图9-4 个案后测成绩及与常模的比较
图9-5 个案前测、后测成绩及与常模的比较
We introduced assessment and intervention of development dyslexia in Mainland China, by using a second-grade boy as an example.
A battery of screening measures, Raven IQ test, phonological awareness, morphological awareness, orthography awareness, reading fluency and etc., was administered to the boy.With normal IQ, he had specific difficulties in reading, especially in reading fluency.Meanwhile, he was poor in phonological awareness and orthography awareness; but performed well in morphological awareness.Based on that, the intervention for the boy focused on pinyin, orthography awareness and Chinese character.One year later, posttest showed that the boy made remarkable progress on phonological awareness, orthography awareness and reading fluency.
Dyslexia’s assessment and intervention just started in Mainland China, immature and unsystematical.Most importantly, there is not a professional institution which could provide such services to dyslexics.Result of that, parents have to take the responsibility and carry out the training at home, after receiving some advices from experts.That might not be satisfactory for dyslexics.Professional institutions and therapists are needed nowadays in Mainland China.
reading difficulty, child, assessment, intervention
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