Discussion on Applying the Protection of Marine Environment to Obligation Erga Omnes
Xing Aifen Li Mengying
Abstract:Since the International Court of Justice put forward and illustrate the concept of obligation erga omnesin the decision of the BarcelonaTraction,Light,Power Company case in 1970,obligation erga omnes plays a more and more important role in the theory and practice of international law.Although there are still some uncertain factors in its content,given the importance of the protection of marine environment and the development of obligation erga omnes,there is no doubt that the protection of marine environment belongs to obligation erga omnes.Applying obligation erga omnes to protecting marine environment,there are two important issues we should highlight,the first one is litigation qualification,and the second one is the legal consequences of breach of obligation erga omnes of protection of marine environment.Only in this way can we make our planet a better place to live in and achieve sustainable development.
Key words:Obligation Erga Omnes,The Protection of Marine Environment,State Responsibility
[1] 北京师范大学法学院教授。
[2] 北京师范大学法学院2010级法律硕士。
[3] 巴塞罗那牵引、电灯和电力公司案第二阶段的判决。
[4] Georg Schwarzenberger,International Law as Applied by International Courts and Tribunals,at p.459.(1957).
[5] 《国际法院报告集》,177页,1950。
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[9] 科孚海峡案和尼加拉瓜案判决。
[10] 国际法院关于纳米比亚案的咨询意见。
[11] 卫拉曼特雷法官于东帝汶议案的反对意见中有所提及。
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[14] 同上书,49页。
[15] 该项义务源自国际法院对于科孚海峡案判决和尼加拉瓜案判决。
[16] 该项义务最早出现在国际法院对于纳米比亚案的法律咨询意见中。
[17] 该项义务出自卫拉曼特雷法官在东帝汶案的反对意见。
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[20] 《维也纳条约法公约》第53条。
[21] 《国家责任的条款草案》第28、29、30和31条。
[22] 《国际法委员会报告》,1996年,第42条。