索引[1]02(1 / 1)

requires no learning to hear 收听不需要学习196;

retrieves town crier 使叫卖人再现189;

reverses into television 使电视逆转16,189;

tetradic assessment of “媒介四定律”对广播的评估16,189;

vs.television 广播对电视52,107,108,154;

“wireless” “无线电”15,142,174,181

rap music as “cool” music 作为“酷”音乐的说唱乐 107,117

rationality:as consequence of alphabet(McLuhan)理性:拼音字母表的产物178;

as improvement 理性的178

Reagan,Ronald 罗纳德·里根 68,111-112,154-155

RealAudio 实时音频,在线音频播放5,38,155,175,176;

vs.broadcast radio 实时音频对电台广播49-50

RealVideo 实时视频播放,在线视频播放5,151,155

“rear-view mirror”(McLuhan)后视镜(麦克卢汉)15-16,167,172-178,180-182,183-184,186,197;

and present as hypothetical midpoint between past and future 以过去和未来假设的中间点呈现181;

as narcissism 作为自恋性麻木的后视镜174;

as tool for responding to media critics 作为回应媒介批评工具的后视镜180;

clarifies uses of Internet 澄清互联网的用处181;

indicates media within media 暗示媒介里套媒介媒介174(see also media);

in music store 音乐店里的后视镜173-174;

linguistic 语言后视镜173-174;

multiplicity of views in 后视镜里多样景观185-186;

pros and cons 后视镜利弊176;

vs.“deep” retrieval(Levinson)后视镜对“深度”再现175,194-195;

refrigeration 冷藏13,147;

makes delicatessen an art form 冷藏工艺使熟食成为一种艺术形式148

“remedial media”(Levinson)“补救性”媒介(莱文森)179-180,195,202;

fundamental to media evolution “补救性”媒介是媒介演化的基本理论179(see also “anthropotropic”);see also telephone:answering machine;VCR;window shade

Renaissance 文艺复兴31,195

“Report on Project in Understanding New Media”(by McLuhan)“理解新媒介研究项目报告书”(麦克卢汉)35,65,106,116

Reservoir Dogs(motion picture)《落水狗》(电影)117

Rheingold,Howard 霍华德·莱因戈尔德58

Richards,I.A. 理查兹39,97,115

Rock Eras(by Curtis)《摇滚年代》(柯蒂斯)19

rock ‘n’ roll 摇滚乐19,126,166,170;

tetradic assessment of(Curtis)用四元律评估摇滚(柯蒂斯)191

Rockefeller,John D.,Sr. 约翰·洛克菲勒89

Rolling Stones,The 滚石乐队111,166

Romanticism 浪漫主义156

Roosevelt,Franklin Delano 富兰克林·罗斯福67,68,154-155

Rosenthal,Raymond 雷蒙德·罗森塔尔3

Rossato,Louis 路易·罗萨托133

Rouault,Georges 乔治·鲁奥99


rescues Popper’s Open Society 拯救了波普尔的《开放社会及其敌人》120

Russell,Bertrand 伯特兰·罗素97

Russian culture and American Southern culture 俄国文化与美国南方文化19


Sadat,Anwar 安瓦尔·萨达特28

Saint Augustine’s “virtual” God 圣奥古斯丁的“虚拟”上帝 57,82

Sanderson,George 乔治·桑德森29

Sarnoff,David 大卫·萨诺夫107,142,185

Saturday Night(magazine)《周六晚》(杂志)22,29

Sawyer,Robert 罗伯特·索耶尔153

saxophones,virtual 虚拟的萨克斯管173

scanners,visual 虚拟的扫描器164

“Schenck v.United States”(Supreme Court case)“申克诉美国政府案”(最高法院)125

Schliemann,Henrich 亨利·谢里曼162

Schlossberg,Edwin 埃德温·施洛斯伯格123

Schmidt,Jack 杰克·施密特60

Schmidt,Stanley 斯坦利·施密特130

scholarly journals 学刊126,138;see also Educational Technology;et cetera;Explorations;Journal of Communications;Media Ecology Review;Technology and Culture

Schreiber,Flora 弗洛拉·施莱贝尔149

Schwartz,Tony 托尼·史华兹6

science:and falsification 科学:科学与作假186;

as art 科学作为艺术145

science fiction 科幻小说,科幻文艺55,70,130,165,166,184-185,198

Science Fiction Round Table(online community)科幻小说圆桌会议(网络社群)32

search engines(Web)搜索引擎(互联网)74,129

Sedition Act(US,1798)《惩治叛乱法》87,128

seeing vs.hearing 目睹对耳闻46-48

Segovia,Andres 安德烈·塞戈维亚167

“Seminar on McLuhan”(Levinson’s)“麦克卢汉研讨会”(莱文森主持)xiii

Seurat,Georges 乔治·修拉99,100

seven liberal arts vs.unlimited “digital” arts(Levinson)文科“七艺”对无限的“数字”艺术194

sex:and Presidents(American)性:性与总统(美国)68-69,163;

and the telephone 性与电话113;

for machines 机器**63,183;

online 网络**58-60,64

Shakespeare,William 威廉·莎士比亚 162

Shannon,Claude 克劳德·香农165

Shannon-Weaver model of communication 香农-韦弗通讯模式99,165

Shea,Joe 乔·希亚87

The Shopping Channel(cable television)购物频道(有线电视)75

Silent Spring(by Carson)《寂静的春天》(卡森)146

Singapore 新加坡136

Skagestad,Peter 彼得·斯卡杰斯塔德 181

smell(sense of)嗅觉46-47,93

Smith-Sternau Organization 史密斯-斯特瑙保险公司136

Socrates 苏格拉底50,66,84,114

The Soft Edge(by Levinson)《软利器》(莱文森)xiii,43,67,73,78,126,128,169,199

Sokolov,Raymond 雷蒙德·索科洛夫27,29

song 歌曲168,170;

in the instrument 乐器演奏的歌曲168

Sontag,Susan 苏珊·桑塔格105


The Source “源头”商业网站11

The Soviet Union,苏联84,87,165,166,184;

Politburo as Platonic gatekeeper 政治局成为柏拉图式的守门人 122

“space-age mythology”(Engdahl)“太空时代的科幻神话”(恩达尔)160

space flight 太空飞行60,61,103,141,

Sparta 斯巴达198

“Speculum”(Prester John’s)“魔镜”(普里斯特·约翰)181

speech 言语,口语52-53,66;

similarity to online communication 口语与网络交流的相似性33;

ubiquity of in communication 交流中普遍存在的言语33,41

speed of imagination 幻想的速度62

Specter,M. M.斯佩克特62

Spellbound(motion picture)《迷魂》(电影)166

spelling,as badge of erudition in the printed age 拼写,印刷时代学问的标记 121

“spirit of an age”(Hegel)“时代精神”(黑格尔)146,192

Sputnik “伴侣号”人造卫星(苏联发射的人类第一颗卫星)13,61,146

stained glass 彩绘玻璃9,15,94,99

Stalin,Joseph 约瑟夫·斯大林67,142

Starr,Kenneth 肯尼斯·斯塔尔8,69

“Start Me Up”(music recording)“让我陶醉”(滚石乐队乐曲)111

stationery as stationary 文本固化如文具177;see also online text;typewriter

Stearn,Gerald 杰拉德·斯特恩3,24,97,105,138,177

Steiner,George 乔治·史丹纳(斯坦纳)105

Stevens,Harry 哈利·史蒂文斯71

Stevenson,Adlai 亚德莱·史蒂文森111

Stokowski,Leopold 利奥波德·斯托科夫斯基166

Stradanus,Johannes 约翰·斯特拉达48,50

Strate,Lance 兰斯·斯特拉特22,23,34

Strategic Defensive Initiative 战略防御计划(即“星球大战计划”)87

Straus,Isidor and Ida 伊斯铎·斯特劳斯和爱达·伊斯铎·斯特劳斯161

The Sunday Times(London)《星期日时报》(伦敦)36

Superbowl 超级碗,超级杯7,151

Superman(comic book,TV,film character)超人(漫画书,电影人物)26

Supreme Court(US)最高法院(美国)73,87,114,125-126

“Switched-On Bach”(music recording)《穆格琴巴赫》(专辑)166

symbiosis in media 媒介的共生75


Take Today:The Executive as Dropout(by McLuhan & Nevitt)《把握今天:自动出局的行政主管》(麦克卢汉和内维特)18,36,120

The Tao of Physics(by Capra)《物理学之道》(卡普拉)112

tape recording(of sound)磁带录音49-50,107

Tarantino,Quentin 昆汀·塔伦蒂诺107

taste(sense of)味觉46-47,93

taxonomy of media 媒介分类 2,108

Technology and Culture(scholarly journal)《技术与文化》(学刊)19,186

technology as embodiment of ideas 作为思想体现的技术63-64

Tedford,Thomas L. 托马斯·泰德福特125

telecommuting 在家办公;远程交换,远程办公12,135

telegraph 电报38,42,55,56,140,179;


triply abstract content 三重抽象的内容 56;

wireless(ship-to-ship)and Titanic 无线电波(船对船)与泰坦尼克号 142,161

telemarketing 电话营销12

telekinesis 心灵致动,心灵遥感165

telepathy 传心术,心灵感应166

telephone 电话4,6,10,15-16,17,20,27,35,37,38,39,42,60,106,108,113,142,179;

analogic 拟态电话,模拟式电话 164-165;

and appeal of the real 与真实性的**93,113,134;

and deception 电话与欺骗59,176;

and embodiment of the sender 电话与送话者的体现56;

answering machine 电话应答机,电话录音机 91,142,179,182;

Bell beats Gray to patent 贝尔战胜伊利沙·格雷,获电话专利167;

“cell” 手机(see cell-phones);

invented in pursuit of hearing aid 手机是在寻求助听器的过程中发明的180;

irresistibility of 难以抗拒的手机113;

lure of the unknown 未知的** 134;

mistaken for “toy” 被误认为“玩具”140;

recaptures voice lost in writing 重新捕获书写中失去的声音 179;

pierces sanctity of the home 刺破家庭的神圣空间134;

reverses into computers 逆转为计算机190;

“talking telegraph” “说话的电报”15,134,174;

vs.newspapers and books on claims of our attention 在争夺注意力中与书报相对134;

vs.telegraph 电话与电报相对 140

“telephonus interruptus” “电话插足”113

teleportation 心灵运输55

television 电视1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,13,16-17,20,27,35,37,38,39-40,46,52,53,57,64,66,67,70,72,75-76,82-83,93,95-96,99,100-102,106,107-108,109,113,134,146,162,197,201;

and the Web 电视与互联网 38,69,82,179,194,196(see also RealVideo);

and transformation of radio 电视与广播的转换 154(see also radio);

as art,due to Internet 因互联网兴起而成为艺术形式146,149-152,154;

as “drug”(Wynn)电视宛若“毒品”(玛丽·温)149;

as “Internet,lite”(Levinson)作为“低度数的互联网”(莱文森)14;

as source of “breaking news” 作为突发新闻的来源 101(see also Web);

basis of motion pictures in 1990s 作为20世纪90年代电影的基础149;

benefits of watching 看电视的好处51,195;

cable 有线电视(see cable television);

“classic” “经典”电视149,150,151;

“golden age”of 电视的“黄金时代” 149;

“live” 电视“直播”101,149,150;

live/archival “flip”“直播”/归档的逆转150,151;

low-key as advantage 低调的优势51;

obsolesces radio and motion picture theater 使广播和电影院过时190,191;

oligarchic network television 寡头网络电视16,42,82,163;

on the Web 互联网上的电视 14(see also RealVideo);

origin as “talking-head”medium 电视起初是“会说话头像”的媒介107;

“phone-in” “扣应”(公众打电话参与的)节目50,124;

requires no work to watch 看电视不费力195;

reverses into cable,VCR,holography 逆转为有线电视、录像机、全息术188,190,194;

reverses into media with multiplicity of choices 逆转为有多种选择的媒介191;

reverses into personal computer 逆转为个人电脑188,190,194;

satellite 通信卫星28;

tetradic assessment of 用媒介四定律评估电视 16,186,189-190;

unkind to Nixon 不利于尼克松57,111;

violence 电视暴力57-58;

vs.motion pictures 电视对电影101,106,108,146;

weakness as educational tool 电视作为教育工具的弱点 195

telharmonium 电传簧风琴167

Telstar(telecommunications satellite)通信卫星28

Termin,Lev 列夫·泰尔明165

tetrad(four laws of media)(McLuhan)媒介四定律,四元律,四元说(麦克卢汉)16-17,19,21,26,110,187-203;

a “cool”tool 作为一种“酷”的工具195;

amplification 放大律 16-17,18,50;

“clusters”and “chains” “定律丛”和“定律链”191;

“deep”retrieval(Levinson)vs.rear-view mirror “深度”再现对后视镜175;

entails metaphor and real-view mirror 涉及暗喻和后视镜192;

historical sense of 四元律的历史感192;

multiplicity of effects 多样化效应190;

obsolescence 过时律16-17,18;

paleolithic reach of 回溯到旧石器时代 195;

progressive 渐进性,进行性150;

retrieval 再现律16-17,18,50,51,52,148,195;

reversal,“flip” 逆转律16-17,18,149-151;

“spirals of evolution”(Levinson)螺旋形演进(上升)191;

tool of tools 工具之工具 186;

vs.dialectic 四元律对辩证法 192,195;

“wheels of evolution”(Levinson)“演进之轮”(莱文森)20,190-191

“Tetrad Conference”(with McLuhan)“媒介四定律研讨会”(莱文森)21,36,188,191

Theall,Donald 唐纳德·特沃尔174-175

theater 戏剧,剧院7,149;

motion picture 影剧院(see also movie theaters)

theremin 泰勒明琴165-168;

as “artificially intelligent” orchestra(Levinson)作为人工智能的乐队166;

music ideas over physical dexterity 音乐理念比演奏技能重要166

Theremin:An Electronic Odyssey(motion picture)《电子琴:漫长的征程》(电影)166

Theremin,Leon 利昂·泰勒明see also Termin,Lev

third dimension in visual media 视觉媒介的第三维195;see also holography

Thomas,Lowell 洛威尔·托马斯82

three-vs.four-part systems 三元系统对四元系统 193-194;see also dialectic:vs.tetrad

Through the Vanishing Point(by McLuhan & Parker)《通过消失点》(麦克卢汉与帕克)18

time travel 时光旅行55-56,63

Tippler,Frank 弗兰克·蒂普勒112


and Greek hubris 泰坦尼克号与希腊人的自大162;

epic tale of 泰坦尼克的史诗故事162;

on the Web 互联网上的泰坦尼克号162

Titanic:Secrets Revealed(television show)《泰坦尼克探秘》(电视剧)162

Tokyo 东京136

The Tonight Show(TV)《今晚》秀(电视脱口秀)153

touch(sense of)触觉46-47,93

town crier,retrieved by radio 因广播而过时的叫卖人(卖货郎)189


McLuhan critiques as “dialectic” 被麦克卢汉批评为“辩证”192-193


Toye,William 威廉·托伊22,29,36,189

The Train Enters the Station(motion picture)《火车进站》(电影)143

“transmateriality” of human thought(Levinson)人的思想的“转物质性”(莱文森)63


Troy,Homer’s 荷马史诗里的特洛伊 162

Trudeau,Pierre Elliot 皮埃尔·特鲁多3

Turing,Alan 艾伦·图灵86

Turoff,Murray 默里·图洛夫 32,71,77

TV Land(cable TV)“电视王国”频道(有线电视)149

“Twice Upon a Rhyme”(music recording)“双重押韵”(唱片)193

Two Cheers for Democracy(by Forster)《为民主两呼》(福斯特)74

typewriter 打字机136,152;

and monkey scenario 打字机与“猴子”场景170;

as form of initialgatekeeping 作为守门机制的形式 170;

necessary negotiation with 适应打字机需要一个过程 169;

vs.word processor 打字机对文字处理机169-170

Twitter 推特(莱文森第二版序)


Understanding Media(by McLuhan)《理解媒介》(麦克卢汉)xi,xiii,18,32,34,36,37,106,110

universities:online vs.in-person 大学:网上大学对面授 84-85

University of Paris 巴黎大学 84

University of Toronto 多伦多大学xiv,3,44,193

University of Toronto Press and McLuhan 多伦多大学出版社与麦克卢汉120,189

Usenet 用户交流网,新闻讨论组(互联网)4,115


Vacco,Dennis 丹尼斯·瓦科89

Verbi-Voco-Visual Explorations(by McLuhan)《言语·声象·视象探微》(麦克卢汉)18

Verhoeven,Paul 保罗·维尔霍伊文198,199

video cassette recorder(VCR)录像机5,16-17,82-83,108,149,150,151,188,197;

as remedial medium for TV 作为电视的补救性媒介 179,180,202;

as TV’s memory 作为电视的记忆设备108;

Khrushchev’s view of 赫鲁晓夫的电视观109;

retrieves Altamira,Lascaux,Chauvet 再现洞穴画 195;

TV’s privatekinetoscope 作为电视私密的放映机 151

video images 视频图像176

videos,music 视频音乐 91;see also “pop-up”

videophone 可视电话17

violence and media 暴力与媒介57-58

virtual accomplishment,false sense of 虚拟世界中成就的错觉171

virtual banking 虚拟金融 77-78,79;see also electronic money

viruses:virtual and real 病毒:虚拟与真实59,63-64

Vozick,Tina 蒂娜·沃齐克xiv,83,93,135-137

Vozick-Levinson,Molly xiv,莫莉·麦克卢汉-莱文森137,138

Vozick-Levinson,Simon xiv,西蒙·沃齐克-莱文森136,138,181


Wachtel,Edward 爱德华·瓦克特尔xii,23,34,123,179

War and Peace in the Global Village(by McLuhan & Fiore)《地球村里的战争与和平》(麦克卢汉与)18,65

The Washington Post 《华盛顿邮报》 125

Watergate scandal 水门事件丑闻57,111

Watson,Wilfred 威尔弗雷德·华生18,158

weaponry,Chinese invention of 武器,中国的发明141

Weaver,Warren 沃伦·韦弗165

Web 互联网4,8,11,12,13,14,18,29,30,31,34,37-38,81,87,88,109,117,119,128,130,133,146,150,162,163,196;

accomplice in myth-making 创造神话的助手162;

and multiplicity of choices 互联网与选择的多样性191;

as hall of rear-view mirrors 作为后视镜厅堂175;

as library 作为图书馆176;

as source of “breaking” news 作为“突发”新闻的源头 7-8,69;

“browsers” 作为“浏览器”197(see also Internet Explorer;Microsoft;Netscape);

hypothetical shift into totalitarian medium 变为极权媒介的假设198;

hypothetical use as propaganda machine 用作宣传机器媒介的假设198;

requires learning 互联网需要学习195;

rudiments of 互联网基础120;

“surfing” “冲浪”13,76,142

Western Behavioral Sciences Institute 西部行为科学研究院 22,31,83,115,136,155

Western Union Telegraph Company 西部联合电报公司140

Wexler,Haskell 哈斯克尔·韦克斯勒105

“White Rose”(in Nazi Germany)(反希特勒的)“白玫瑰”运动(纳粹德国)86

White Star Line(owned Titanic)“白星航线”(泰坦尼克属下公司)161

“Whole Earth” movement(Brand)“整体地球”运动,“地球的法则”运动(布兰德)61,78

Wiener,Norbert 诺伯特·维纳 63

Wilder,Billy 比利·怀尔德166

Will,George 乔治·威尔 71

Williams,Carl 卡尔·威廉斯44,45

“willing suspension of disbelief”(Coleridge)“自愿将怀疑悬置”(柯尔律治)144

Wilson,Brian 布赖恩·威尔逊166

Wilson,John C. 约翰·威尔逊29

Windows operating system 视窗操作系统 13,88,90,117,139,179,197;

as remedial medium 作为补救性媒介 179;

bundled with games 与游戏捆绑 142;

use for propaganda?用于宣传?198

Windows 视窗(操作系统)958,111,153

windows(non-computer):as remedial medium 窗户:作为补救性媒介 179;

and television 窗户与电视 103

“Windowshades,”hypothetical improvement of Windows “窗帘”,作为窗户改进媒介的窗帘 179

window shades 窗帘 179,202

Winner,Langdon 兰登·温内尔136


as “cooled down” print 作为“退凉”的印刷品 109

Wise,Robert 罗伯特·怀斯166

Wittgenstein,Ludwig 路德维希·维特根斯坦2

Wolfe,Tom 汤姆·沃尔夫 2,105

Wolff,M. M.沃尔夫133

Woodward,Louise(“au pair” case)露易丝·伍德沃德“保姆”案69

“Word Perfect”(computer program)Word Perfect文字处理系统(金山词霸)153

word processing 文字处理 12,139,142,143,152,166-170,171-172

words as unreliable markers of technological usage 语词并非技术应用的可靠标记148;

see also rear-view mirror

“Wordstar”(computer program)Wordstar文字处理系统153

work vs.play 工作对游戏12

World War II 第二次世界大战67,86,198,200

World Wide Web 万维网see Web

writing:and computers 书写(文字):与计算机(see online text;word processing);

and narcissism 文字与自恋102;

confirmation of in print 在印刷品中确认153;

for fun and profit 为自娱和为利写作139;

of personal letters 写私信114;

vs.publishing 写作对出版11,153

Wychwood Park(Toronto)威栖伍德园21,95

Wynn,Marie 玛丽·温149


x-rays X光 24

[1] 索引中页码为原书页码。