五、外文著作(1 / 1)





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De Bary,William Theodore,“Individualism and Humanitarianism in Late Ming Thought”,in De Bary,William Theodore ed.,Self and Society in Ming Thought,(New York:Columbia Univ.,Press,1970),页145—248;吴琼译:《晚明思想中的个人主义和人道主义》,载《中国哲学》7(1982),页176—190。

G.William Skinner,“Presidential Address:The Structure of Chinese History,”in Journal of Asian Studies,Vol.44,issue 2 (Feb.,1985),pp.271-292.

Joseph W.Esherick and Mary B.Rankin(eds).,Chinese Local Elites and Patterns of Dominance (Berkeley:University of California Press,1990).

Philip C.C.Huang,“The Paradigmatic Crisis in Chinese Studies:Paradoxes in Social and Economic History,”in Modern China,Vol.17,no.3 (1911),pp.299-341.

Ping-ti Ho,The Ladder of Success in Imperial China:Aspects of Social Mobility,1368-1911(New York:Columbia University Press,1962).

Ping-ti Ho,“In Defense of Sinicization:A Rebuttal of Evelyn Rawski's Reenvisioning the Qin,” in Journal of Asian Studies,Vol.57,No.1.(1998),pp.123-155.

William S.Atwell,“A Seventeenth-Century‘General Crisis’in East Asia?”in Modern Asian Studies,Vol.24,No.4.(1990),pp.661-682.