第23章 面团“项链”The Necklace(1 / 1)

[英]格洛丽亚.吉文斯Gloria Givens

















他咯咯地笑着说:“不是。但是我亲手挑选了每一颗珍珠。我希望这串项链可以给您特别的感觉,就像以前我送给您的那串那样。圣诞节 快乐,妈妈。”

My younger son,Kelly,started preschool when he was four,attending twice a week for two hours each time.I soon noticed he was always the last one to leave the classroom,so I asked the teacher if he was having problems.“No,no.”she assured me,“He is doing fine—just involved in a creative project.”Once I asked through the classroom door if he was ready to leave,he yelled,“Don’t come in!It’s a surprise.”So I waited patiently each day until he finally emerged,smiling and mysterious.“What are you doing in there?”I asked.“Making something.”he said.My curiosity was getting the best of me.What held his attention for such a long period of time?He liked building things by stacking alphabet blocks,then attaching Lincoln Logs until he made a structure big enough for parking his Hot Wheel cars.Eventually the day arrived when he led his class out the door carrying his creative project,with both hands.His eyes rarely left the tissue-wrapped package as he carefully walked to the car,instead of running as usual.He handed it to me.

“Here,Mom,it’s a surprise.I made it just for you.”Carefully I lifted the tissue off first one side and then the other.Inside nestled a string necklace made of hand-colored macaroni pieces—red,yellow,green,purple and every other color in his crayon box.“It’s beautiful,”I said,holding it carefully and turning it this way and that so the sun shone on it through the car window,“It looks like a rainbow necklace.”He leaned on my arm and stared at it with me.“I made it,”he said confidently,“all by myself.”The necklace caused a lot of excitement at home.Kelly’s dad,his older brother and both younger sisters admired it.I carefully stowed it in my jewelry box so it would not get broken.After dinner I left on a short walk to the grocery store for some milk.

“Wait,Mom!Wait!”Kelly yelled as he ran down the sidewalk after me.“You forgot your necklace!”I bent down,and he tied it around my neck.“You look pretty.”he said.My new,brightly colored macaroni necklace caused quite a stir at the market.“Nice necklace.”a stranger said.Then my neighbor remarked,“One of your kids make it?”I nodded.The grocery checker even commented,“I want one,too.”

Nothing I have ever worn created more comment than that necklace,and I wore it often,enjoying every word.Over time,however,the macaroni pieces broke one-by-one and slipped off the string.Kelly forgot about the necklace,and I stopped wearing it hoping the pieces would last longer.One day the last piece crumbled and joined the other broken bits of macaroni at the bottom of my jewelry box.The necklace was no more.I remembered how hard he had worked and how proud we had been of his efforts.I got a lump in my throat when I thought about wearing it to church,school events or Grandpa’s.It was a memorable gift,and I would miss wearing it for our special family occasions.Over twenty-five years later,on Christmas Eve,Kelly handed me a small box.“I remember when I was four and wanted to give you a present,but had no money,so I used some string and macaroni to make you a surprise.You were such a good sport about wearing that macaroni necklace,and each time you put it on,you made me feel very special.So this gift is to make up for the macaroni one that didn’t last.”He plucked a beautiful string of pearls from inside the red velvet box and placed it around my neck.“Did you make it?”I asked jokingly,barely able to speak.“No,”he chuckled,“but I did pick out each pearl.I hope this necklace makes you feel as special when you wear it as I felt when you wore the other one.Merry Christmas,Mom.”