58.Revich, B. A., “Public health and ambient air pollution in Arctic and subarctic cities of Russia.” The Science of the Total Environment 160 (1995): 585-92.
60.A. Galich, 1977.
61.为这奇异的社交场景增添一份美妙的味道,详见:McQueen, A., “Survivors.” Granta 64 (1999): 38-53。
62.Revich, B. A., “Public health and ambient air pollution in Arctic and subarctic cities of Russia.” The Science of the Total Environment 160 (1995): 585-92.
63.Klebnikov, P., 1995, op. cit.
64.这是一幅令人不安的咸海破坏场景,详见:Ellis, W. S., “A Soviet sea lies dying.”National Geographic (February 1990): 73-93。
65.Revich, B., “Child health level in Moscow as related to ambient air pollution.” The Science of the Total Environment 148 (1994): 57-60.
67.Revich, B. A., Dvoyrin, V., et al., “Dioxins in the environment of Chapaevsk (Russia),health of its population.” Organohalogen Compounds 30 (1996): 350-54.
68.?rám, R., Bens, I., Binková, B., et al., “Teplice Program—The impact of air pollution on human health.” Environmental Health Perspectives 104 (1996): 699-714; and ?rám R., “Future research directions to characterize environmental mutagens in highly polluted areas.” Environmental Health Perspectives 104 (1996): 603 -7.
69.Sinyavsky, A., 1997, op. cit.
70.United Nations Children's Fund. Children at Risk in Central and Eastern Europe: Perils and Promises. UNICEF, New York, 1997: 16.
72.“Russia's fear-worse factor.” The Economist (June 1, 1996):45-46.
73.在俄罗斯,主要人物是鲍里斯?别列佐夫斯基、米哈伊尔?霍多尔科夫斯基、弗拉基米尔·古辛斯基、里姆·瓦西廖夫、弗拉基米尔?波塔宁、亚历山大·斯莫伦斯基和卢日科夫。在乌克兰,关键人物有谢尔盖·吉普科和保罗·拉扎连科。在白俄罗斯,据称其独裁者亚历山大?卢卡申科中饱私囊。在乌兹别克斯坦,新的大人物是卡里莫夫、克库洛夫、阿里什·阿兹科杰夫、谢拉夫·拉什多夫和伊斯梅尔·尤拉贝科夫。在哈萨克斯坦,总统努尔苏丹?纳扎尔巴耶夫是最重要的政治寡头。详见:Quinn-Judge, P., “Battle of the Bankers.” Time (October 20, 1997): 66-68; and Blasi, J. R., Kroumava, M., and Kruse, D.,Kremlin Capitalism: The Privatization of the Russian Economy. New York: Cornell University Press, 1997。
74.Specter, M., “Yeltsin's plan to cut military touches a nerve.” New York Times (July 28,1997): Al.
75.For examples, see: Slackman, M., “Fanning anti Semitic flames.” Newsday (February 23, 1999): A18; Bohlen, C., “Russia's stubborn strains of anti Semitism.” New York Times(March 2, 1999): Al; and Gordon, M. R., “Russian Jews turning edgy as the country' s chaos creates an ugly mood.” New York Times (March 9, 1999): A12.
77.Powell, B., “Russian roulette.” Newsweek (September 7, 1998): 25-31.
78.克利福德?加迪和巴里?伊克斯认为,这些数字掩盖了俄罗斯的现实:国内生产总值只有4660亿美元,相当于美国国内生产总值的6%,而且所有的现金交易都在迅速退化,人们更倾向于以物易物的经济方式。详见:Gaddy, C. and Ickes, B., “Russia's virtual economy.” Foreign Affairs 77 (1998): 53-67。
79.“Competitiveness.” The Economist, (April 22, 2000): 98; and Soros, G., “Who Lost Russia?” The New York Review of Books (April 13, 2000): 10-16.
80.See Yergin, D. and Gustafson, T., Russia 2010 and What It Means for the World. New York: Vintage Books, 1995.
81.Agence-France Presse.“2 million orphans” (November 18, 1998); and Associated Press.“Younger workers in Russia found more likely to be poor” (November 18, 1998).
82.Wadhams, N., “Economic crisis sending more children onto streets in Russia.”Associated Press (October 13, 1998); International Youth Foundation. “Policies, programs and philanthropy for children and youth in Russia.” IYF, Baltimore 1998; and Basu, S. J., “ The health of street children in Moscow and St. Petersburg.” Honors Thesis, Program in Human Biology, Stanford University, May 23, 1998.
83.Kohlmeir, L., Mendez, M., Shalnova, S., et al., “Deficient dietary iron intake among women and children in Russia: Evidence from the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey.”American Journal of Public Health 88 (1998): 576-80.
84.“Russia: How do they survive?” The Economist (October 3, 1998): 60-61; and Gordon, M. R., “Facing severe shortage of food, Russia seeks foreign relief aid.” New York Times (October 10, 1998): Al.
有趣的是,捷克在该国1993年经济衰退最严重的时期对近3000个家庭进行了一项研究,以3至6岁儿童的生长发育率为评价指标,结果发现社会经济状况与儿童健康之间没有相关性。唯一与生长迟缓密切相关的因素是母亲吸烟和母亲受教育程度低。详见:Bobák, M., Bohumír, K, Leon, D. A., et al., “Socioeconomic factors and height of pre-school children in the Czech Republic.” American Journal of Public Health 84 (1994): 1167-70。
85.Slackman, M., “Desperate Times.” Newsday (September 5, 1999): A5.
86.See Gerasimov, G., “An overview of IDD status, control programmes, and salt supplementation in countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and Baltic States (BS),” Moscow, 1997; International Council for Control of lodine Deficiency Disorders.“IDD in the former USSR.” IDD Newsletter 8 (1992): 1; Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. “Reference materials: On the problem of micronutrients malnutrition of the population of Russia for the U.S.-Russia Health Committee” (November 12, 1996); Program Against Micronutrient Malnutrition.“Elimination of iodine deficiency disorders in the Republic of Georgia.” Rolins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, undated; and U.S. Agency for International Development. “The problem of micronutrient malnutrition in the Russian Federation.”Trip report, June 24-July 2, 1997, Moscow.
87.Drakulic, S., Café Europa: Life After Communism. New York: W. W. Norton, 1997.
88.这是1995年6月18日在日内瓦世界卫生组织新闻发布会上发表的声明。要正确看待这些数字,在1980年到1994年的16年间,美国有41例白喉病例,没有一例病例发生了二次传播。所有的病例都是没有合理接种疫苗的儿童。详见:Bisgard, K. M., Hardy,I. R. B., Popovic, T., et al., “Respiratory diphtheria in the United States, 1980 through 1995.”American Journal of Public Health 88 (1998): 787-91。
89.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.“Diphtheria epidemic—New Independent States of the former Soviet Union, 1990-1994.” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 44(1995): 177-81; Efron, S., “Epidemic rages despite plea to other nations.” Los Angeles Times(November 13, 1995): A11; Vitek, C. R. and Wharton, M., “Diphtheria in the former Soviet Union: Reemergence of a pandemic disease.” Emerging Infectious Diseases 4 (1998):1-12; etc..
90.Umnov, B., “Who would think a shot ? From childhood we are brought up thinking vaccines are safe. But is this always true?” Komsomolskaya Pravda (September 15, 1988).
91.更多关于切尔文斯卡娅的故事请参见:“We don't want to ‘Run with the herd’ More on vaccinations.” Meditsinskii Vestnik 8 (1994);“Experiments on ‘state’ children.” Rossiskaya Gazetta(April 8, 1994); “Debilitation of the country.” Stolitsa 17 (1993); “Universal vaccination of Russians contradicts the declaration on human rights.” Sevodnya (February 23, 1993); Chervonskaya, G.,“Medical workers don't know their figures.” Nezavisimaya Gazetta (December 15, 1990);等。
93.Tatochenko, V. K., “Reasons for negative attitudes of physicians to vaccination in Russia.”Novgorod Seminar, September 1996; Steinglass, R., “Challenges in immunization: Issues related to service delivery.” Russia-USA Joint Conference on Public Health Communication, October 2-4,1995, Moscow; and Tatochenko, V. K., “Prophylactic vaccination of children in Russia and the USA.”Meditsinskii Gazetta (December 4, 1996).
94.Stark, K., Barg, J., Molz, B., et al., “Immunity against diphtheria in blood donors in East Berlin and West Berlin.” Lancet 350 (1997): 932.
96.Hardy, I. R. B., Dittman, S., and Sutter, R. W., “Current situation and control strategies for resurgence of diphtheria in newly independent states of the former Soviet Union.” Lancet 347 (1996):1739-44. And Vitek, C. R. and Wharton, M., “Diphtheria in the Former Soviet Union: Reemergence of a Pandemic Disease,” Emerging Infectious Diseases 4 (1998):539-49.
98.Hardy, I. R. B., Dittman, S., and Sutter, R. W., 1996, op. cit.
99.关于脊髓灰质炎的细节详见:Oblapenko, G. and Sutter, R. W., “Status of poliomyelitis eradication in Europe and the Central Asian Republics of the former Soviet Union.” Journal of Infectious Diseases 175 (1997): S76-S81; and Sutter, R. W., Chudaiberdiev, Y. K., Vaphakulov, S. H.,et al., “A large outbreak of poliomyelitis following temporary cessation of vaccination in Samarkand,Uzbekistan, 1993-94.” Journal of Infectious Diseases 175 (1997): S82-S85。
100.萨特和他的乌兹别克同事得出结论:“没有接种疫苗,而不是疫苗失败,似乎是造成撒马尔罕脊髓灰质炎暴发的主要原因。撒马尔罕的疫情也是一个例子,说明控制多年(地方性水平较低)的疾病,可能会突然暴发(流行)。”参考:Sutter, R. W., Chudaiberdiev,Y. K., Vaphakulov, S. H., 1997, op. cit。
103.疟疾的细节详见:Sharipov, A., “Malaria in Tajikistan.” International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases, Atlanta, March 8-11, 1998。
105.Gerasimenko, N. F, 1997, op. cit.
来源:Moscow Center for Prison Reform, In Search of a Solution, Human Rights Publishers, Moscow, 1996。
108.Wares, D. F. and Clowes, C. J., “Tuberculosis in Russia.” Lancet 350 (1997): 957.
109.Feshbach, M., “Dead Souls,” 1999, op. cit.
110.Bohlen, C., “In the ruble crisis, even prisoners go hungry.” New York Times (December 14, 1998): A3;and Stanley, A., “Russians lament the crime of punishment.” New York Times (August 8, 1997): Al.
111.Remnick, D., “More bad news from the gulag.” The New Yorker(February 12,1999):27-28.
114.斯蒂布洛模式的一个有趣的例外是南非,在那里直接督导下的短程化疗失败了,主要是因为紧张的医患关系。详见:Zwarenstein, M., Schoeman, J. H., Vundule, C., et al., “Randomised controlled trial of self-supervised and directly observed treatment of tuberculosis.” Lancet (1998): 1340-43; and Garner, P., “What makes DOT work?” Lancet 352 (1998): 1326-27。
119.Farmer, P., in Sentenced to Die? The Problem of TB in Prisons in East and Central Europe and Central Asia, ed. by Stern, V. and Jones, R., London: Prison Reform International, 1999.
120.From the CD “Go Space,” Leningrad Cowboys, Megamania, Denmark, 1996.121.Headley, D., “HIV and AIDS in Russia.” Charities Aid Foundation, Kent, U.K.,122.Pokrovsky, V., Eramova, I. J., Kuznetsova, I. I., et al., “Nosocomial transmission of human immunodeficiency virus in Elista, USSR.” Provided by authors, 1998.
123.Romania's AIDS epidemic was sparked by a very similar incident, involving eventually more than 2,000 babies who were injected with HIV-contaminated, bloody needles. See Garrett, L, The Coming Plague, 1994, op. cit, pages 505, 612, 701, footnotes 105-7; Dressler, S., “Let the children die: AIDS in Romania.” AIDS Newsletter (London) 11 (10) (1996); 1; and Apetrei, C., Buzdugan, I., Mitroi, I, et al.,“Nosocomial HIV-transmission and primary prevention in Romania.” Lancet 344 (1994): 1028-29.
124.Russia AIDS Centre.“HIV-infection surveillance in Russia in 1987-1996 (statistics).” Russia AIDS Centre, Moscow, 1997.
125.1991年以后,大多数苏联国家颁布了严苛的艾滋病法律,受到国际艾滋病学界的严厉谴责。从某种意义上来说,在西方术语中,什么是合适的艾滋病相关立法,参见:Gostin,L. O. and Lazzarini, Z., Human Rights and Public Health in the AIDS Pandemic. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997; and Mann, J., and Tarantola, D., AIDS in the World II. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996。
在1991年之后通过的地方性法律的样本中,有:Rich, V., “Russia' s anti-AIDS law.”Lancet 344 (1994): 1289-90; Rich, V., “Russia's law on iatrogenic HIV infection.” Lancet 344(1994): 1562; Freeland, C., “Russia set to impose HIV tests on foreign visitors.” Financial Times(London) (November 11, 1995): Al; Smolskaya, T. and Chaika, N., “HIV/AIDS surveillance in northwestern Russia, St. Petersburg.” Pasteur Institute, 1996; and “The law on HIV/AIDS prevention of the Republic of Georgia,” enacted March 21, 1995.
126.Ernberg, G., “HIV outbreak among injecting drug users in Sveltogorsk.” UNAIDS letter to Pavel Kral, July 25, 1996; van der Laan, N., “HIV crisis in Belarus ‘worse than Chernobyl.’” Electronic telegraph (www.telegraph.co.uk), December 2, 1996.
详见:Poktovsky, V., Savchenko, I. Y., Ladnaia N. N., et al., “A recent epidemic of HIV infection in Russia IVDUs.” Twelfth International Conference on AIDS, Geneva, June 28-July 3, 1998.
127.Lilitsola, K., Tashkinova, I., Korovina, G., et al., “HIV-1 genetic subtype A/B recombinant strain causing an explosive IDU epidemic in Kaliningrad.” Twelfth International Conference on AIDS, Geneva, June 28-July 3, 1998.
128.如需了解更多关于苏联HIV-1基因多样性的资料,请参考:Kozlov, A. P.,Emeljanov, A. V., Verevochkin, S. V., et al., “Characteristics of early phase of HIV/AIDS epidemic.” Russian Journal of HIV/AIDS and Related Problems 1 (1997): 225; Nabatov, A. A.,Marsharsky, A. E., Emeljanov, A. V., et al., “HIV/AIDS epidemic among IVDUs in Ukraine:Different HIV-1 subtypes in different cities.” Russian Journal of HIV/AIDS and Related Problems 1(1997): 253; Pashkova, T. A., Shchelkanov, M. Y., Sakhuria, I. B., et al., “Phenotypic features and AZT-susceptibility of HIV-1 isolates from Russian patients.” Russian Journal of HIV/AIDS and Related Problems 1 (1997): 254;等。