二、剑术技法特点 Features Fencing Techniques(1 / 1)


In the long hisforical development, fencing under various names, colorful techniques, each school has its lineage legend drills techniques and methods, but in general the basic techniques have the following four points.

(一)剑法清晰,轻快敏捷 Swordsmanship clear, light and agile movements


It has always been “Fencing is light, but the sword is very mysterious”, said to distinguish.Although knives, swords have leisurely and freely, a short take long martial characteristics, but utterly different usage, it did not like the broadsword sword hacking, suddenly from a sudden fall, but used so much agility to follow the movement of the sword, reflects the feature of the “sword is light and agile”.

(二)持短入长,刚柔兼备 In short instrument to deal with long weapons and both rigid and flexible


Sword is short and lightweight, which will help change the movements and reach the purpose of using a short instrument to deal with long weapons.Sword is characterized by light, short, little, thin, it's to deal with heavy weapons which can only avoid the blade, cut just in case clearance, relied on agility conveniently transform tactics to win.Rigid and flexible is two elements of fencing, swordsmanship exercised reflects the skill requirements rigid, rigid containing soft, hardness and softness, and has anti-attack, attack in defense, offensive and defensive techniques.

(三)把活腕灵,以巧制胜 Hands and wrists flexible, winning with skills


Fencing is focus on the correctness of skill, but there is said: “Fencing does not require action structure and that is based on the change of opponents to choose action and win”.Different types of swordsmanship require smooth and accurate wrist impulsive change and related transport makes skills.Therefore, sword hand finger and palm require actual situation varied, wrist turn flexible,grasp the sense of proportion sword properly,used to reach a reasonable regulation of the sword and force change.On this basis, fencing pays attention to the use of techniques to skillfully winning, it is difficult to hidebound using, but used every key of the blade, evasive, by the people of the situation, be as a relative latecomer.

(四)身剑合一,气韵洒脱 The human body and fencingas one, Charming


“The human body and fencing as one”, refers to the trajectory of their respected sword martial habits, following sword strongly moving is an important standard to measure the quality of the participants.It emphasizes the body transported to the sword, integrated the agility, footwork, providence, swordsmanship together.It changes the body like a dragon, the action route lightly, body and equipment unity.Therefore, Swordsmanship requires internal and external are fluent, demeanor and body agreed.“Character” refers to the rhythm and tolerance of fencing sport.Fencing movement must be powerful, action chic, its movement should be rich variety of vivid rhythm changes, undulating also available that transforms should focus on rhythm.