二、劈挂拳技法特点(1 / 1)

Technique Tharacteristics of Chopping Quan

(一)大开大合,长刁冷抽 Vigorous large-scale action, tricky quick-strike


Chopping Quan has a large extent of movement, flexible limbs and bones stretching and retracting to protect all body parts, stretching bone joints to conduct a stretched strike.There is solid defense amid large-scale action, bunt hits among stretched strike, it acts like this: folding like lying cannon, shrinking body and head, striking out like a shell, bursting out up and down.And the technique characteristics are stretched and tricky retract, sudden crisp and rapid flip, recoil like a spring.

(二)步法多变,身法灵活 Changeable footwork, flexible body movement


Footwork emphasizes swift advance and retreat.While moving forward and back swiftly, one usually moves his toes on site(with forefoot grinding and rotating) to change position and posture.Chopping Quan focus on turning by pivoting one's waist, at the same time requiring shrinking bosom and straightening back, twining like a snake with strength generated from waist, usually moving by a straight line and attacking from side, turning agilely.

(三)长击短打相兼,手劈脚踢并用 Long-strike combined with bunt hit, hand split amid leg kick


Chopping Quan stresses solid but also have softness.To stretch out for a long strike, there is strength as well as grace in it, focusing on close-range leaning hit; it is violent, heavy and continuous.The technique characteristics are long-strike combined with bunt hit, hand split amid leg kick.

(四)随招进招,随形打势 Move according to situation and fight back according to motion


The technique stresses to move according to situation and fight back according to motion.The general rule is to suspend the motion from higher position, to chop the one from lower, to stop the one from sideway-attack and to pull the one from the same direction.

(五)藏锋鹰目,气势逼人 Concealing ability, sparkling eagle eye with pressing momentum.


Chopping Quan requires a sparkle in the eyes like the eagle eyes, making storm attack at a rapid speed, with rapid motion dealing with a slow motion, that is eye is first before hand and step.Focus on concealing abilities. The boxing tips are: concealing abilities, ambushing in all sides, showing weakness from outside.