●Thailand(1 / 1)

■Thai Society and Culture

◆ The Wai

◇The common form of greeting is the wai, which adheres to strict rules of protocol.

◇The standard form is raising both hands, palms joined with the fingers pointing upwards as if in prayer, lightly touching the body somewhere between the chest and the forehead.

◇The wai is both a sign of respect as well as a greeting. Respect and courtesy are exhibited by the height at which the hands are raised and how low the head is bowed to meet the thumbs of both hands.

◇You can make the wai may while sitting, walking, or standing.

◇The person who is junior in age or status will make the wai first.

◇The senior person makes the wai in return, usually with their hands held to somewhere around their chest.

◇If a junior person is standing and wants to wai a senior person who is sitting, the junior person will bend or lower their head while offering the wai.

◇If there is a great social distance between two people, the wai will not made in return.

◆ Buddhism in Thailand

◇Most Thais believe in Buddhism.

◇Buddhists believe that life does not begin with birth and end with death, but rather that every person has several lives on the basis of the lessons of life not yet learned and acts committed (karma) in previous lives.

◇Buddhists believe that selfishness and greed lead to suffering and that compassion and love bring happiness and welfare.

◇The true path to peace is to get rid of all desire, a condition which Buddhists explain as “nirvana”, an indescribable state unhampered by desire, suffering, or further rebirth, where a person simply is, and is completely at one with his/her surroundings.

◇Over 90% of the population in Thailand believe in Buddhism.

◆ Hierarchical Society

◇Thais have high regard for hierarchical relationships.

◇Social relationships are described as one person being superior to the other.

◇Parents are superior to their children, teachers to their students, and bosses to their subordinates.

◇When Thais meet a stranger, they will promptly try to place you within a hierarchy so they know how to deal with you. In other cultures people might ask what are seen as very personal questions to know how to treat a stranger.

◇A person’s status can be judged by clothing and general appearance, age, job, education, family name, and social connections.

◆ Thai Family Values

◇The family is the basis of Thai society.

◇Family life is often more closely knit than in Western cultures.

◇The Thai family is a kind of hierarchy, in which the parents are at the top.

◇Children are taught to respect their parents.

◆ Thai Demeanor

◇Thais attach great importance to outward forms of courtesy such as politeness, respect, friendly demeanor and self-control in order to keep harmonious relations.

◇Many of their rules of etiquette are by-products of the Buddhism.

◇It is not a confrontational society, in which public argument or criticism is to be prevented at all costs.

◇To openly lose your temper might attract the anger of the spirits, which in turn could arouse violence and tragedy.

◇To openly criticize a person is a form of violence as it hurts the person and is regarded as deliberately insulting the person being rebuked.

◇Loss of face is a shame to a Thai so they try to avoid confrontations and seek concessions in tough situations.

◇If two parties are in disagreement, one will need to have an outlet to withdraw without losing face.

■Etiquette and Customs in Thailand

◆ Meeting Etiquette

◇The traditional form of greeting is the wai (as mentioned above), which is given by the person of lower status to the person of higher status.

◇Thais usually use first rather than surnames and put the honorific title Khun before the name. Khun is a general-puepose form of address that is suitable for both men and women.

◇Generally wait for your host and hostess to introduce you to the other guests, which allows everyone to know your status relative to their own, and thus know who makes the wai and how low the head should be lowered.

◆ Gift Giving Etiquette

◇If you are invited to a Thai’s home, a gift is not expected, although it will be appreciated.

◇Wrap gifts attractively, since appearance is very important. Bows and ribbons increase the sense of celebration.

◇Flowers, good quality chocolates or fruit are appropriate gifts.

◇Do not send marigolds or carnations, as they are used at funerals.

◇Try not to wrap a gift in green, black or blue as these are associated with funerals and mourning.

◇Gold and yellow are regarded as royal colors, so they are the best choices for wrapping paper.

◇Only wrap a gift in red if sending a gift to a Chinese Thai.

◇Gifts are not opened when received.

◇Money is the common gift for weddings and ordination parties.

◆ Dining Etiquette

If you are invited to a Thai’s house:

◇Try to be punctual, although being a few minutes late will not cause offence.

◇Verify if the host is wearing shoes. If not, take off yours before entering the house.

◇Ask another guest to confirm the dress conventions.

◇Step over the doorway rather than on it. This is an old tradition that may become extinct with younger Thais, but it is always a good idea to err on the side of conservatism.

◆ Table Manners

◇A fork and spoon are the common dining utensils. However, chopsticks are often used to eat noodles.

◇The spoon is taken with the right hand and the fork with the left hand. The fork is used to guide food on to the spoon, The fingers of the right hand are used to eat sticky rice, a northern Thai delicacy.

◇Most dinners are served as buffets or with serving platters in the center of the table family-style.

◇You cannot begin eating until you are served.

◇Leave a little food on your plate after you have eaten to show that you have eaten your full. Leaving nothing indicates that you still want more.

◇Never leave rice on your plate as it is regarded wasteful. The words for food and rice are the same. Rice has an almost mysterious significance besides its commonplace “daily bread” function.

◇Do not eat the last bite from the serving bowl.

◇Wait to be asked before having a second helping.

◇Never lick your fingers.

■Business Etiquette and Protocol

◆ Relationships and Communication

◇Thais prefer to conduct business with people they revere.

◇Relationships develop gradually and do not achieve success after one meeting; it may take several meetings.

◇Always be respectful and polite when dealing with others as this results in the harmonious relationship that are necessary within business.

◇Thai communication is formal and non-verbal communication is often more important than verbal communication.

◇Rank is always honored. The eldest person in the group is respected.

◇Most Thais seldom say “no”, so you must be aware of their non-verbal communication.

◇Pay attention to your body language and facial expressions, as these will be believed more important than your words.

◆ Business Meeting Etiquette

◇Appointments are imperative and should be made one month ahead.

◇It is good idea to send a list of who will be present at the meeting and their certificates so that Thais know the relative status of the people who will attend the meeting and can arrange properly.

◇You should be punctual for meetings as it represents respect for the person you are meeting.

◇Although most Thais will try not to be late, punctuality is a personal trait.

◇It is always better to send an agenda and material about your company as well as data to confirm your position before the meeting. Allow sufficient time to review and digest the material.

◇Keep standing until told where to take a seat. The hierarchical culture follows strict rules about rank and position in the group.

◇Provide written material in both English and Thai.

◇You must have patience.

◆ Dress Etiquette

◇Business dress is conservative.

◇It is appropriate for men to wear dark-colored conservative business suits.

◇Conservative business suits or dresses are the best choice for women. Women need not wear stockings.

◇Since Thais judge you on your dress and accessories, make sure that your shoes are always highly polished.

◆ Business Cards

◇Exchange business cards after the initial handshake and greeting. Theoretically speaking, you should give your card to the most senior person first.It is wise to have one side of your business card printed in Thai.

◇Deliver your business card with your right hand so the Thai side faces the receiver.

◇Examine a business card for a few seconds before putting it on the table or in a card case. As in most Asian countries, it is courteous to comment on the card, even if it is only to acknowledge the address.