●South Korea(1 / 1)

■Korean Society and Culture

◆ Korean Family Values

◇The most important part of Korean life is the family.

◇In Confucian tradition, the father is the master of the house and it is his duties to supply food, clothing and housing, and to approve the marriages of family members.

◇The eldest son has special responsibilities: first to his parents, then to his brothers from older to younger, then to his sons, then to his wife, and finally to his daughters.

◇Family well-being is much more important than the needs of the individual.

◇Members of the family are connected to each other because the behaviors of one family member influence the rest of the family.

◇In many cases, the family archives can trace a family’s history, through male ancestors, for over 500 years.

◆ Confucianism

◇The teachings of Confucius give an account of the position of the individual in Korean society.

◇It is a system of behaviors and ethics that emphasize the duties of people towards one another on the basis of their relationship.

◇The basic principles are founded upon five different relationships: 1) rulers and subjects, 2) husband and wife, 3) parents and children, 4) brothers and sisters and 5) friends and friends.

◇Confucianism places great emphasis on duty, loyalty, honor, filial piety, respect for age and seniority, and sincerity.

◆ Korean Ancestors

◇Ancestors develop from the male family line.

◇Children are reared to believe they can never pay back what you owe to their parents, hence the popularity of ancestor worship.

◇They hold ceremonies to worship ancestors of the previous three generations (parents, grandparents, and great grandparents) several times a year, particularly on Chusok and New Year’s Day.

◇On Chusok, people cook and set out food to worship their ancestors.

◆ The Concept of Kibun

◇Kibun is a word that cannot be translated literally in English; the closest terms are pride, face, mood, feelings, or state of mind.

◇If you damage someone’s kibun you hurt their pride, make them lose dignity, and lose face. Korean interpersonal relationships develop based on the principle of harmony.

◇It is important to always keep a peaceful, comfortable atmosphere, even if it requires you to tell a “white lie”.

◇Kibun has become a necessary part of Korean life.

◇It is important to know how to judge the state of someone else’s kibun, how to avoid damaging it, and how to maintain your own kibun at the same time.

◇In business, if a manager’s subordinates do not show proper respect his/her kibun is damaged. A subordinate’s kibun is hurt if his/her manager criticizes him/her in public.

◇Nunchi is the ability to judge another person’s kibun with the eye.

◇Since Korea is a culture where social harmony is very important, being able to determine another person’s state of mind is critical to keep the person’s kibun.

◇Nunchi is achieved by observing body language and listening to the tone of voice as well as what is said.

■Etiquette and Customs in South Korea

◆ Meeting Etiquette

◇Greetings adhere to strict rules of protocol.

◇Many South Koreans shake hands with emigrants after the bow, thereby combining both cultural styles.

◇The person of lower rank bows to the person of higher rank, yet it is the most senior person who extends the hand first.

◇The person who bows first says, “man-na-suh pan-gop-sumnida”, which means “Nice to meet you”.

◇Give information about the other person to the person they are being introduced to in advance of the actual meeting.

◇Wait to be introduced at a social gathering.

◇When you leave a social gathering, bid farewell and bow to each person individually.

◆ Gift Giving Etiquette

◇Gifts reflect a great deal about a relationship and are always reciprocated.

◇It would be thoughtless to give someone an expensive gift if you know that they cannot afford to return accordingly.

◇Take fruit or good quality chocolates or flowers if you are invited to a Korean’s home.

◇Wrapped gifts nicely.

◇The number 4 is regarded unlucky, so never send gifts in multiples of 4.

◇Giving 7 of an item is thought to be lucky.

◇Gifts are wrapped in red or yellow paper, since these are royal colors. Alternatively, wrap in yellow or pink paper since they are symbols of happiness.

◇Do not wrap gifts with green, white, or black paper.

◇Do not sign a card with a red pen.

◇Offer a gift with both hands.

◇Gifts are not opened when received.

◆ Dining Etiquette

If you are invited to a South Korean’s house:

◇Guests usually meet at a common spot and travel together.

◇You may arrive up to 30 minutes late without upsetting others.

◇Take off your shoes before entering the house.

◇The hosts greet each guest one by one.

◇The host, not the hostess, pours drinks for the guests in their face.

◇The hosts usually escort guests to the gate or to their car because they believe that it is offensive to wish your guests say goodbye indoors.

◇Send a thank-you note or an email the following day after you are invited to dinner.

◆ Table Manners

◇Wait to be shown where to take a seat. There is often a strict protocol to be adhered to.

◇Serve the eldest first.

◇It is the oldest or most senior person who starts the eating process.

◇Do not point your chopsticks.

◇Do not use chopsticks to pierce your food.

◇Return chopsticks to the table after every few bites and when you drink or stop to speak.

◇Never cross your chopsticks when placing them on the chopstick rest.

◇Do not use your hands to pick up food. Spear fruit with a toothpick.

◇Place bones and shells on the table or an extra plate.

◇Try a little bit of everything. It is allowed to ask what something is.

◇Turn down the first offer of second helpings.

◇Eat up everything on your plate.

◇Place your chopsticks on the chopstick rest or on the table to show you are finished eating. Never put them parallel across your rice bowl.

■Business Etiquette and Protocol

◆ Relationships and Communication

◇South Koreans prefer to conduct business with people with whom they have a personal relationship.

◇It is therefore very important to be introduced by an intermediary.

◇Relationships are established through informal social gatherings that often include a large amount of drinking and eating.

◇Individuals who have built up mutual trust and respect will try their best to make each other successful.

◇South Koreans regard legal documents as memorandums of understanding.

◇They see contracts as loosely structured consensus statements that generally define agreement so that they can be adjusted as needed.

◇In no case insult or criticize in front of others.

◇Sensitive matters may often be mentioned indirectly through the third-party that first made the introductions.

◇South Koreans communicate with each other quite directly. They are not reluctant to asking questions if they do not understand what they have heard or need additional clarification.

◇This is a culture where “less is more” when communicating. Reply to questions directly and briefly.

◇Since they are inclined to say “yes” to questions so that you do not lose face, the way you word a question is crucial. It is better to ask, “When can we expect shipment?” than “Can we expect shipment in 3 weeks?”, since this question needs a direct reply.

◆ Business Meeting Etiquette

◇Appointments are necessary and should be made 3 to 4 weeks ahead.

◇You should be punctual for meetings as this displays respect for the person you are meeting.

◇The most senior South Korean usually enters the room first.

◇It is a good idea to send both an agenda and back-up material which include information about your company and client testimonials before the meeting.

◇The main purpose of initial meetings is more about get-to-know-you.

◇Meetings are intended to understand a client’s needs and challenges. They lay the foundation for the development of the relationship.

◇Do not take off your jacket unless the most senior South Korean does so.

◇Provide all written materials in both English and Korean.

◆ Dress Etiquette

◇Business dress is conservative.

◇Men are expected to wear dark-colored, conservative business suits with white shirts.

◇Women are expected to dress conservatively and wear subdued colors.

◇Men should not wear jewelry except a watch or a wedding ring.

◆ Business Cards

◇Exchange business cards after the first introductions in a highly ritualized manner.

◇The way you treat someone’s business card indicates the way you will treat the person.

◇Have one side of your business card printed in Korean.

◇Using both hands, present your business card with the Korean side facing up so that it is can be read easily by the receiver.

◇Look at any business card you receive carefully.

◇Place the business cards in a card case or a portfolio.

◇Do not write on someone’s business card in their face.