●Meeting Organization(1 / 1)

Any effective business meeting needs good meeting planning. There are some advisements and practical tips to help you organize business meetings successfully.

■The Purpose of the Meeting

Everyone must know the purpose of the meeting—why the meeting is held. Every discussion and resulting decision must have a related action to be taken. Members should be aware of their responsibilities, authority and powers, as well as the limits of this power. Every meeting should end with definite plans and duties to be carried out by the members within a set time frame.

Any attendee knows that there must be order if there are to be accomplishment. If the meeting members lose sight of the plan, time is easily wasted and interest can fade quickly.

■Common Meeting Essentials

Every meeting set over a given term may have its own specific aims, discussions, and even its own atmosphere, but all meetings share some common ground. The group and its members must:

◇Know where they fit in the working of the organization as outlined in their constitution and by-laws.

◇Be familiar with the objectives and goals of the organization and work toward them in all activities.

◇Set consistent meeting times, dates and places suited to the work to be done.

◇Allow every member to take an active part in the discussion and agenda.

◇Accept ideas and views from all sides of an issue without personal criticism.

◇Record minutes and actions to be taken between meetings.

◇Effectively utilize everyone’ s time.

◇Agree to certain specific desired outcomes from the meeting.

◇Oftentimes assess progress to measure validness.

■Planning and Execution

Following an efficient process is of the greatest importance to a successful meeting.

◇A quiet room is a must. The meeting place should be prepared well before members arrive. Keep track of the members and make sure there are enough chairs for everyone of them.

◇Inform the attendees clearly the meeting schedule, including the place and the time. Provide them with the details on how long the meeting will last and what is expected of them.

◇List all the members including the managers, janitors, staff advisers, administrators, etc. and their telephone numbers.

◇All your own supplies, such as pens, paper, a stapler, a calendar, etc., should be kept in the room or nearby to be brought for meeting.

◇Place desks and chairs in a rectangular or circular arrangement so that everyone can see each other.

◇Make sure the meeting starts on time. Initiate the schedule even if some attendees are not there, unless they have courteously called to let you know they will be late—some things can’t be helped.

◇Main items should be announced prior to the meeting. Always provide every attendee with an agenda.

◇Follow the meeting rules. Decide on a process and stick to it.

■The Agenda

The agenda is the order of business to be dealt with at the meeting. Many outlines are used to help the leaders lacking of experience to get started. With the benefit of meeting agendas, time is not wasted on trifles, important items are dealt with and decisions are arrived at efficiently. On the one hand, an agenda should be flexible enough to adopt changes agreed upon by all members; and on the other hand, it must be consistent enough so that all members are familiarized with the routine.

A plain agenda may include the following items:


◇call to order;

◇reading and approval of minutes;

◇reports from directors, committees, treasurer;

◇unfinished business from last meeting;

◇new business announcements adjournment.