
[1] A.Palmer,Principles of Service Marketing,Maidenhead:McGraw Hill,1994,p.23.

[2] M.McDonald,Marketing Plans:how to prepare them,how to use them,Oxford:Butterworth-Heinemann,3rd edition,1995.

[3] F.McLean,Marketing the Museum,London:Routledge,1997;E.Hill,C.O'Sullivan and T.O'Sullivan,Creative Arts Marketing,Oxford:Butterworth-Heinemann,1995;A.Palmer,op.cit.;S.Runyard,The Museum Marketing Handbook,London:HMSO,1994;P.Kotler,Marketing Management,New Jersey:Prentice Hall,8th edition,1994.

[4] S.Davies,By Popular Demand:a strategic analysis of the market potential for museums and galleries in the UK,London:Museums and Galleries Commission,1994,pp.76-80.

[5] S.Davies,By Popular Demand:a strategic analysis of the market potential for museums and galleries in the UK,London:Museums and Galleries Commission,1994,p.55.

[6] M.Hanna,Sightseeing in the UK 1995,London:BTA/ETB Research Services,1996,p.39.

[7] For a full investigation of the museum visitor market in the UK,the reader is advised to consult S.Davies,op.cit.

[8] OPCS,op.cit.

[9] Mintel,Leisure Time 1995,quoted in C.Gratton,‘Time out’,Leisure Management,Oct.1995,pp.24-5.

[10] Hilton Hotels and Resorts,Time Values Study,1991,quoted in T.Silberberg and G.D.Lord,‘Increased self-generated revenue:children’s museums at the forefront of entrepreneurship into the next century’,Hand to Hand,7,2,1993,pp.1-5.

[11] Leisure Consultants,Leisure Forecasts,1996-2000:Vol.2,leisure away from home,Sudbury:Leisure Consultants,1996,p.46.

[12] S.Davies,op.cit.,p.56;Department of National Heritage,People Taking Part,London:DNH,1996,p.7.

[13] S.Davies,op.cit.,p.58.

[14] S.Davies,op.cit.,p .38.

[15] DNH,op.cit.,p.7.

[16] Office of Population,Census and Surveys,Day Visits in Great Britain 1991/2,London:HMSO,1992.

[17] S.Davies,op.cit.,p.55.

[18] V.Cave,‘Preliminary findings of the Eureka!visitor survey’,in A.Hesketh,‘Eureka!The Museum for Children:visitor orientation and behaviour’,unpublished dissertation,University of Birmingham:Ironbridge Institute,1993,Appendix C.

[19] K.M.Reeves,‘A study of the educational value and effectiveness of child-centred interactive exhibits for children in family groups’,unpublished dissertation,University of Birmingham:Ironbridge Institute,1993,p.16.

[20] S.Davies,op.cit.,p.54.

[21] OPCS,1992,op.cit.

[22] OPCS,1992,op.cit.

[23] English Tourist Board,1993 Annual Report,London:English Tourist Board,1994.

[24] M.Hanna,op.cit.,p.39.

[25] Overnight visitor figures supplied by Yorkshire Tourist Board,Feb.1997.

[26] Derived from postcode data supplied by Techniquest.The postcodes of 20 per cent of visitors were recorded from July to October 1996.

[27] M.Hanna,op.cit.,p.43.

[28] M.Hanna,op.cit.,p.43.

[29] M.Hanna,op.cit.,p.43.

[30] T.Silberberg and G.D.Lord,loc.cit.

[31] T.Silberberg and G.D.Lord,loc.cit,p.2.

[32] V.Cave,loc.cit.

[33] Interview with Nancy Kolb,Director,Please Touch Museum,5.11.91.

[34] J.Saker and G.Smith,‘Marketing’,a series of four articles in Leisure Opportunities,115-19,Sept.-Dec.1993.

[35] M.Hanna,op.cit.,p.45.

[36] P.Kotler,op.cit.,p.373.

[37] S.Freeman,‘Causing a promotion’,Museums Journal,March 1997,pp.28-9.

[38] M.Hanna,op.cit.,p.45.

[39] N.Winterbotham,‘Digital cognition—(thinking with our fingers)’,unpublished paper in ‘Hands-on…and pulling them in?’ session at 1996 Museums Association Conference in Harrogate.