Many of us have got used to being late for meeting or appointment.In order to arrive at our destination on time,we’d aggressively push that red light,speed around slower traffic,and elbow our way across the street and in to a crowded elevator.We were anxious,aggravated,and too exhausted to take on the task at hand though we’d make the meeting on time.We find that what we want most is to arrive at the appointment alive,calm and full of creativity.But remember,the road rage you prevent may be your own!
■Discretion on the Street
Walk on the right and pass on the left,and remember that people shouldn’t walk more than two abreast.People walking on the street would dress discreetly in the old days,and would also talk discreetly and never do anything which would draw attention to themselves.Being considered as indiscreet,mentioning names of friends was forbidden.The gentleman always walked on the road side of the sidewalk—to protect the lady or ladies from passing traffic.People would never call out to a friend on the other side of the street and would not look or talk to strangers passing.Unfortunately,the manners on the street are probably the rule most ignored these days.
It is a tradition with long history that the man should keep to the outside of the pavement.The gentleman should also move behind his companion to maintain his outside position when a couple change the direction of their walk,while the woman automatically moves to the right or left in response to his change of position.When one man and two women walking,he does not walk between the ladies but continues to take the outside position.While one woman and two men walking,she does take the middle position.
Watch your step and wait your turn when you are walking along the street.Wait till your turn to step off the sidewalk and go across the intersection.In addition to being dangerous,you block the right-of-way of drivers who want to make turns when you wait in the street.If a driver sees a pedestrian on the street,he/she must stop and allow the pedestrian to cross by law.The driver will be subject to a moving violation if he/she does not stop,even if a pedestrian waives him/her through.The lights might be configured to allow all pedestrians to walk at the same time on many high-traffic streets,separate from the vehicles.Be patient and wait for the proper light for pedestrians to cross the street.
Share the sidewalk.When walking down the street,stay to one side of the space and allow others to pass.If you are walking with others,some of the group may need to walk behind others in order to allow other pedestrians to pass in either direction.
■Driving Etiquette
Every driver is pretty much guaranteed to possess a basic understanding of what’s required when driving.Driving lessons basically ensure that every driver should know the laws,know what to look for,and have knowledge of the rules that come with operating a vehicle on the road.
But nowadays it seems that less and less people know what to respect and to do when it comes to the rules that have not been written on paper.When it comes to the nature of driving,there is a whole different layer that involves a highly psychological and social aspect that determines far more than what people give it credit for.These are rules of road etiquette and they do just as much—sometimes more,in fact—as they do for the hard laws themselves for ensuring that you drive safely.
The first thing about maintaining proper respect for driving is to know what the system involves.Sometimes,certain things are easily taken for granted that most people are expected to know.One of these things is the passing lane on highways.Normally,there are two lanes on a highway,and one is decided to cruising while the other is meant for passing.Determine what this means for your region,recognize it,and in turn respect it.Nobody likes someone who camps the passing lane.It’s not only inefficient,but also potentially dangerous.
How to use signals is an extremely important part of road etiquette.This involves,on the most basic level,making good use of those levers that stick out from the column of your steering wheel or a place nearby.It could also mean anything from using indicators,hand signals,blinking,or—in desperate situations—honking (another etiquette rule: don’t do this).Communication is not telepathic: It’s never obvious when you decide to change lanes,so don’t expect others to know ahead of time.A careless maneuver with your car can easily turn a gentle merging of traffic into a crushed rear bumper,if not worse.
No one likes a loudmouth.This is especially true of a loudmouth who makes it his/her business to threaten other people’s lives by using a cell phone while driving.You can simply show your greatest respect for yourself and other people by sticking to the road instead of your conversation.No matter how much you may think otherwise,cell phones would occupy a large amount of your attention and demand much from your senses.But,you need everything for paying attention to the road.It is not only safer but also less obnoxious to look at to not use a cell phone while driving.
You can learn a lot by simply showing respect by using common sense.However,you may not intend to be offensive or to do unsafe things.Maybe you are only fresh to driving and haven’t figured out yet those things that are taken for granted or expected out of you.A good driving school can provide both the right driving skills and the right driving mentality.
In regular interactions with other people,we are used to following the certain behavioral norms.But when you are on the road,all that seems to go out the window.Road rage is far more commonly discussed these days than driving etiquette,but it is our manners while driving that are most important.
Here are a few guidelines on what we should do and how we should act while driving on the road:
◇Leave on time.You’ll be more stressed out and far more likely to ignore proper driver etiquette which could cause some serious problems if you’re rushed and racing to get to an appointment or meeting.
◇Slow down.If you drive too fast,you will miss some sign or signal and end up in an accident.This is not only a matter about etiquette but also a matter about life.
◇Let people pull in front of you.It will not delay your journey if you let one or two cars get into the line,and it may reduce the possibilities for accident.
◇Give advance notice.Be sure to turn on your signal ahead of time if you are going to turn,not just as you are about to make the turn.Thin lets the vehicles around you react appropriately.
◇Let buses cut in.They are on schedule and you will overtake them at next stop,which won’t take much time off your commute,but could make a big difference to those who travel by public transport.
◇Dim your headlights.When coming up on another car,keep in mind that your brights can blind the other drive,whether reflecting in his rearview mirror or shining directly into the on coming car.
◇Move to one side when emergency vehicles come through.It might be tempting race ahead,especially when your turn off is coming up,but don’t forget to remind yourself why they are in a hurry and pull over.
◇Expect people to guess what you’re thinking.It’s important to always let them know with signals what you are about to do.It may cause problems if you expect someone to get out of your way because you’re in a hurry.
◇Make phone call while driving.Studies have shown that you can’t reflect nimbly when having a conversation on the phone and driving with only one hand.Instead,wait until you can pull over or invest in a headless phone system.
◇Tailgate.Remember to move a little back and keep an appropriate distance between cars.There is nothing more annoying than someone who just won’t back off.
◇Block motorbikes and cyclists.They might be annoying,but it’s not worth causing problems if they are trying to pass you on the shoulder.
◇Drive too slowly.It is very rude to block the street by your slow driving.If you are going lower than the speed limit,move to one side so that people can pass you.
◇Lose your temper.If you need to,take a deep breath or even pull over.Getting angry or giving into road rage will only cause more trouble than it’s worth.
It is as important as having good table manners to be polite on the road.How you act on the road will affect the people around you and the driving etiquette will also affect yourself the whole day.It will make you feel better and improve your morality to be nice to people,so it’s a good way to start a day by letting someone move into the lane ahead of you during rush hour.