●Business Casual(1 / 1)

The success of any personal encounter begins the second someone lays eyes on you. A professional image—appearance and behavior—helps you start the experience in the right vein since people decide 10 things about you within 10 seconds of seeing you.

The business casual look that really dominates in nowadays workplace has made it more difficult to look as professional and powerful as before. While some compliment the trend, others think it shows less respect for self and others.

Dress depends on what the occasion you are attending. If the occasion is business, then dress as if you mean business.

Women frequently suffer more negative career consequences from business casual dress than men because they have a big choice. Women often choose stirrup pants, leggings, mini skirts and skirts. For men, casual typically means pants and a shirt or sweater. Their biggest fault may be to choose sweat pants or jeans or muscle T-shirts.

Learning the art of impression management—planning how you look and how you act in certain occasion—is sure to impact your career or business more favorably!

You tell others how to treat you. Your business associates or partners and coworkers mirror whether you want to be treated as Number one or Number ten in your walk of life and how much respect you want.

Color, style and fit provide the one, two, three punches in your appearance arena. Color influences people physically and psychologically, and business casual is the same.


Dark colors—black, navy and darker shades of gray—psychologically connote authority, power, responsibility, knowledge, and success.

Brown implies that you are dependable and stable—however you lack power and authority.

White is a good choice for a blouse or shirt since it shows clean, formal and sophisticated.

Pastels denote softness and femininity.

Every color has a message of its own. That depends on how you put them together to send your own message.


Here again business casual takes its toll, if you want to convey your power and professionalism.

A suit coat with long sleeves, slightly padded shoulders and a collar make you appear one-third more powerful. (Your sales will be easier when you know when to take your suit jacket off in a sales call and when to put it back on!)

Shoulder pads add authority and power.

Pleats and darts add bulks.

Vertical lines formed by classic three-button jackets contribute to the illusion of heights, so do pin stripes.

Single-breasted jackets with a center vent are perfect for men and women of average height. Double-breasted jackets complement taller people.


Few people have “hanger figures”. Almost all of you need help to make your clothes look as if they were made for you. Many stores provide free tailoring service. If not, find a skillful tailor who can do wonders with a nip here and tuck there. Take the shoes and other items you will wear with the garment so your tailor can work with the real thing.

Knowing that you have chosen the right color, style and fit for the occasion will increase your self-confidence and add immeasurably to your presentation ... of yourself and your products and services.