304.For details on the DES saga, see Dutton, D. B., 1988, op. cit.; Institute of Medicine, Drug Efficacy Study. Washington, D.C: National Academy Press, 1967; Henig, R. M., 1997, op. cit; Meyers,R., DES: The Bitter Pill. New York: Putnam, 1983; and Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations. House of Representatives.92nd Cong, lst Sess. November 11, 1971.
305.Herbst, A. L., UIlfelder, H., and Poskanzer, D. C.,“Adenocarcinoma of the vagina.” New England Journal of Medicine 284 (1971): 878-881.
307.Dutton, D. B., Worse Than the Disease: Pitfalls of Medical Progress. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988。达顿指出:“己烯雌酚事件引发了许多大事件的讨论,比如关于医学在社会中的角色以及监管保障的局限性等。它揭示了一种根深蒂固的乐观主义模式,即医学科学在解决人们所认同的既定社会需求方面的益处,这种文化观点被医生、农民、科学家和女大学生等不同群体所认同。笼罩在己烯雌酚周围的乐观情绪亦是如此强烈,以至于人们几乎是故意无视大量的风险证据。”
308.Patterson, J. T, 1996, op. cit.
309.“Nixon proposals vs. ‘Health Security’: The issues shape up.” Hospital Practice (April 1971):22-38.
310.Fein, R., “What direction for national health insurance?” Hospital Practice (August 1970):67-72.
311.“Nixon proposals vs. ‘Health Security’: The issues shape up,” 1971, op. cit.
312.Starr, P., 1982, op. cit.
313.For a thumbnail history of HMOs, see Mayer, T. R. and Mayer, G. G., “HMOs: Origins and development.” New England Journal of Medicine 312 (1985): 590-594.
317.Mayer, T. R. and Mayer, G. G., 1985, op. cit.
318.For a sense of the changes then under way see “Administration seeks to shift Medicare cuts to elderly.” Hospital Practice (March 1973): 182-187; “Auditing ambulatory care.” Hospital Practice (June 1974): 155-160; Gold, M. R. and Rosenberg, R. G., “Use of emergency room services by the population of a neighborhood health center.” Health Services Reports 89 (1974): 65-70; “Kennedy-Mills: A new pairing on the health insurance front.” Hospital Practice (June 1974): 176-184; etc..
319.Rogers, D. E. and Blendon, R. J., “The changing American health scene: Sometimes things get better.” Journal of the American Medical Association 237 (1977): 1710-1714.
320.As quoted in Baum, D., Smoke and Mirrors: The War on Drugs and the Politics of Failure.Boston: Little, Brown, 1996.
323.National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, Evaluating the Social Impact of Drug Dependence. Washington, D.C., 1972.
See: Duke, S. B. and Gross, A. C., 1993, op. cit.
对毒品使用率的不同估计表明,1955年海洛因使用者的人数约为5000人,1987年的总数为150万人。这些数字表明尼克松的禁毒战争政策已经彻底失败。参见Institute of Medicine, Treating Drug Problems. Vol. I. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1990。
325.Payne, L., Royce, K., Greene, B., et al., The Heroin Trail. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1974.
326.Duke, S. B. and Gross, A. C., 1994, op. cit.
329.Massing, M, The Fix: Under the Nixon Administration America Had an Effective Drug Policy. WE SHOULD RESTORE IT. (Nixon Was Right). New York: Simon and Schuster, 1998.
330.由于作者和其他人在其他地方详细介绍了这些新出现的疾病问题,这里的介绍就没有这么深入。有关1960—1990年间传染病问题的更多信息,请查阅Biddle, W., A Field Guide to Germs. New York: Henry Holt, 1995; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC and the Smallpox Crusade. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1987; Fenner, F.,Hendersen, D. A., Arita, I., et al., Smallpox and Its Eradication. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1988;Foege, W. H., “Alexander D. Langmuir—his impact on public health.” American Journal of Epidemiology 144 (1996): S11-S15; Garrett, L., 1994, op. cit,; etc等。
331.This is, of course, described in greater detail in Chapter 2 of this book and in the chapter entitled “Yambuku” in Garrett, L., 1994, op. cit.
332.For more about smallpox eradication, see Chapter 5 of this book and the smallpox selections cited above.
333.Neustadt, R. E. and Fineberg, H. V., The Swine Flu Affair: Decision-Making on a Slippery Slope. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, 1978.
336.See Bloom, B. R., “The United States needs a national vaccine authority.” Science 265(1994): 1377-1380; Citizens Against Government Waste, An Ounce of Prevention: Why Congress Should Repeal the Vaccines for Children Program. Washington, D.C.: Citizens Against Government Waste, 1994; Cohen, J., “Bumps on the vaccine road.” Science 265 (1994): 1371-1375; Douglas, G. R.,“The Children's Vaccine Initiative: Will it work?” Journal of Infectious Diseases 168 (1993): 269-274;Gibbons, A, “Children's Vaccine Initiative stumbles.” Science 265 (1994): 1376-1377; etc..
337.Hilleman, M., Presentation to the Institute of Medicine, October 6, 1995.
342.Meltzer, M. and Cox, N., Data presented at the First International Conference on Emerging Diseases, Atlanta, Georgia, March 8, 1998. Kolata, G. Flu. New York: Farrar, Straus Giroux, 1999.
343.Patriarca, P., Comments to the WHO/NIAID meeting, 1995, op. cit.
344.Dowdle, W., Comments to the WHO/NIAID meeting, 1995, op. cit.
345.This is described in greater detail in Garrett, L., 1994, op. cit.
346.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Summary of Notifiable Diseases, United States,1997. Atlanta: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, CDC, 1997.
347.Carter, J., Keeping Faith: Memories of a President. New York: Bantam, 1982.
350.Booth, W.,“Postmortem on Three Mile Island.” Science 238 (December 4, 1987); Del Tredici, R., The People of Three Mile Island. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1980; Gray, M., “What really happened at Three Mile Island.” Rolling Stone (May 17, 1979); May, J. Nuclear Age. New York:Pantheon Books, 1989; Stephens, M., Three Mile Island. New York: Junction Books, 1980; and Torrey, L.,“The week they almost lost Pennsylvania.” New Scientist (April 4, 1979).
352.Carter, J., 1982, op. cit.
354.Starr, P., 1982, op. cit.
355.“It's time to operate.” Fortune 81 (1970): 79.
356.Folland, S., Goodman, A. C., and Stano, M., The Economics of Health and Health Care.New York: Macmillan, 1993.
357.Feldman, R., “Competition among physicians, revisited.” Journal of Health, Politics, Policy and Law 13 (1988): 239-261; McMenamin, P., “A crime storm from Medicare Part B.” Health Affairs(Winter 1988): 94-101; and Rice, T. H., “The impact of changing Medicare reimbursement rates on physician-induced demand.” Medical Care 21 (1983): 803-815.
358.Cooper, B. and Rice, D., The Economic Cost of Illness Revisited. Washington, D.C.: National Center for Health Statistics, U.S. Public Health Service, HEW, 1976.
359.Source: Health Care Financing Administration.
363.Krant, M. J., “The organized care of the dying patient.” Hospital Practice (January 1972):101-108. By 1965 nearly half of all deaths were occurring in hospitals, compared to a third in 1937.Scitovsky, A. A., “‘The high cost of dying’: What do the data show?” Milbank Quarterly 62 (1984):591-608. Within just two years of its enactment, the 5 percent of Medicare recipients who died were absorbing 22 percent of all the program's expenditures. Piro, P. A. and Lutins, T., “Utilization and reimbursement under Medicare for persons who died in 1967 and 1968.” Health Insurance Statistics.Pub. No. SSA-74-11702. Washington, .D.C: U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, October 17, 1969. A 1978 study got similar results: 5.9 percent of the Medicare population, mostly terminally ill patients, that year absorbed 27.9 percent of the agency's health expenditures. Lubitz, J. and Prihoda, R.,“The use and costs of Medicare services in the last two years of life.” Health Care Financing Review 5(1984): 117-131.
364.“Can ‘health maintenance’ plan brake runaway Medi-costs?” Hospital Practice (May 1970):19-28.
365.Carter, J., 1982, op. cit.
367.These were published by HEW as Objectives for the Nation (1979), The Surgeon General's Report on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (1979), and Objectives for the Nation (1980).
368.The Valentine Brothers, “Money's Too Tight (to mention),” 1973. Adapted by Simply Red,1988. BMI.
369.McBeath, W. H., Opening remarks, annual meeting of the American Public Health Association. New York, October 1, 1990.
370.Reagan, R., Speaking My Mind. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1989.
371.Center for Health Statistics, Health Data Summaries for California Counties 1980.Sacramento: Department of Health Services, State of California, 1981; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Motor-vehicle safety: A 20th century public health achievement.” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 48 (1999): 369-374.
373.Janis, J. M. and Walker, A., “An approach to monitoring the health status of Los Angeles County residents.” Los Angeles: UCLA School of Public Health, April 1983; Center for Human Statistics,Health Data Summaries for California Counties. Sacramento: California State Department of Health. For the years 1960, 1970, 1980, 1982, 1983.
375.U.S. Bureau of the Census, World Population Profile: 1994. Washington, D.C.: U.S.Department of Commerce, 1994.
381.Savage, J. D., Balanced Budgets and American Politics. Ithaca: Cormell University Press,1988.
382.Reagan, R., 1989, op. cit.
383.Ginzberg, E., Tomorrow's Hospital: A Look to the Twenty-first Century. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1996.
384.Savage, J. D., 1988, op. cit.
386.Ambler, M., “Taking care of our own: Training Indians to heal Indians.” Tribal College 5(1994): 10-16.
387.Associated Press, “U.S. refines rules for Indian Service.” October 4, 1987.
388.United Press International, “Report tells of poor doctoring for the Indians.” October 7, 1987.
391.Cannon, L., President Reagan: The Role ofa Lifetime. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1991.
See: Shapiro, R. Y. and Young, J. T., “The polls: Medical care in the United States.” Public Opinion Quarterly 50 (1986):418-428.
393.Nathan, R. P. and Omenn, G. S., “What's behind those block grants in health?” New England Journal of Medicine 306 (1982): 1057-1060; and Brooks, E. F., DeFriese, G. H., Miller, C. A., et al., “A survey of local public health departments and their directors.” American Journal of Public Health 67(1977): 931-939.
394.Miller, C. A., Brooks, E. F., DeFriese, G. H., et al., 1977, op. cit.
395.Association of State and Territorial Health Oficials, Inventory of Programs and Expenditures.Washington, D.C.: National Public Health Reporting System, HEW, for the years 1974, 1776, 1978,1980, 1981, and 1982.
396.Beyle, T. L. and Dusenbury, P. J., “Health and Human Services block grants: The state and local dimension.” State Government SSI (1982): 2-13.
397.DeFriese, G. H., Hetherington, J. S., Brooks, E. F., et al., “The program implications of administrative relationships between local health departments and state and local government.” American Journal of Public Health 71 (1981): 1109-1115; Gilbert, B., Moos, M. K., and Miller, C. A., “State-level decision making for public health: The status of boards of health.” Journal of Public Health Policy 3(1982) 51-61; Institute of Medicine, The Future of Public Health. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1988; etc..
398.Iglehart, J. K., “Medical care of the poor—a growing health problem.” New England Journal of Medicine 313 (1985): 59-64.
399.Joe. T. C. W., “Arbitrary access to care: the case for reforming Medicaid eligibility.” Health Affairs 4 (1985): 59-74.
400.Ginzberg, E., 1996, op. cit.
401.Stevens, R., op. cit, 1999.
403.Mu?oz, E., Laughlin, A., Regan, D. M., et al., “The financial effects of emergency departmentgenerated admissions under prospective payment systems.” Journal of the American Medical Association 254 (1985): 1763-1771; Norton, E. C. and Staiger D. O.,“How hospital ownership affects access to care for the uninsured.” RAND Journal of Economics 25 (1994): 171-185; and Stern, R. S. and Epstein, A.M., “Institutional responses to prospective paymnent based on Diagnosis-Related Groups.” New England Journal of Medicine 312 (1985): 621-627.
404.Wennenberg, J. E., McPherson, K., and Caper, P., “Will payment based on Diagnosis-Related Groups control hospital costs?” New England Journal of Medicine 311 (1984): 295-300.
405.Dentzer, S., Hager, M., Zuckerman, S., et al,“Hospitals take the cure.” Newsweek (July 2,1984): 56-65.
407.Wikler, D., “Who should be blamed for being sick?” Health Education Quarterly 14 (1987):11-25.
408.Davis, K. and Rowland, D., “Uninsured and underserved: inequalities in health care in the United States.” Milbank Quarterly 61 (1983): 149-176.