一、直性摆腿法 Kick with Stretched Leg
(一)正踢腿 Frontal Kick
Starting Position: Stand upright with feet together and arms extended sideways at shoulder level, fingers up turned or clenched into fists(Fig.4-3-1).
Movements: The left foot takes a half step forward.Kick with the right leg towards the forehead, ankle joint dorsiflexed.Look straight ahead(Fig.4-3-2).Repeat by reversing “right” and “left”.
Points to Remember: Keep chest thrust out and waist erect.Keep ankle joint in dorsiflexion when you kick up and in plantar or dorsiflexion when you lower the leg.Draw in your belly forcibly and pull in your buttocks when executing the kick, which should be speeded up with explosive force when your leg reaches the waist level.
(二)斜踢腿 Oblique Kick
Starting Position: The same as that for “Frontal Kick”.
Movements: The left foot takes a half step forward.Kick with the right leg towards the left ear, ankle joint dorsiflexed.Look straight ahead(Fig.4-3-3).Repeat by reversing “right” and“left”.
Points to Remember, Steps of Training, Common Errors and Corrective Methods are the same as those for “Frontal Kick”.
(三)侧踢腿 Side Kick
Starting Position: Same as that for “Frontal Kick”.
Movements:The left foot takes a half step forward, toes pointing outward.Raise the right heel a bit and turn trunk slightly to the left while stretching the right arm forward and the left arm backward(Fig.4-3-4).Kick the right foot sideways and upward towards the right ear, ankle joint dorsiflexed.At the same time,raise the left arm above the head, with the elbow slightly bent,the palm turned up and fingers pointing inward while the right forearm is placed across chest with fingers upturned or hung in front of the trunk.Look straight ahead(Fig.4-3-5).Do a right side kick by reversing “right” and “left” in the above morement.
Points to Remember: Keep chest thrust out and waist erect.Turn your trunk a bit to the side of the supporting leg and draw in your abdomen vigorously while kicking.
Steps of Training: The same as those for “Frontal Kick”.
(四)外摆腿 Swing Leg Outward
Starting Position: The same as that for “Frontal Kick”.
Movements:The left foot takes a half step forward to the left.Kick the right foot with leg stretched and ankle joint dorsiflexed and go upward through the left side and then bring it across the face and downward to the right side until back to the starting position.Look straight ahead.You may slap the right sole with the right palm when the right foot passes over your right shoulder(Fig.4-3-6,Fig.4-3-7).Repeat by reversing “right” and “left”.
Points to Remember: Keep chest thrust out.Swing your leg in such a way as to describe a circle as big as possible.
(五)里合腿 Swing Leg Inward
Starting Position: The same as that for “Frontal Kick”.
Movements: The left foot takes a halt step forward to the left.Kick the right foot-leg stretched and ankle joint dorsiflexed upward to the right side and then bring it across the face and downward to the left side until back to the starting position.Look straight ahead.You may slap the right sole with the left palm when it passes over the left shoulder(Fig.4-3-8,Fig.4-3-9).Repeat by reversing “right” and “left”.
Points to Remember: Steps of Training are the same as those for “Swinging Leg Outward”.