§Every new one comes slightly used.(1 / 1)

The road to becoming a Volkswagen is a tough one. The obstacles are many.

Some make it.

Some crack.

Those who make it are scrutinized by 8397 inspectors. (807 of them are finicky women.)

They‘re subjected to 16,000 different inspections. They’re driven the equivalent of 3miles on a special test stand.

Every engine is broken in.

Every transmission.

Many bugs are then plucked from the production line. Their sole function in life is to be tested and not to be sold.

We put them through water to make sure they dont rust.

They climb hills to test handbrakes and clutches. Then comes the dreaded wind tunnel and a trip over 8 different road surfaces to check out the ride.

Torsion bars are twisted 100,000 times to make sure they dont break off in key locks.

And so it goes on.

200 Volkswagens are rejected every day.

Its a tough league.