第32章 通往成功的第一步 (4)(1 / 1)

Now is the time to practice Right Thinking. Now is the time to focus the power of your thoughts on the Highest and Best you can conceive of. Now is the time to move from old, outdated, worn-out models of existence and ego-based competition to actions which are in harmony with Nature and which promote love, health, peace and harmony among all Creatures and Beings on the Planet—for the Highest Good of All Concerned.

And make sure your thoughts are always Positive, Constructive, Beneficial and Specific in all of their aspects. For yourself and for everyone else. Use your power as a Conscious Choice-Maker wisely. Envision and manifest Deep Peace, Wisdom and Understanding, Perfect Health, Inexhaustible Vitality, Unshakable Joy, Wealth, Prosperity and Overflowing Abundance for yourself and for everyone else on the Planet.

Feel the Joy.

Think positively about the Planetary Shift in Consciousness that is taking place right now. See it happening. Feel it happening. Feel the Joy of it. Know in your Heart of Hearts that we, together, we the Conscious Choice-Makers, are now transforming Planet Earth, our home, into the Heavenly Paradise we see in our Minds' Eyes. See it, feel it and believe it... and it will manifest.

We are, all together now, who are singing and dancing, on the Road to Power!

And so it is.




















envision [in'vin] v. 预想;想象

Envision your ideal day, in full detail, from sun up to sun down.


evolution [,i:v'lu:n] n. 进展;演变;进化论

The evolution of man is slow, The injustice to man is great.


denounce [di'nauns] v. 谴责;告发;公然抨击

His rivals would denounce him as a bad example for the youth.


inexhaustible [,ini'z:stbl] adj. 用不完的;不知疲倦的

The inexhaustible love, completely will offer for you.





We envision and seek for ourselves.

seek for:寻找;追求;探索

...worn-out models of existence and ego-based competition to actions which are in harmony with Nature and which promote love...

in harmony with:与……协调;与……一致


Learn to Be a Leader

佚名 / Anonymous

Today' s youth seem content to take the easy route and enjoy the ride of life. When tough situations arise, they often pout and complain. How you live your teen years will have a profound impact on the rest of your life. You must learn to utilize your time wisely.

You may not see it now, but developing leadership characteristics at a young age is very important. As we get older, it becomes harder to overcome bad habits and replace them with good ones. Possessing leadership qualities is essential, both in this life and in the world to come.

There are certain qualities that one needs to develop in order to become a leader: justice, judgment, dependability, initiative, decisiveness, tact, integrity, enthusiasm, poise, unselfishness, courage, knowledge and loyalty. You may recognize these as good qualities to have, without realizing how they apply to leadership. The more that these qualities are part of your nature, the more productive and enjoyable your life will be. All of these are qualities that one must possess to one degree or another.

Contrary to popular opinion, leadership is something that is learned. No one is born a leader. We are all capable of exhibiting the leadership qualities mentioned above—some just choose not to. Of course, not everyone can be the "top dog", let alone all the time. However, everyone does have the capacity to lead in some way—but action is required!

Understand that learning is a fact of life—learning to ride a bike, learning to drive,learning to type, learning mathematics, etc. All of these activities require action. While we are born with many different abilities, if we do not harness and develop them, those abilities will never come to fruition.

Youth is an excellent time to start developing leadership traits. Take the time to study each one in detail. Put them into practice as you interact with other people. Determine which areas you are weak in, striving to always improve. Observe the leaders, and how they handle situations and carry themselves. Also, study the lives of great leaders. The results will serve you in this life—and beyond!

