第31章 通往成功的第一步 (3)(1 / 1)

As industry is habitual activity in some useful pursuit, so, not only inactivity, but also all efforts without the design of usefulness, are of the nature of idleness.

not only...but also...:不但……而且……

He sleeps long and late, he wakes to stupidity, with indolent eyes sleepily rolling over neglected work.

roll over:翻滚;转存


Extreme Busyness

罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森 / Robert Louis Stevenson

Extreme busyness, whether at school or college, kirk or market, is a symptom of deficient vitality; and a faculty for idleness implies a catholic appetite and a strong sense of personal identity. There is a sort of dead-alive, hackneyed people about, who are scarcely conscious of living except in the exercise of some conventional occupation. Bring these fellows into the country, or set them abroad ship, and you will see how they pine for their desk or their study. They have no curiosity; they cannot give themselves over to random provocations; they do not take pleasure in the exercise of their faculties for its own sake; and unless Necessity lays about them with a stick, they will even stand still.

It is no good speaking to such folk: they cannot be idle, their nature is not generous enough; and they pass those hours in a sort of coma, which are not dedicated to furious moiling in the gold-mill. When they do not require to go to the office, when they are not hungry and have no mind to drink, the whole breathing world is a blank to them. If they have to wait an hour or so for a train, they fall into a stupid trance with their eyes open. To see them, you would suppose there was nothing to look at and no one to speak with; you would imagine they were paralyzed or alienated; and yet very possibly they are hard workers in their own way, and have good eyesight for a flaw in a deed or a turn of the market.

They have been to school and college, but all the time they had their eye on the medal; they have gone about in the world and mixed with clever people, but all the time they were thinking of their own affairs. As if a man' s soul were not too small to begin with, they have dwarfed and narrowed theirs by a life of all work and no play; until here they are at forty, with a listless attention, a mind vacant of all material of amusement, and not one thought to rub against another, while they wait for the train. Before he was breeched, he might have clambered on the boxes, when he was twenty, he would have stared at the girls; but now the pipe is smoked out, the snuff-box empty, and my gentleman sits bolt upright upon a bench, with lamentable eyes. This does not appeal to me as being Success in Life.




appetite ['鎝itait] n. 食欲;嗜好

A good appetite is a good sauce.


curiosity ['kjuris] n. 好奇心;求知欲

We burned with curiosity over what was in the box.


furious ['fju:ris] adj. 狂怒的;激烈的;热烈兴奋的;喧闹的

Facing such furious competitions,they can't win at all.


dwarf [dw:f] v. 变矮小;使矮小

Our little dinghy was dwarfed by the big yacht.





There is a sort of dead-alive, hackneyed people about, who are scarcely conscious of living except in the exercise of some conventional occupation..

a sort of:一种;有点儿;所谓的

You will see how they pine for their desk or their study.

pine for:渴望


The Power of the Vision

芭芭拉·伯杰 / Barbara Berger

How Are We Supposed to Live?

How then do enlightened men and women actually live?

Ask yourself.

Meditate on this question.

Find concrete answers.

Find solutions that you know in your heart will work.

This is what I envision:

First of all, life on Planet Earth, humanity as we know it, is evolving. This means we are capable of evolving, becoming better, higher, more loving.

We must"do unto others"... There is no other way, no other viable solution for ourselves or for the Planet.

And this"doing unto others" includes right thinking, too. In the next stage of our evolution our thoughts will be visible. (For those who are sensitive, they already are. ) Thus... doing unto others includes envisioning and seeking for others the very same Good that we envision and seek for ourselves. Yes, the Good of One is the Good of All.

This also means seeing the Divine in everyone, including people we dislike and our so-called"enemies". We may condemn the way other people behave. In other words, we may dislike the outer man or woman and denounce his or her behavior, but we must recognize and salute, at all times, the Divinity within each and every person we meet on our way. We must wish them well and envision the Highest Good for them too, or again as Frederick Bailes put it: constantly entertain "an intense desire for the well-being of others."

With this in mind, we will always make the right choices, for ourselves and the Planet.

Make That Shift Right Now.