同时,新的脑科学研究方法、脑科学与其他学科之间的交叉与融合,也将为这一领域带来新的突破性的发展。例如,图论研究方法在脑科学中的应用将使我们能够从全脑复杂网络连接的角度理解阅读障碍的神经基础,目前已经有研究进行了这方面的探索(Finn,Shen et al.,2013),未来会有更多的研究涌现。再如,分子遗传学的研究已经发现了多个与阅读障碍相关的基因,在拼音文字阅读障碍(Gayán,Smith et al.,1999;Taipale,Kaminen et al.,2003;Hornickel & Kraus,2013;Mascheretti,Riva et al.,2014;Norton,Beach et al.,2015)以及汉语阅读障碍(Su et al.,2015;Wang et al.,2014;Zhang et al.,2012)中均有发现。这些分子遗传学研究将为阅读障碍的诊断提供基因层面的指标。分子遗传学与影像学的结合已经形成一门新的学科遗传影像学(imaging genetics),运用该学科的研究方法将能够揭示阅读障碍的遗传特征与脑影像特征之间的联系,帮助我们更深入地理解阅读障碍,更准确、有效地开展阅读障碍的诊断、干预与预测。
摘要 Abstract
Non-invasive neuroimaging techniques provide unprecedented approaches for investigating neural mechanism of dyslexia in recent decades.A large amount of neuroimaging studies reported that dyslexics showed both structural and functional abnormalities in several specific brain regions as well as in their connectivity.Alphabetic dyslexics were mainly impaired in the occipital-parietal and occipital-temporal regions.Unlike alphabetic dyslexics, Chinese dyslexics exhibited structural or functional abnormalities mainly in the left middle frontal gyrus,intraparietal sulcus, ventromedial prefrontal cortex and right lingual gyrus, suggesting a cultural effect on the neural mechanism of dyslexia.Recently researchers started to investigate the possibility of diagnosing, intervening and predicting dyslexia based on the neuroimaging data.Preliminary results indicated that besides behavioral data, neuroimaging data can provide extra contribution to the diagnosis, intervention and prediction of dyslexia, with a relatively good accuracy and stability.These studies highlight the promising prospect of integrating neuroscience and education in the future, and may provide new idea and methodology for the educational intervention of dyslexia.
neural mechanism, diagnosis, intervention, prediction, brain-based education
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