She looked so fragile and helpless.I was told she didn’t even speak English.Olga and her family had come from Puerto Rico to receive the expert medical care that was unavailable in her own country.
I was working in the intensive care unit of our local children’s hospital, as one of Olga’s nurses.I couldn’t help but think how frightened this little girl must feel with all those scary tubes, machines and monitors around her.When she opened her eyes, she was incredibly beautiful and smiling back at me with big brown eyes.
When her mother arrived early the next morning, she said to me,“My husband must return to Puerto Rico.He needs to go back to work.I’ll stay here, near Olga, with her sister and brother, so she can get the medical help she needs to stay alive.”As we talked, I discovered that Olga’s mother was the only one in her household who spoke English.
The family had been staying at the Ronald McDonald House but would soon need to move into more permanent housing.Since they didn’t have anyone else to help them set up housekeeping, I volunteered.
As I attempted to help get an apartment for Olga’s family.I was told,“It’s impossible.The child’s mother isn’t working, and her father doesn’t even live in this country.”
After I told this story to some of my nurse friends, one of them contacted our local newspaper.One columnist promised he would write their story, but added,“This will be my last column of this sort.These stories just don’t sell papers anymore.”
That’s when Becky, our determined angel, arrived.She was a vibrant, talkative and charming volunteer.We talked, and immediately she had some excellent ideas.As we concluded our conversation, she said,“Oh, by the way, I have cancer, but I’m under treatment.”
Despite her condition, Becky took charge.She not only found housing for Olga and her family, but also helped with everything else they need.I asked myself, how could this woman do so much when she had such difficulties of her own?
Becky got the children enrolled in a bilingual program and was able to find the mother a job close to home.When winter set in, Becky would go home from work, start dinner, check on the children and then call Olga’s mother to see if she had a ride home from the hospital.If she didn’t, Becky would bring her home.
In April 2000, I was invited to attend the annual Jefferson Awards luncheon.Five outstanding volunteers from each state are nominated, and one is selected to represent his or her state in the national competetition in Washington, D.C.Not only was Becky chosen, but she also won the top award.She not only helped this family in need, but she also helped others fight their own battles with cancer.
In 1998, Becky was diagnosed with ovarian cancer.The doctors weren’t optimistic, but she was strong-willed and determined.Today, she continues to share her experiences, heartaches and triumphs.She is constantly placing the concerns and care of others before her own.
Becky is living proof that the human spirit can be remarkable, even under the most adverse conditions.Olga and her family thrive thanks to a determined, kind-hearted woman.
(1) attempta.to propose for an honor
(2) bilingualb.to make an effort to do
(3) nominate c.lighthearted
(4) optimisticd.having or expressed in two languages
TRUEif the statement agrees with the information
FALSEif the statement contradicts the information
_______ (1) I didn’t take much care of the Olga compared with Becky.
_______ (2) Becky liked to help others because of her illness.
_______ (3) The story didn’t tell us whether Becky was alive or not in the end.
1.The family had been staying at the Ronald McDonald House but would soon need to _______ more permanent housing.
2.Becky is living proof that the human spirit can be remarkable, _______.
(1) attempta.to propose for an honor
(2) bilingualb.to make an effort to do
(3) nominate??c.lighthearted
(4) optimisticd.having or expressed in two languages
TRUEif the statement agrees with the information
FALSEif the statement contradicts the information
_______ (1) I didn’t take much care of the Olga compared with Becky.
_______ (2) Becky liked to help others because of her illness.
_______ (3) The story didn’t tell us whether Becky was alive or not in the end.
1.The family had been staying at the Ronald McDonald House but would soon need to _______ more permanent housing.
2.Becky is living proof that the human spirit can be remarkable, _______.