
另外,目前的研究者普遍认同阅读障碍代表了阅读能力正态分布的末端,他们只存在发展上的落后(e.g.,Ho et al.,2007;Shaywitz & Shaywitz,2005)。既然阅读障碍代表阅读能力的末端,属于阅读能力连续体的一部分,那么阅读障碍的候选基因对一般群体阅读能力的作用如何是值得研究者进一步探讨的问题。此外,研究者主要采用横断研究的方法,仅在单一时间点上探讨候选基因与阅读障碍的关系,而行为研究已经证明,阅读障碍者的认知缺陷及障碍程度在个体发展的不同阶段存在异质性,因此后续研究还需要从纵向追踪的角度进行深入分析。

摘要 Abstract

Developmental dyslexia, DD, is a complex genetic disorder, and with multiple cognitive deficits.Previous molecular genetic studies mainly adopted case-control design to investigate possible candidate genes for DD, and have reported several candidate genes (such as DYX1C1,DCDC2,KIAA0319/TTRAP).Further investigation revealed that these candidate genes were also in contribution to reading-related cognitive skills.This paper introduces previous studies on candidate genes of DD, including findings of genetic association studies on Chinese population.


developmental dyslexia, candidate gene, association analysis, cognitive phenotype

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[1] 成都医学院心理学系

[2] 北京师范大学认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室