第35章 意志力为你导航 (5)(1 / 1)

Why is that so important? Because fatigue accumulate with astonishing rapidity. The United States Army has discovered by repeated tests that even young men—men toughened by years of Army training—can march better, and hold up longer, if they throw down their packs and rest ten minutes out of every hour. So the Army forces them to do just that.

Your heart is just as smart as the US Army. Your heart pumps enough blood through your body every day to fill a railway tank car. It exerts enough energy every twenty-four hours to shovel twenty tons of coal on to a platform three feet high. It does this incredible amount of work for fifty, seventy, or maybe ninety years. How can it stand it? Dr. Walter B. Cannon, of the Harvard Medical School, explains it. He says, “Most people have the idea that the heart is working all the time. As a matter of fact, there is a definite rest period after each contraction. When beating at a moderate rate of seventy pulses per minute, the heart is actually working only nine hours out of the twenty-four. In the aggregate its rest periods total a full fifteen hours per day.”

A physical worker can do more work if he takes more time out for rest. Frederick Taylor demonstrated that while working as a scientific management engineer with the Bethlehem Steel Company. He observed that labouring men were loading approximately 12.5 tons of pig-iron per man each day on freight cars and that they were exhausted at noon. He made a scientific study of all the fatigue factors involved, and declared that these men should be loading not 12.5 tons of pig-iron per day, but forty-seven tons per day! He figured that they ought to do almost four times as much as they were doing, and not be exhausted. But prove it!

Taylor selected a Mr. Schmidt who was required to work by the stop-watch. Schmidt was told by the man who stood over him with a watch: “Now pick up a ‘pig’and walk... now sit down and rest... now walk... now rest.”

What happened? Schmidt carried 47 tons of pig-iron each day while the other men carried only 12.5 tons per man. And he practically never failed to work at this pace during the three years that Frederick Taylor was at Bethlehem. Schmidt was able to do this because he rested before he got tired. He worked approximately 26 minutes out of the hour and rested 34 minutes. He rested more than he worked—yet he did almost four times as much work as the others! Is this mere hearsay? No, you can read the record yourself in Principles of Scientific Management by Frederick Winslow Taylor.

Let me repeat: do what the Army does—take frequent rests. Do what your heart does—rest before you get tired, and you will add one hour a day to your waking life.













1. Any medical student will tell you that fatigue__ physical resistance to the common cold and hundreds of other__ and any psychiatrist will tell you that fatigue also lowersresistance to the__ of fear and worry. So preventing fatigue tends to prevent__ .

2. He declares that any nervous or emotional__ “fails to exist in the presence of complete relaxation.”That is another way of saying: You cannot continue to worry if you__ .

3. He made a scientific__ of all the fatigue factors involved,and declared that these men should be loading not 12.5 tons of pig-iron per day, but forty-seven tons__ day!


1. 如果你处于放松状态,就不会再忧虑了。


2. 因为疲劳的累积速度快得惊人。


3. 体力劳动者如果每天有足够的时间休息,那么,他就可以干更多的活。



1. That is simple: because fatigue often produces worry, or, at least, it makes you susceptible to worry.

at least:至少


2. As a matter of fact, there is a definite rest period after each contraction.

as a matter of fact:实际上



An Easy Way to Become a Good Conversationalist

戴尔·卡耐基 / Dale Carnegie

Some time ago, I attended a bridge party. I don’t play bridge and there was a woman there who didn’t play bridge either. She had discovered that I had once been Lowell Thomas’ manager before he went on the radio and that I had traveled in Europe a great deal while helping him prepare the illustrated travel talks he was then delivering. So she said, “Oh, Mr. Carnegie, I do want you to tell me about all the wonderful places you have visited and the sights you have seen.”