Good manners are only of true value if they become a practiced part of the individual’s daily life.With society’s appreciation of good manners increasing,it becomes more and more essential that manners be more than simply good intentions.We go visit public buildings from time to time for entertaining or study,and the manners inside the public buildings is still significant,no matter it is a library,a theater,a museum or a classic concert.A good rule is to know how to act accordingly in certain places.Such places may have a system of controlling noise,and rowdy behavior is usually not permitted.Make it a point to understand what the places are meant for and you will rarely make a mistake.The following tips give you great help for deportment in public buildings.
■Library Etiquette
A library provides a lot of service to visitors including computer use,newspaper access and the availability to borrow wonderful books.When going to a library,you should respect the quiet environment and privacy that the visitors are looking for.While many people practice proper etiquette in a library,there are some tips you should follow.
◆ Keep Your Shoes On
Now this should go without saying.However,there are individuals who visit the library and feel comfortable enough to take their shoes off.Please remember: The library is a public place,often visited by individuals of all walks of life.If you don’t want a foot infection,please keep your shoes on.Personally,we don’t expect see or smell your feet.
◆ Whisper
Keeping quiet is a basic rule when you’re in a library,this should go without saying.However,in today’s society it seems we have lost the ability to use our “inside voices”.I would think that it would be common sense that noise should be kept at a minimum,considering the enormous amount of books in your presence,but if you are confused about what noise level is appropriate,look around at those who are actually reading.Follow their lead.
◆ No Food
The library was not a restaurant,bar or a public park.It is better not to consume food products,especially chips,crackers and hard candy.If you want to sneak in a snack to munch on while you are quietly reading,please be sure it is a soft product; something you can chew quietly without much noise.
◆ Turn off Cell Phones
The library should be a good place for those seeking silence and an opportunity to enjoy reading,conduct research and write.If you want,or need to make a phone call and discuss an issue with someone,please take the conversation outside.Again,this is not a public place in which to carry on a two-way conversation.In order to keep minimum disruption,please turn off your phone call.
◆ Do not Re-shelve Books
Most libraries display this sign in a prominent position in the library setting.In plain English,this sign means that if you remove a book from a shelf,do not put it back on the shelf,which is called “re-shelving”.Instead,find a central location,a table or a desk,where you can lay the book and allow a librarian to re-shelve the book for you.There is nothing more frustrating than to look at a set of books on the topic of pregnancy and then see a book on how to build barns.
◆ Baby sit Your Own Children
While the library is a great educational environment,it is not a place of free baby sitting services.Therefore,do not put your child down at the library and leave them unattended,especially when the child has not learned,or will not follow,proper library etiquette.The library staff here is to assist with books and reference material and,in most cases,they have not been educated in child development and daycare services.If you accompany your child,bring them during periods when they are not sleepy and not hungry.Also,take your child to the restroom before entering the library.There is nothing more annoying than hearing a child yelling in a silent library.
◆ Stay in Order
When using the computers,many libraries have a sign-in sheet so that you know when it’s your turn; so,stay in order and wait for your turn.However,some try to jump ahead to grab the next available computer.You should wait your turn and let those who arrived ahead of you to use them first,for obeying library etiquette is the basic rule for a welcomed visitor.
◆ Leave Space for Others
Keep your books and papers organized when working at a table.Many libraries don’t have enough tables or seats for everyone to use,so if you’re at a big table where other people can share,leave your papers in a pile.If you have to spread them out,keep them in a small area so you can save some place for others.
◆ Keep Clean
Every one prefers a clean,comfortable reading environment,so don’t; leave your garbage on the table.Some people eat snacks,drink water or do paperwork and leave the trash on the table.Before you leave,make sure to throw everything out and check again that you didn’t leave anything behind.
■Movie and Theater Etiquette
The theater is a wonderful place of refuge escaping from every day life.Whether it’s a movie,an opera or even a Broadway show,there’s something about watching a wonderful performance that makes us forget the world outside,if only for a couple of hours.Nothing can spoil an enjoyable evening at the theater more than inconsiderate patrons,however.Whether they’re talking amongst themselves or answering cell phone calls,or standing up and looking around,it’s sure that these people are thinking only of themselves.Perhaps,it’s not their fault though.Perhaps,they’re not aware of the bad effect their actions are having on those around them.Perhaps,they need a course in basic theater etiquette.
Practicing good theater etiquette isn’t difficult.All it involves is an awareness of the other patrons.Show your consideration about your behavior whether or not it’s distracting to others.For example,consider your arrival time.Do you always arrive after the movie starts,or the curtain rises? When you do this,it spoils the happy occasion for others,especially if you’re standing up in the row in front of them while removing your coat,shuffling around in your seat to get comfortable or whispering directions to your date or children.Please try to arrive prior to the beginning of the performance.Ideally,it would be ten to thirty minutes ahead of the schedule time,more if you know you’ll be waiting in line to get in,order food or use the restroom.
Additionally,you need to show your consideration when you’re eating food.Are you munching so loudly that others can hear you? Are you opening noisy wrappers during a key scene? There’s nothing wrong with enjoying a treat,but if you’re going to chew with gusto,do try to keep it to yourself.
Whether you’re enjoying a musical review or the latest action flick,it is impolite to have a conversation in the theatre,even if it is about the show.Whispering to others around you will distract or annoy other audience.When you lean over to talk with another person,you’re blocking someone’s view.Try and save your comments until intermission or show’s end.It’s also important to remember that it’s just as rude to turn around and give someone a dirty look,or tell someone to hush,as it is to have a conversation while the performance is in progress.
You should keep your cell phones,pagers and personal computing devices off in the theater until the end of the performance.If you need to leave these items on in case of emergency,set them on vibrate mode.Not only do other theater goers not want to hear annoying rings and beeps,but it’s rude and insulting to the performers.If calls must be taken,go into the lobby.
Another point should be considered is children.Even if it’s a performance for kids,your children are also need to show consideration to the other patrons.While it’s nice that your children are enjoying the theater,you’ll have to remember that conversations in hushed tones,running up and down aisles,shushing and even babies crying can be an annoyance to the people around you.Have a talk with your children about good theater manners before the performance.
Perhaps you saw the movie before,but those around you haven’t.No one wants to know what’s going on ahead of time,especially if key plot points are spoiled.It’s best to control your excitement and keep these details to yourself.
If you’re spending an afternoon or evening at the theater,be considerate to those around you.Don’t put your feet on the back of someone else’s chair; don’t sigh and roll your eyes if someone needs the seat on which you’ve laid your coat,and for goodness sakes,don’t carry on a conversation while the show is in progress.Do not deal with inconsiderate people.Once you start thinking more of others,you’ll probably enjoy the performance more yourself.
■Museum Etiquette
Museums are wonderful places to have around and visit in order for people to appreciate art,science history,innovation,etc.Museums are places where you can explore and learn about the past,present,and the future.Every museum has its own sets of rules,usually you see them on the pamphlets or brochures,and some are posted by the entrance where every visitor could see.Besides,there are museum guides and representatives that would announce the sets of rules before proceeding to let you in.
In this part the common museum etiquette that is being carried out in almost every museum that carries collections of art pieces,historic artifacts,and rare items on display will be discussed.
◆ Eating and Drinking
When you go to a museum,you will be asked not to bring any food and/or drink.You’d better arrange a museum visit after you already had a meal,in this way you do not have to worry about getting hungry.Occasionally,they will allow you to chew on a gum or a small candy,if they do allow kindly,keep in mind that you do not blow your bubble gum close to the art pieces.Ask permission first whether they will let you do these.There are certain museums which would not even allow you to have these so,for fear of any candy droppings or possible accidents with bubble gum mess.It is always better to ask for permission first.
◆ Smoking
Smoking is not permitted inside the museum.If you must have a smoke,do it outside of the building.Smoking is generally not allowed inside public areas in most parts of the world,not only in museums because of health hazards.Smoking in museums is banned not only because of the health hazards that are being considered,but because of the effect of smoke on the museum pieces.Smoke deposits can damage museum pieces,especially paintings and other rare artifacts.
◆ No photographing or Videoing
Most museums do not allow photographs or videos be taken of the permanent collection or changing exhibitions.Sometimes,permissions can be obtained ahead of time from the curator for any photography or video recording.Use of flash photography can also sometimes damage rare paintings so it is not allowed to take photos or video inside the museum.
◆ Sketching
Visitors are maybe permitted to sketch in some museums.But the museum will dictate what can or cannot be used—like the type of pencils and sizes of drawing pads to use.Most museums may only allow the use of graphite pencils and drawing pads no larger than 36×36 inches.Crayons,ink paint,pastels,easels and tape measures are not permitted in most museums displaying paintings or artwork.Also it is best to sit at least two feet from an artwork while sketching or writing so as not to block the view of other visitors.
◆ Touching
In order to preserve the collections that are on display,visitors are not allowed to touch works of art,frames,pedestals or cases.Most museums,especially works of art,are for people’s eyes only; since they can get damaged from oils that are on our hands or skins.
◆ Pushing,Shoving,Running,Dancing
Pushing,shoving,running,dancing,or other physical acts that may damage works of art are prohibited.This is sometimes the reasons why it is best to watch children carefully when visiting a museum for they tend to be playful.Sometimes,at a young age,they are annoyed being in a museum so avoid taking them if they will not benefit from it yet.
◆ Noise
Make sure to avoid making loud noises by talking or laughing loudly,singing,humming,loudly,whistling,etc.In some cases,you will find people getting escorted out because they are rowdy and rambunctious.You may be allowed to use your iPod but please do not get carried away and sing along.Try to use your “indoor voices” when visiting a museum.Some museums are really carrying on the kind of library atmosphere,for people to study and observe the museum pieces quietly.Some museums,however,do have guides and curators that would talk about the details of the pieces on display; if that is the case,make sure to listen carefully and do not interrupt,if you have questions to ask,raise your hands.
Another rule should not be forgotten is that pets are definitely not allowed inside the art museums,whether big or small,Whether you treat your pets like your child or as a fashion accessory.
There are other rules and regulations that are specific to each museum besides for those mentioned above.Museums reserve the rights to refuse visitors if they are found not adhering to these rules.Following proper museum etiquette ensures that all visitors can enjoy,benefit,and have a meaningful experience while visiting the various displays at the museums.
■Classical Concert Etiquette
Attending a concert of classical music is a very different experience from attending popular music (rock,rap,country,etc.) or a concert of jazz.Although some audience members may be initially intimidated by the more formal general atmosphere of a classical concert,actually the rules of etiquette for such a concert are legible and simple once you get used to them.
◆ Dress
Although you don’t need to dress as if you were attending a formal dinner at the White House or a royal wedding,you will probably feel more comfortable at a classical concert if you dress in a respectful way.Various audience members will interpret this in different ways,but you should generally avoid clothing with holes,tears or rips; very casual skirts,shorts,or jeans; and very casual T-shirts or tank tops.
A safe outfit for a male,nice pant and a jacket and tie and for a female would be a nice dress or suit.Less formal dress may be acceptable,as may more formal dress,but a good rule of thumb might be to dress as if you were going to visit the bank for a loan,or make an appearance to defend yourself in court,attend your church,synagogue,or other house of worship.
For those attending classical concerts in major metropolitan areas,keep in mind that audience members will probably be dressed more formally and respectful than in smaller cities or suburbs.For instance,a visit to the Metropolitan Opera in New York City would certainly pledge wearing some of your most impressive finery if you enjoy dressing up.
◆ Entering the Hall/Auditorium and Staying Seated
The general etiquette is to arrive at the concert hall at least five to ten minutes ahead of the scheduled concert,to find your seat (perhaps with the help of an usher),take a program,and be seated.Conversation with companions or those seated nearby is appropriate and welcome,but as soon as the lights become dull,discussion should cease.
It is absolutely imperative that you stay seated in your own seat,except in cases of emergency or dire need.Such cases would include matters of obvious emergency (danger to audience members,such as fire,natural disaster,building collapse,etc.) or an urgent health nature (impending sickness necessitating a trip to the restroom,continued coughing,or anything that might disturb others).Management of most concert halls requires that you turn off your pager and cell phone before the concert starts.A considerate audience member would also check to make sure that his/her watch alarm is also turned off.
Standing up and dancing to the music is not acceptable,despite your enthusiasm for the performance,
◆ No Talking,Singing,or Yelling
During the performance,it iscrucial not to talk,sing along,hum,or yell (whether positively or negatively).If necessary,a cautious whisper to your companion may be acceptable if it occurs infrequently,but the general rule is to pay your attention focused upon the performance in front of you.
◆ Clapping and Showing Appreciation
When you read your program,you will probably find between two and five major compositions of music,with several movements listed as subcategories of each.It is best not to clap between movements of a larger composition.Certainly,though,it is sometimes difficult to differentiate between movements and keep track of where the performers are in the process of the program,especially if you are unfamiliar with classical music.Therefore,if you are not sure of whether or not clapping is appropriate,follow the lead of the experienced audience members around you.Also note that a slight pause after the end of a composition is sometimes granted by the audience before applause starts,which is basically a way of enjoying the “magic” of the music before breaking the spell with clapping.
Please note,when applause does begin at the end of a composition,you may hear other the audience members shouting “Bravo!” or “Brava!” This is absolutely acceptable when it occurs after the completion of a performance,and simply means “Well done!” The members of audience may also stand (as in a “standing ovation”) when a performance is particularly remarkable.A further extension of appreciation by the audience or individuals is exhibited when flowers are presented to the soloist(s) during this time of applause.
◆ Curtain Calls and Encores
Once applause begins after the completion of a composition,you will note that the soloist(s) and the conductor (if the performance involves an orchestra) may leave the stage for a few minutes and then return to the stage.This is called a curtain call and may happen repeatedly if the applause keeps on.If audience enthusiasm remains sustained,after much applause,the performers may return to the stage and resume performance positions,thereby signaling to the audience that they will be performing an encore,or bonus performance.This may proceed through several encores if the performers are feeling energetic and the audience excited,but it will generally not last more than an extra half hour.
◆ No Eating,Drinking,or Smoking
During a performance,you should not drink,eat,or smoke.If you are suffering from a cough,the discreet unwrapping and sucking of a cough drop is appropriate,but any other eating should be avoided until intermission(s).
◆ Outdoor or Pops Concerts
The mood and atmosphere of outdoor or pops concerts is usually much less formal than a traditional indoor classical concert.For an outdoor concert,dress may be much more relaxed,with most attendees wearing casual wear,and eating may even be encouraged,such as at summer picnic concerts.Even so,talking and making noise during the performance is still impolite,though it may be more flexible to move around,particularly if you are located a good distance away from the performers.
Despite these several and perhaps complicated rules of etiquette for attending classical concert,once you are habituated to the general protocol,they will come as second nature.The rewards of following these rules are great,and will almost always bring greater enjoyment for you as well as for your fellow audience members.
■Church Etiquette
Though numerous people attend church services every week,there is one thing that many people feel is in decline,which is manners.There may be various reasons for this,such as the distractions of technology,like cell phones,pagers and the increasingly relaxed and casual atmosphere many churches encourage as a way to draw more congregants.But whatever the reasons,there are times when people need a gentle reminder or an all out refresher course on church etiquette.While certain rules of etiquette will depend upon customs of the church being attended and the religious traditions,much of church etiquette is based on common sense and good manners.
◆ Be on Time
Being late to a church service can be disruptive to those who are attending,not to mention you’ll be missing out on part of the service.Do your best to arrive at church before the service begins get seated and settled in.If you do arrive late,enter as quietly as possible and find your seat in a quick,non-disruptive manner.
◆ Don’t Leave Early
Just as disruptive as arriving late are those who decide to leave before the service has ended.Before you decide to leave early so you can get to your dinner date or hurry home to catch T.V.program,remember you are there for God.It is best to stay in the presence of God for the entire service and stay until the final blessing.
There are exceptions for leaving early,such as if you feel terrible ill,or if you need to remove your child when they become too naughty or begin to cry.
◆ Dress Appropriately
Even though the dress code for many church congregations is more casual than in years past,there are still some things that aren’t in good taste to wear at church.So,forget about the short skirt,grubby sweats,low slung jeans,blouse with a plunging neckline,the baseball cap,or the T-shirt with a suggestive saying on it.Even if you’re going casual,don’t forget you’re in the presence of God,so dress conservatively and tastefully.
◆ Save the Socializing for after Church
Even though it’s great to see family members or friends when you first arrive at church,the sanctuary of the church isn’t the place to chat,gossip or share a joke.Be respectful of the church sanctuary,and those around you,and save the socializing for when you leave the church sanctuary after the church service has finished.
◆ Take Care of Your Needs before Church
This means,try to drink water and use the restroom before the church service begins.The same goes for your children too.A constant stream of people getting up and down to get a drink of water or use the restroom can be very disruptive to a church service.If nature calls and you can’t wait,try to use the restroom when the congregators are singing or standing up,for this will be less disruptive.
◆ Turn off the Electronics
This means the cell phone,pager,iPod or anything else electronic that will make noise during the church service should be turned off.If you are someone,such as a doctor,who must keep their cell phone or pager on,keep it on vibrate or silent.
◆ Refrain from Snacking
Church is not the place to have candy in noisy wrappers,snacking or chewing gum.If you really need to have a mint or cough drop,please do so as quietly as possible.It’s also understandable that young children may need a small snack during a church service.If so,prepare with a snack item that’s not messy and one that isn’t packaged in a noisy,crinkly wrapper.
Even though attending church service can be a social,community gathering,first and foremost it is a time to honor God.By keeping in mind that you are in the presence of God,and showing proper respect,you can help make the church service be a truly sacred experience for yourself and everyone else.