999.

98.UNAIDS. “UN leaders call AIDS in Africa a massive development catastrophe.” Lusaka,Zambia, September 13, 1999.



101.National Intelligence Council. “The global infectious disease threat and its implications for the United States.” Central Intelligence Agency (January 2000): NIE-99-17D.

102.Balter, M., “French-led therapy fund kicks off in Africa.” Science 284 (1999): 1101;Dowell, W., “Ethics and AIDS drugs.” Time (July 12, 1999): 49; and Mabry, M., “No money,no meds.” Newsweek (July 12, 1999): 32-33。虽然许多发展中国家确实有足够的基础设施,能够适当地分发延长生命的药物,用于治疗艾滋病患者的机会性感染,如结核病、肺孢子虫肺炎和隐球菌性脑膜炎。但他们也直截了当地反对与贸易有关的知识产权、专利法以及定价不平等。见:Wilson, D., Cawthorne, P., Ford, N., and Aongsonwang, S., “Global trade and access to medicines: AIDS treatments in Thailand.” Lancet 354 (1999): 1893-95。

103.Fisher, I., “Malaria, a swamp dweller finds a hidden home.” New York Times (July 21, 1999): A4; White, N. J., Nosten, F., Looareesuwan, S., et al., “Averting a malaria disaster.”and Letters in response. Lancet 353 (1999): 1965-67 and 354 (1999): 1389-90.

104.Attaran, A., “Respective public and private sector contributions to the development of new drugs.” Drugs for Communicable Diseases Conference, Paris, October 14-15, 1999;Helenport, J. P.“The development and registration of artemisinin derivatives, a triangular development.” Drugs for Communicable Diseases Conference, Paris, October 14-15, 1999;Jomaa, H., Wiesner, J., Sanderbrand, S, et al.“Inhibitors of the nonelevating pathway of Isoprenoid Isoprenoid biosynthesis as antimalarial drugs.” Science 285 (1999): 1573-76;etc..

105.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.“Primary multidrug- resistant tuberculosis—Ivanovo Oblast, Russia, 1999.” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 48 (1999):661-64.

106.Kim, J. Y., Farmer, P., and Dahl, O., Letter to Partners in Health, September 18,1997.

107.Rifampicin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and either ethambutol. or streptomycin.Either rifampicin or ethambutol combined with isoniazid. Murray, C. J. L., “Results of directly observed short-course chemotherapy in 112,842 Chinese patients with smear-positive tuberculosis.” Lancet 347 (1996): 358-62.

108.Blanc, D. C., “Incentives and disincentives for new anti-tuberculosis drug development.” World Health Organization, Geneva, November 1998.

109.World Health Organization. The World Health Report 1998. World Health Organization, Geneva, 1998.

110.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.“Tuberculosis elimination revisited:Obstacles, opportunities, and a renewed commitment.” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 48 (Supplement) (1999):RR-9.

111.Program in Infectious Disease and Social Change. The Global Impact of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis. Open Society, New York, 1999. (Available in full on-line at www.opensociety.com.)



114.Bloom, B. R., Bloom, D. E., Cohen, J. E., et al.,“Investing in the World Health Organization.” Science 284 (1999): 911; “Smokescreens.” The Economist (March 14, 1998):91-92; “WHO steps closer to its responsibilities.” Nature 398 (1999): 175; “WHO: Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Lancet 350 (1997): 749.

115.Brundtland, G. H., “WHO—The road ahead.” Speech to the World Health Organization Executive Board, Geneva, January 24, 1999; and World Health Organization. The World Health Report 1999. World Health Organization, Geneva, 1999.


117.See previously cited Murray, C. J. L., references and Garrett, L., “The future of death.” Newsday (October 8, 1996): B21.

118.See also: “From what will we die in 2020?” Lancet 349 (1997): 1263; Husten, L.,“Global epidemic of cardiovascular disease predicted.” Lancet 352 (1998); 1530; Lee, W. C.,“Quantifying the future impact of disease on society: Life table-based measures of potential life lost.” American Journal of Public Health 87 (1997): 1456-60; Murray, C. J. L., and Lopez, A.D., “Alternative projections of mortality and disability by cause 1990-2020: Global Burden of Disease Study.” Lancet 349 (1997): 1498-1504; etc..

119.Armstrong, G. L., Conn, L. A., and Pinner, R. W., “Trends in infectious disease mortality in the United States during the 20th century.” Journal of the American Medical Association 281 (1999): 61-66. See also McGinnis, J. M., and Foege, W. H., “Actual causes of death in the United States.” Journal of the American Medical Association 170 (1993): 2207-12.

120.National Intelligence Council, op. cit, 2000.

121.World Health Organization. Removing Obstacles to Healthy Development. World Health Organization, Geneva, June 17, 1999.

122.De Kruif, P., 1936, op. cit.

123.Nadis, S., “U.S. concern grows over secrecy clauses.” Nature 398 (1999): 359;Cimons, M., and Jacobs, P., “Biotech battlefield: Profits Vs. public.” Los Angeles Times (February 21, 1999): Al

124.Reich, M. R., “The global drug gap.” Science 287 (2000): 1979-81; Enserink, M.,“Group urges action on Third World drugs.” Science 287 (2000): 1571; Kasper, T. “Global patent police block cost-reduction efforts.” Treatment Issues 13 (1999): 1-2; Orbinski, J.,“Speech on acceptance of the 1999 Nobel Peace Prize.” Médecins Sans Frontières, Oslo,December 14, 1999.