



Written language acquisition and application (i.e.literacy skills) is a complicated cognitive process, which require the involvement of multiple psychological activities, including not only language-specific ones (e.g., metalinguistic awareness, speech perception, etc.), but also general ones (e.g.visual attention).Problems in any psychological functions may finally cause problems in written language processing.In the current research field about reading development, although more and more researchers begin to explore the influence of diverse psychological activities on written language processing in different languages, relatively more research studies still focus on language-specific factors.This tendency is more obvious in research studies in English.In alphabetic languages other than English, researchers have focused on the influence of some general psychological activities; and visual attention is just one among them.In this chapter, the concept of visual attention and its influence on children’s literacy skills will be introduced, and discussed based on evidences in western studies.Next, the role of visual attention in the literacy development of Chinese children will be discussed, by referring to the characteristics of Chinese language and extant direct and indirect evidences.At the end, some research questions and directions that are valuable for further exploration in this area will be mentioned.

key words

visual processing, literacy, visual scan, dyslexia


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[1] 香港教育学院特殊教育与辅导学系

[2] 出现在注视点上方的箭头,诱发的是内源性视觉注意,而在圆形区域上方出现的箭头,诱发的是外源性视觉注意。另外,视觉注意还可以根据是否涉及眼球运动分为显性(overt)视觉注意(即在注意过程中有眼球运动)和隐性(covert)视觉注意(即在注意过程中不出现眼球运动)。本章中将不对这些类别的视觉注意进行个别探讨。

[3] 比如,德语和意大利语的音—形对应关系比较一致,语音结构相对比较简单,而英文的音—形对应关系较为复杂,语音结构也相对复杂。