Hankow 24th August,1900
Ladies and Gentlemen—we,the members of the China Independence Association,in view of the Boxer movement which has been clandestinely instigated and encouraged by prince Tuan,Yung Lu,Kang yi,and the whole pack of bigoted senile reactionaries,have now risen in arms and do herby assure you:That we will no longer recognise the Manchu Government as a political organisation fit to rule over China.
It is our bounden duty to make a new China of the old,to fill the land with happiness instead of misery,and to make it a blessing to the Chinese nation in particular and to the World is general.
We resolve to reinstate H.M.Kuang Hsü as emperor,and to construct a constitutional Empire which in everything shall be made a model of policy worthy of the creation of the highest combined intelligence and enlightenment of twenty century. Its aim is to secure to the people civil freedom and constitutional liberty.
It is our firm conviction to agree with the allied powers to put down the fanatical and insane movement,and to bring the anti-foreign and wicked usurpers of the government to punishment.
All the foreign concession in the treaty ports,churches of all kinks,and the life and property of foreigners and native Christians,shall be protected from disturbance and injury. We assure you that you need not be afraid of our actions.
By order of the Head of the Hankow Branch of the China Independence Association
Objects of the Association
1.To maintain the independence of China.
2.To restore the Emperor H.W.Kuang Hsü to power.
3.To admit as member any person anxious to preserve the independence and integrity of China.
4.To establish a firm union amongst the members who must render mutual help to each other.
5.To treat with courtesy and humanity all harmless and good people who are not members of the association.
Rules for Action
1.The life and property of harmless people shall not be injured.
2.The life and property of foreigners shall be protected from disturbance and harm.
3.Churches shall be Protected from being burnt,and native Christians from being disturbed or injured.
4.All foreign concessions of the treaty ports shall be protected from disturbance and injury.
5.Lawlessness of all kinds,such as robbery,adultery,drunkenness etc,shall be prohibited.
6.Poisonous weapons,and cruel treatment towards enemies,shall be prohibited.
7.Captives shall be dealt with according to the belligerent laws of civilized nations,and shall by no means be murdered in a barbarous manner.
8.All tyrannical laws of the country shall be abolished in order to establish a civilized government.
By order of the Head of the Hankow Branch of the China Independence Association.
汉口 唐才常的旧属 五六千人
麻城 陈谠等 十多万人
安庆 唐凤翔、肖波等 四五千人
镇江 张金山、徐长山等 七八千人
九江 谭荣 二三千人
扬州 宋刚涛等 二三千人
康吾友 参将,曾在台湾打过游击,唐景崧的部下。
严 复 前水师学堂总办,现住在上海新马路昌寿里。四十多岁,博有好感的人。被选为中国议会副会长。
方 城
四川 周善培 二十五岁康有为的门生
杨文会 高士,曾在英国住过。
俞明震 前道台,南京止马营。
赵云龙 副将
杨金龙 总兵
辜人杰 副将,游府西街星沙辜公馆交辜大人。
徐宝山 投靠刘的土匪头目。
蒯光典 候补道、格致书院总办。
卞 彬 武解元、侍卫。有部下二三千人,是个有事业性的人。可惜的是,他近来迷信拳匪巫术。
龙 璋 上元县知县。
朱起琇 兵部郎中,有财产二百万元。
钱德培 前陆师学堂总办,现在江西督销盐局。
黄金满 现在指挥江阴炮台。官职小于徐老虎。十年前是有名的宁波的强盗头目。
[1] 杜迈之:《自立会史料集》第37页,岳麓书社1983年版。
[2] 《自立军史料集》第14—15页。
[3] 《自立军史料集》第18页。
[4] 直参,日本江户时代直属将军的一万石以下的武士。