第27章 金冠辩(1 / 1)

On the Crown







I should conclude, Aeschines, that you undertook this cause to exhibit your eloquence and strength of lungs, not to obtain satisfaction for any wrong. But it is not the language of an orator, Aeschines, that has any value, yet the tone of his voice, but his adopting the same views with the people, and his hating and loving the same persons that his country does.He that is thus minded will say everything with loyal intention:he that courts persons from whom the commonwealth apprehends danger to herself, rides not on the same anchorage with the people, and therefore has not the same expectation of safety.But—do you see?—I have:for my objects are the same with those of my countrymen;I have no interest separate or distinct.Is that so with you?How can it be—when immediately after the battle you went as ambassadorto Philip, who was at that period the author of your country's calamities, not with standing that you had before persisted in refusing that office, as all men know?

And who is it that deceives the state?Surely the man who speaks not what he thinks. On whom does the crier pronounce a curse?Surely on such a man.What greater crime can an orator be charged with than that his opinions and his language are not the same?Such is found to be your character.And yet you open your mouth, and dare to look these men in the faces!Do you think they don't know you?—or are sunk all in such slumber and oblivion as not to remember the speeches which you delivered in the assembly, cursing and swearing that you had nothing to do with Philip, and that I brought that charge against you out of personal enmity without foundation?No sooner came the news of the battle, than you forgot all that;you acknowledged and avowed that between Philip and yourself there subsisted a relation of hospitality and friendship—new names these for your contract of hire.For upon what plea of equality or justice could Aeschines, son of Glaucothea the timbrel-player, be the friend or acquaintance of Philip?I can not see.No!You were hired to ruin the interests of your countrymen:and yet though you have been caught yourself in open treason, and informed against yourself after the fact, you revile and reproach me for things, which you will find any man is chargeable with sooner than I.

Many great and glorious enterprises has the commonwealth, Aeschines, undertaken and succeeded in through me;and she did not forget them. Here is the proof—On the election of a person to speak the funeral oration immediately after the event, you were proposed, but the people would not have you, notwithstanding your fine voice, nor Demades, though he had just made the peace, nor Hegemon, nor any other of your party—but me.And when you and Pythocles came forward in a brutal and shameful manner (O merciful heaven!) and urged the same accusations against me which you now do, and abused me, they elected me all the more.The reason—you are not ignorant of it—yet I will tell you.The Athenians knew as well the loyalty and zeal with which I conducted their affairs as the dishonesty of you and your party;for what you denied upon oath in our prosperity you confessed in the misfortunes of the republic.They considered, therefore, that men who got security for their politics by the public disasters had been their enemies long before, and were then avowedly such.They thought it right also that the person who was to speak in honor of the fallen and celebrate their valor should not have sat under the same roof or at the same table with their antagonists;that he should not revel there and sing a paean over the calamities of Greece in company with their murderers, and then come here and receive distinction;that he should not with his voice act the mourner of their fate, but that he should lament over them withhis heart.This they perceived in themselves and in me, but not in any of you:therefore they elected me, and not you.Nor, while the people felt thus, did the fathers and brothers of the deceased, who were chosen by the people to perform their obsequies, feel differently.For having to order the funeral banquet (according to custom) at the house of the nearest relative to the deceased, they ordered it at mine.And with reason:because, though each to his own was nearer of kin than I was, none was so near to them all collectively.He that has the deepest interest in their safety and success had upon their mournful disaster the largest share of sorrow for them all.