●Meeting Host Etiquette(1 / 1)

Business etiquette demands that the meeting host should be most senior or the one with the most direct or urgent interest in the topic at hand.

■Preparation for the Meeting

If you are the person calling the meeting, you should dress professionally, arrive in good time, and of course make sure to switch off your cell phone. Don’t forget to check whether the handouts, PowerPoint slides etc. are ready and organized. Handouts should usually be sent at least 3 days prior to the meeting.

The rostrum is the center of the meeting. Make sure that most members can see the rostrum without stretching their necks or having to move their chairs. When using ** equipment, you’d better arrange the screen at the front of the room in order to make it easy for members to see the entire program. If you are going to use a microphone, you should test it before the guests arrive, not while they are already there.

■Etiquette during the Meeting

The meeting host should welcome visitors and introduce those who don’t know each other. Remind the attendees to switch off their cell phones or turn them on vibrate. And before getting down to business, make sure that the attendees know where the facilities are located and other details.

Make the meeting’s goal clear to all the attendees, how long the meeting will last, and what is expected of them such as information or preparation of documents. It is absolute poor business etiquette if you failed to relay the proper information as it could cause embarrassment.

Speak briefly and relevantly. A lengthy egotistical soliloquy will surely turn off your guests and participants. It is good business etiquette to allow more senior figures to contribute first when discussions are under way. Surely to say “please” when you ask your audience to do something. For example: “Please help me welcome our speaker, John Adams” then, lead applause for John. Coming back to the podium when John is finished his speck, you may say something like: “Let’s thank John for his great remarks” again, lead applause and thank John.

Make efforts to guarantee the meeting stays within agenda or a set of framework in order to keep it as effective and short as possible. Once the meeting goes off topic, remind the members of the agenda at hand and suggest that unconcerned circs be dealt with at other time.

The host need also (pre-)appoint someone to record the proceedings, documenting action points or major decisions, which might be distributed to the attendees for reference.

Sum up the action items at the end of the meeting, and request another meeting if necessary. Remember to thank all the people for attending the meeting and ask for feedback.


Follow-up with all participants once the meeting is over, circulating a list of action items, resolutions and issues that remain open. Provide the people who failed to attend the meeting with all details as to what has been discussed, offering them with important points and decisions.