(一)动作名称 Action names
(二)动作图解 Action diagrams
预备式 Ready position
甲乙并步直立,两手置于体侧,目视前方。乙向后转(图5-3-32 ①②)。
A and B stand with feet together, put the arms aside of the body, keep the eyes looking straight ahead.B turns around(Fig.5-3-32 ①②).
A and B:Starting position
Withstand the right fist to upper of the forehead within turning around the body, bends the elbow and cuts it to the upper of the left leg with holding fist.A and B looks straight at each other(Fig.5-3-33).
Points to Remember: A and B complete a clean movement simultaneously with fast head swing, withstand the fist higher than the forehead.
A:Right spring kick; B: Vertical chopping palm with retreat step
A Turns the body to left at 90 degrees with two fist retaking at waist.Uplifts the right leg and springs kick at B's crotch with the left knee bending and half squat, keeps the eyes looking at B.
B Steps the left leg backward, and turns the body to left as horse riding stance.Haves the vertical chopping palm at A's right leg, with the left fist retaking at waist, keeps the eyes looking at the chopping palm(Fig.5-3-34).
Points to Remember: A to spring kick with power, B to retreat the step and have the vertical chopping palm quickly.
A and B:High and low block on the right side
(1)甲右腿前落,身体左转;右手握拳,右臂上抬,高与肩平,小臂外旋向乙头部击打。乙右手握拳,右臂上抬,高与肩平,小臂外旋向上迎击(图5-3-35 ①)。
A lands the right leg in front with the body turning to left.Uplifts the right arm up to shoulder level with holding the fist, and outwardly rotates the lower arm and hits at B's head.B uplifts the right arm up to shoulder level with holding the fist and outwardly rotates the lower arm to receive the hit(Fig.5-3-35 ①).
(2) 甲右臂借助外旋的反弹力,内旋向乙右膝击打。乙右臂借助外旋的反弹力,内旋向甲右膝迎击,目视击打方向(图5-3-35 ②)。
A internally rotates the arm to hit at B's knee after the rebounding of the right arm outwardly rotation.B internally rotates the arm to receive the hit at A's right knee after the rebounding of the outward rotation of the right arm, keeps the eyes looking at the hit direction(Fig.5-3-35 ②).
Points to Remember: A and B to cross block with power.
B: Left spring kick; A:Vertical chopping palm with retreat step
B turns the body to the right at 90 degrees, and the left leg to spring kick at A's belly, and keeps the eyes looking at A.A steps the right leg backward to form horse riding stance, and has the left vertical chopping palm at B's left leg, with the right fist retaking to waist(Fig.5-3-36).
Points to Remember: B needs to kick quickly with power, A needs to retreat quickly with vertical chopping palm on time.
A and B:High and low block on the left side
(1)乙左脚前落,身体右转;左手握拳,左臂上抬,高与肩平,小臂外旋向甲头部击打,目视甲方。甲左手握拳,左臂上抬,高与肩平,小臂外旋向上迎击,目视乙方(图5-3-37 ①)。
B lands the left leg in front with the body turning right.Uplifts the left arm up to shoulder level with holding the fist, and outwardly rotates the lower arm and hits at A's head,keeps look at A.A uplifts the left arm up to shoulder level with holding the fist, and outwardly rotates the lower arm to receive the hit keeps looking at B(Fig.5-3-37 ①).
(2)乙左臂借助上格拳反弹力,内旋向甲左膝击打。甲左臂借助外旋反弹力,内旋向乙左膝迎击,目视击打方向(图5-3-37 ②)。
B internally rotates the arm to hit at A's knee after the rebounding of the left arm outwardly rotation of high block.A Internally rotates the arm to receive the hit at B's left knee after the rebounding of the outward rotation of the left arm, keeps the eyes looking at the hit direction(Fig.5-3-37 ②).
A and B:Thrust palms and internal rotation elbows
(1)甲乙重心右移,左脚尖点地;两掌收于腰间,掌心朝上。目视前方(图5-3-38 ①)。
A and both move the gravity to right with the left toes touching on the ground, two palms retake at waist, face the fist center upside.Keep the eyes looking straight ahead(Fig.5-3-38 ①).
(2)甲乙左脚进步成左弓步,左掌向前抢手。随即,右脚上步成右弓步;右掌向前抢手,左手握拳收于腰间(图5-3-38 ②③)。
A and B step the left leg forward to form left bow stance with left thrust palms.And then, step the right leg forward to form right bow stance with right thrust palms, retake the left fist at waist(Fig.5-3-38 ②③).
(3)甲乙身体左转90°,重心下移,左脚成左虚步;随身体左转双臂旋转内合,双拳向前上方抄出,拳面均向上,左拳高与鼻平,右拳置于胸前(图5-3-38 ④)。
A and B turn the body to left at 90 degrees within moving gravity down to form left empty stance and internally rotate both arms and reach out the fists towards upper front, face the fist surface upside.The left fist up to nose level and the right fist in front of the chest(Fig.5-3-38 ④).
B:Pushing palm in bow stance; A: Palm withstand in bow stance
B steps the left leg forward to form left bow stance and pushes the right palm to A's chest within retaking the left hand at waist, keeps the eyes look at A.A steps the left leg forward to form left bow stance, changes the left fist to palm, and withstands the lower arm through front of the body from waist, faces the palm center towards upper in front, with retaking the right fist at waist.Keeps the eyes looking at B(Fig.5-3-39).
Points to Remember: A needs to withstand the palm punctually.
A: Twisting grasp and low hook kick; B: Twisting grasp and lift back knee
(1) 甲左腕下压,抓握乙右手腕,乙左手快速扣压甲左手腕。甲右手迅速扣压乙左手腕,向右腰间下拉,目视乙方(图5-3-40 ①)。
A to have the twisting grasp on B's right wrist, and B to have the twisting grasp on A's left wrist quickly.A to have the twisting grasp on B's left wrist, and pull down to right side of the waist, keeps the eyes looking at B(Fig.5-3-40 ①).
(2)甲右腿屈膝上抬,前脚掌上挑,脚跟擦地向乙左脚踝处勾踢。乙左腿屈膝提起,两手顺重心后移之势后拉,目视甲方(图5-3-40 ②)。
A: uplifts the right leg and bends the knee with the sole toward upside, and low hooks kick at B's left ankle after the heel scratching the ground.B: uplifts the left leg within back knee after move the gravity backward, keeps the eyes looking at A(Fig.5-3-40 ②).
Points to Remember: twisting grasp tightly for both A and B, A to have the hook kick quickly, B to uplift the knee with steady.
A:Low side sole kick; B: Vertical chopping palm in horse-riding stance
A turns the body to left a little bit, and stretchs out the hip and right leg after the low hook kick and then to low side sole kick at B's lower leg.
B lands the left leg at ground as horse riding stance, changes two fists to palms, and chops the right palm vertically at A's right leg, with the left palm retaking at waist, keeps the eyes looking at A(Fig.5-3-41).
Points to Remember: A needs to have the low side sole kick quickly and B needs to have the vertical chopping palm in horse-riding stance quickly and precisely.
A:Punching fist in horse-riding stance; B: Inward block in horse-riding stance
A lands the right leg to form horse riding stance with the right fist punching to B's chest, retaks the left fist at waist, keep the eyes looking at B.
B steps the right leg backward, and bends the left elbow with outwardly rotation to block A's fist, keeps the eyes looking at the block direction(Fig.5-3-42).
A and B: Ending position
(1) 甲重心左移,甲乙左手变拳下按右肘处。甲乙身体右转成马步,右拳随身体转动向额头前上方架起,左臂屈肘握拳下栽于左腿上方,拳面向外同时发声“呜-喂”。 甲乙目视对方(图5-3-43 ①②)。
A moves the gravity to the left, and changes to left palm pressing on right elbow for both A and B.A and B withstand the right fist to upper of the forehead within turning the body to right as horse riding stance, and bend the left elbow and cut the fist to the upper of the left leg with the fist face downside and fist center outside, sound with “WU-WEI”.Keep the eyes looking straight at each other(Fig.5-3-43 ①②).
(2)甲乙左脚并右脚,双臂放于体侧,甲向后转(图5-3-43 ③④)。
A and B step the left foot together to right foot, put both of the arms aside of the body, A turns around(Fig.5-3-43 ③④).