二、长拳二段技术动作 Changquan Technical Movements of the Second-stage(1 / 1)

(一)单练套路 Single Practice of Routines


Preliminary Type: Two legs put together and straightly, two hands hang down naturally, and looks straight ahead(Fig.5-1-9).


Points to Remember: Chest out, abdomen in, two feet put together and the two arms close to the body.



1.起势 Commencing form


Feet Together and Hold Fists:


Put two fists at the waist and eyes looking straight ahead(Fig.5-1-10①).


Points to Remember: Hold fists, head swings uniformly and act quickly.


Forward Front Kick:


Keep head straight, turn two fists to palm and push them out from the body side with palms outward up to shoulder level and eyes looking straight ahead(Fig.5-1-10②).The left foot steps forward and the center of gravity moves forward. The right leg stretches tightly and straightly, while it kicks out ahead and front of the head with ankle bending(Fig.5-1-10③).


Bow Step and Look at the Fists:


Right foot falls on the ground at the right front and the two fists overlaps in front of the body with the left heart of fist downward and the right heart of fist upward and looking at fists(Fig.5-1-10④).The left leg stretches tightly and straightly and the right leg bends its knee to form right bow step. The left hand punches to the left and the centre of fist downward, up to shoulder level, draw the right fist to the wrist, the centre of fist upward and look at the left fist(Fig.5-1-10⑤).


Points to Remember:Right foot falls on the ground for 45 degrees to the right direction, as quickly as possible, and punch powerfully.


2.跃步劈掌 Jump and Hand Chop


Move the center of gravity to the left leg, lift right leg knee, look ahead(Fig.5-1-11①).


The left foot hits the ground and the right foot jump forward to make feet in the air; turn the two fists to palms and the right hand throws the arm backward from the wrist and look ahead(Fig.5-1-11②).


The right foot falls on the ground forward and the left foot falls on the ground and step forward to form left bow step. Turn the left palm to fist and draw to the left wrist and the right palm chops forward from the backward through the head(Fig.5-1-11③).


Points to Remember: Do not jump too high, and chop quickly and powerfully.


3.马步架冲拳 Horse Riding Stance with Punch


Turn the body to the right and the left foot interlocks, then bend the two knees of the two legs to form horse riding stance. Move the right palm from the front to the top and the left fist punches from the wrist to the left with the center of fist downward, the power reaching the fist surface and look at the left fist(Fig.5-1-12).


Points to Remember: Turn the bow step to horse riding stance quickly and the punching and palm holding shall be matched.



4.提膝亮掌 Lifting Knee and Show the Palm


Move the body's center of gravity upward and turn the left fist to palm, then cross the two hands in front of the chest with palm upward and look at the two hands(Fig.5-1-13①).


The right leg's knee raises up and the left leg stretches straightly and tightly; turn the left palm to hooked hand to the back of the body, then swing the right palm at the top of the head to stretch the palm upward and look forward(Fig.5-1-13②).


Points to Remember: Single standing should be stable and showing palm should keep the same moment with moving the head.

5.弓步双架掌 Bow Step and Hold the Two Palms


Drop the left foot naturally and step the right foot back to form left bow step. Turn the two hands to be palms and cross, and set them up from the front of the chest to the upward-side of the head, the right at the outside, palm centre outward and look forward(Fig.5-1-14).


Points to Remember: The right leg should move quickly and the two hands should set up powerfully.




6.右蹬腿 Right Heel Kick


Move the center of gravity forward and lift the right foot and drive it forward with the power reaching the heels. Turn the two palms to fists and put them at the waist, the center of the fist upward and look forward(Fig.5-1-15).


Points to Remember: When kicking leg, lift the right leg up as high as possible.

7.左鞭腿 Left Whip-leg


Move the center of gravity forward and drop the right foot forward, then keep the upper body unchanged and look forward(Fig.5-1-16①).


Move the center of gravity to the right leg and turn the body to right and the right toe outreach. Lift the left leg's knee and stretch the foot face to flat, dive the small leg with big leg to whip forward, the power reaches the foot back. Bend the right arm's elbow and swing upward and stretch the left arm to straight with looking at the left foot tiptoe(Fig.5-1-16②).


Points to Remember: Lift the left knee and extend the hip with power.



8.勾手侧踹 Hooked Hand and Side Sole Kick


Drop the left leg and extend the foot tiptoe outreach, bend two arms' ancon in front of the chest and look forward(Fig.5-1-17①).


Turn the body to the left and lift the right leg and kick out ahead in flexed ankle; swing the right hand to the back of the body to form hooked hand and swing the left hand upward to show palm and look at right foot(Fig.5-1-17②).


Points to Remember: Stretch the right leg straightly and extend the hip, next kick out powerfully.

9.虚步护身掌 Flexed Foot Position with Interposing Hand


The right foot falls forward on the ground and the toe interlocks and turns the body to the left, and draws the left foot to be together with the other foot; turn the two hands to be palms and draw them to the wrist and look at the right forward(Fig.5-1-18①).


Bend the knee of the right leg to crouch and stretch the left foot forward to form left empty stance. Push the two hands forward with left heart of palm forward and the right heart of palm inside the left elbow and look at left hand(Fig.5-1-18②).


Points to Remember: Pushing palm and flexed foot position should be completed at the same time and keep action harmonious.


10.弓步架拳 Bow Step and Hold the Fist


Move the center of gravity forward, form the left foot to be left bow step. At the same time,turn the left hand to be fist and hold fist forward and upward with the heart of the fist upward. Turn the right hand to be fist and place it at the wrist and look forward(Fig.5-1-19).


Points to Remember: The right leg pedals to the ground to form left bow step and hold the boxing stably.



11.马步格挡 Horse Riding Stance and Shove Aside


Turn the body to the right slightly and interlock the left foot, and bend the two feet's knees to form horse riding stance. Bend the elbow of the left arm to shove aside forward and inward with the heart of the fist inward and look at left fist(Fig.5-1-20).


Points to Remember: The force for shoving aside should reach the inside of the forearm.

12.搂手勾踢 Hold up the Hand with Hooking Kick


Move the center of gravity to the left leg with left turning of the body. Turn the two fists to be palms and cross in front of the body, the right hand at the upper position. Look at two hands(Fig.5-1-21①).


The right foot hooks and kicks forward and upward, the tiptoe cross out, bending the left leg's knee to half squat. The two hands clap downward and swing to the back of the body to form hooked hand with the hook facing upward, and look at the right forward(Fig.5-1-21②).


Points to Remember: When the right foot kicks, the toes hook tightly and the heel touches the ground.


13.弓步反劈拳 Bow Step and Reverse Splitting Fist


Lift the right knee to the level and turn the left hand to be palm from the back to the front to be palm with the palm inclined downward and closed at shoulder level; right hand changes to fist and place it at the right waist, look forward(Fig.5-1-22①).


Drop the right foot to be right bow step, the right hand from the waist to split to the clinched front and top, put the left palm below the right elbow, look at right hand(Fig.5-1-22②).


Points to Remember: Reverse split punch should be fast and powerful, power reaches to the fist-back.



14.丁步勾手亮掌 Hook the Foot and Hand to Show the Palm


Move the center of gravity back to the left leg, draw the right foot to be right hooked step. Turn the right fist to be hooked hand and swing it to the back of the body with the hook point upward, the left hand upward to show the palm, and look at right front(Fig.5-1-23).


Points to Remember: T-Step, chest out and arch the back, wag the head and show palm at the same time.

15.马步双推掌Horse Riding Stance and Push the Palms


Turn the body to the right and lift the right foot and turn the body and shake the foot, draw the left foot inside the right foot, the tiptoe points the ground. After the two hands clap in front of the chest and place at the waist with heart of palm clinched upward, look straight ahead(Fig.5-1-24①).


The left foot steps to the left and the two knees bends to be horse riding stance. The two palms push forward at the same time, the power reaches the end of palm and looking at the direction of pushing palm(Fig.5-1-24②).


Points to Remember: turn fast and the horse riding stance should be stable.


16.翻身跳 Jump with Body Turning


Dodge body to right side to be right bow step and the two arms swing with the body to the left, and look at left hand(Fig.5-1-24①②).



Turn the body to the left and the right foot steps forward and touches the ground. The body turns left in the air, next turns and jumps for a circle, two arms swing, look at left palm(Fig.5-1-25③④).


Drop the two feet to the ground to form left crouch stance and stretch the left leg.Turn the left arm with the body and then place it at the top of the left leg and the fingers point forward. After the right arm turns, it swings to the right back of the body, look at left palm(Fig.5-1-25⑤).


Points to Remember: when the body turns, look at the left hand, jump high and fall on the ground steadily.

17.虚步护身掌 Flexed Foot Position with Interposing Hand


Draw the left leg inside the right foot to bring feet together, draw the two hands to the waist with the heart of the palm clinched upward and look forward(Fig.5-1-26①).


Bend the right knee to crouch and stretch the left foot forward to form left empty stance. Push the two hands forward, with the right heart of palm inside the left elbow, then left palm centre forward, look forward(Fig.5-1-26②).


Points to Remember: push palm and form empty stance should be completed at the same time.


18.收势 Closing Form


Turn the body to the right, then the left foot interlocks, and the right foot steps to the right to form right bow step. The right hand opens to the right side through the top and look at right hand(Fig.5-1-27①).The left foot moves toward the right foot quickly and stand on feet straightly, change the two palms to be fists to place at the waist, swing the head to the left quickly and look at left front(Fig.5-1-27②).


Change two palms to be fists and naturally place at the body side and look forward(Fig.5-1-27③).


Points to Remember: bringing feet together and swinging head should be coordinated.


(二)对打套路 Sparring Routines

预备式 Preparation Style


A and B bring feet together and up-right, A moves a rear step back to the right, B moves one step to front-left.The distance between A and B is 1 meter, horizontal distance is 1.5 meters, B turns backward(Fig.5-1-28①②).



1.甲乙起势 Beginning form of A and B


A and B bring feet together and overlap their fist, step forward and kick front, lunge with eyes on fists, look at each other(Fig.5-1-29①②③④⑤).

2.甲跃步劈掌、乙弓步架拳 A jump step and palm-cut, B bow step uphold-fist


A moves the center of the gravity to the left leg, lifts the right leg, left leg kicks on the ground, jumps forward to form a left bow step. Right fist changes to palm and moves from the waist to cut circle with fist over B's head. A holds the left fist closed around the waist, looks at B.B moves the center of gravity forward, moves the left foot forward to form the left bow step. B bends left arm to deflect A's cut circle with fist, looks at A(Fig.5-1-30).


Points to Remember: A's cut circle with fist must be powerful; B's deflecting must be quickly.



3.甲马步架冲拳、乙马步格挡 A with horse-riding stance and hold with thrust boxing, B with horse-riding stance and deflecting


A's body turns right, left foot buckles inside to form the horse-riding stance; left fist uses thrust boxing to the B's chest, moves right palm over the head to form a uphold palm, looks at B.B's body turns right, left foot buckles inside to form the horse-riding stance;with the left elbow bending inwards to side-deflect A's right arm, looks at the defecting direction(Fig.5-1-31).


Points to Remember: A's thrust boxing must be quick and strong, B's deflecting must be accurate, and power reaches the forearm.

4.乙搂手勾踢、甲提膝亮掌 B uses brush hand and overhead kicking with the toes, A lifts knee and upholds palm


B turns body to the left, right foot hooks over left foot's heel. Two fists backswings to the back-side of the body and forms the hook-hand, looks at A.A moves the center of gravity backward, raise the left knee to avoid the B's hooking. Arms crossed in front of body, A swings the left palm to the back-side of the body with a hook hand, swings the right palm over head to form uphold palm, looks at B(Fig.5-1-32).


Points to Remember: When B doing hook-kick, the heel must be close to the ground; When A's knee raised, the independent step must be stable.



5.乙弓步反劈拳、甲弓步双架掌 B bow step and uses contrary-cut with fist, A bow step and uses double-overhead palm parry


B moves right foot forward to form the right bow step, changes right hook-hand to fist and contrary-cut to A's head, changes the left hook-hand to palm and presses down to below the right elbow, looks at A.A falls the left foot, moves left foot backward to form the left bow step, moves palms over abdominal to the front-top to deflect B's contrary-cut with fist, put the center of the palm outward, and looks at B(Fig.5-1-33).


Points to Remember: B's contrary-cut must be powerful, A's deflect must be strong.

6.甲右蹬腿、乙丁步勾手亮掌 A right heel kick, B T-step hook hand with uphold palm


A lifts right leg to kick B's abdomen, hooks the toe, the force reaches the heel. A changes two palms to be fists and holds them over the waist, and looks at B.B moves the center of gravity backward, moves right foot back to form the T-step. B changes right fist to be hook-hand and hook back to A's right leg; moves left palm overhead and forms the uphold palm, looks at A(Fig.5-1-34).


Points to Remember: A's kick must be quick and strong, B's dodge must be quick.



7.甲左鞭腿、乙马步双推掌 A left leg-whip, B horse-riding stance with double push-palm


A's right foot falls down forward, toes forward outside, raises his left leg, thigh drives leg to whip over B's head with the force reaching the instep.A moves the right arm to the lower jaw, moves left arm straight and swings to the left side of the body, looks at whipping direction.B's body turns right, moves the right foot toward right, bends two knees to form the right horse-riding stance; changes right hook to palm, both palms push forward to deflect A's leg-whip, looks at deflecting direction(Fig.5-1-35).


Points to Remember: A's left leg-whip must be quick, B's turned deflect must be timely and accurate.

8.甲勾手侧踹、乙翻身跳 A hook hand and side kick, B roll over jump


A's left foot falls front, bends two elbows in front of the chest, looks at B.B moves the center of gravity to the right, the body flash-move to aside, arms hang down natural, looks at A(Fig.5-1-36①).


A moves the center of the gravity to left foot, toes point out, turns body to the left, lift the right foot to kick B out; changes right hand to hook-hand and moves the backside of the body, moves the left hand overhead and forms the uphold palm, looks at B.B moves right foot one step forward, the left foot kicks on the ground, uses roll over jump to avoid A's kick(Fig.5-1-36②).


Points to Remember: The moves between A's left foot fall on the ground and the right foot's side-kick must be quick.B's roll over jump dodge must be quick.


9.甲乙虚步护身掌 A and B both empty step protective palm


A lands right foot on the ground, turns the body to the left, moves the left foot back to bring feet together; moves palms close to the waist, and looks at B.B roll over and lands on the ground, moves the left foot back to bring feet together; moves palms close to the waist, looks at A(Fig.5-1-37①).


A and B bend right knee to squat, move left foot forward to form the left empty step, push palms forward from the waist, put the center of palms forward, look at each other(Fig.5-1-37②).


Points to Remember: Push-palm and empty step must be completed simultaneously.


10.甲乙收势 A and B's closing form


A and B move the center of the gravity to the right, move right foot to the right side to form the right bow step, right arm through the right side of the body to open up, look at the right hand; quickly move the right foot and left foot together, legs straight, change palms to fists and hold closely to waist, move head left, look at each other(Fig.5-1-38①②).


A and B Change two palms to two fists, hang arms down naturally, look straight ahead.B turns back. A and B stand up right and in same line, look straight ahead(Fig.5-1-38③④).
