第12章 成功的DNA密码 (11)(1 / 1)








1. The__ night, when the ship was moving but four miles an hour and the cable running out at the rate of six miles, the brakes were applied too__ just as the steamer gave a heavy lurch, breaking the cable.

2. Directors were disheartened, the public skeptical, capitalists were shy, and__ for the indomitable energy and persuasiveness of Mr. Field, who worked day and__ almost without food or__, the whole project would have been abandoned.

3. Faith now seemed__ except in the breast of Cyrus W. Field, and one or two friends, yet with such persistence__ they work that they persuaded men to furnish capital for another trial__ against what seemed their better judgment.


1. 决心已定,他便全身心地投入到这项事业中。


2. 菲尔德绝不是随便就放弃的人。


3. 菲尔德没有因为眼前的失败而退缩。



1. …when he became possessed with the idea that by means of a cable laid upon the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean…

by means of:用……的方法;依靠;凭借;用


2. Just as Mr. Field was about to give the order to cut the cable...

just as:正当……的时候;正如;就像



Seven Cures for a Lean Purse

乔治·克拉森 / George Clason

Good King Sargon was lamenting the state of the city. The rich were getting richer and poor poorer. All of the gold of the city has found its way into the hands of “a few very rich men of our city.”

“Why should so few men be able to acquire all the gold?” said the King.

“Because they know how,” replied the Chancellor. “One may not condemn a man for succeeding because he knows how.”

“Who knows best in all our city how to become wealthy, Chancellor?” asked the King.

“Your question answers for itself, your majesty. Who has amassed the greatest wealth in Babylon? Arkad.” replied the Chancellor.

Arkad was invited to appear before the King. The start of the conversation sums up the topic.

“How makes you so wealthy?” asked the King.

“Only a great desire for wealth. Besides this, nothing.” stated Arkad.

“Is there any secret to acquiring wealth? Can it be taught?” asked the King.

“It is practical, your majesty. That which one man knows can be taught to others,” replied Arkad.

The King wished for the knowledge that Arkad had accrued to be shared with the city folk. The King selected the “Chosen Hundred” to sit with Arkad.

The great man stood before the hundred and explained how he had had nothing as a youth other than an empty purse. He sought every remedy for a lean purse and found seven. The Seven Cures for a Lean Curse:

1. Start your purse to fattening.

“For every ten coins you placest within your purse take out for use but nine. Your purse will start to fatten at once and its increasing weight will feel good in your hand and bring satisfaction to your soul.”

2. Control your expenditures.

“Budget your expenses that you might have coins to pay for your necessities, to pay for your enjoyments and to gratify your worthwhile desires without spending more than nine-tenths of your earnings.”

3. Make your gold multiply.

“Put each coin to laboring that it may reproduce its kind even as flocks of the field and help to bring to you income, a stream of wealth that shall flow constantly into your purse.”

4. Guard your treasures from loss.

“Guard your treasure from loss by investing only where your principle is safe. Consult with wise men. Secure the advice of those experienced in the profitable handling of gold. Let their wisdom protect your treasure from unsale investments.”

5. Make of your dwelling a profitable investment: “Own your own home.”

6. Insure a future income.

7. Increase your ability to earn.

“Cultivate your own powers, to study and become wiser, to become more skilful, to act as to respect yourself.”

Arkad ended his lecture urging the hundred that there is more gold than you can dream of, abundance for all, so go forth “grow wealth yourself, as is your right.”





























1. “For every__ coins you placest within your purse take out for use but nine. Your purse will start to fatten at once and its increasing__ will feel good in your hand and bring satisfaction to your__ .”