ARC 考古资源中心 Archaeological Resource Centre (York)

ASTC 科学技术中心协会 Association of Science and Technology Centers (UK)

BIG 英国互动组织 British Interactive Group

COPUS 公众理解科学委员会 Committee on the Public Understanding of Science

DNH 英国国家遗产部 Department of National Heritage (UK)

DTI 贸工部 Department of Trade and Industry

EC 欧共体 European Community

ECSITE 欧洲科技与工业展览协作委员会 European Collaborative for Science,Industry and Technology Exhibitions

INSET 教师继续教育 In-Service Education for Teachers

ISTP 互动科技项目 Interactive Science and Technology Project

OPCS 人口普查委员会 Office of Population,Census and Surveys