第49章 主动一些来赞美自己(1 / 1)

Have Just a Little Willingness to Celebrate Ourselves

亨利·大卫·梭罗 / Henry David Thoreau

What would our world be like if each person made it his or her concern to catch someone doing something right? Wouldn't we have cause to celebrate daily?

So often our focus is on the negatives in life. We look for what is wrong, for weaknesses, for holes in the armor of another. Why? Perhaps the answer lies in our need to feel superior to another — in our learned behavior, to compare ourselves constantly to those around us. If our self-concept is low, we feel that almost everyone is better, more likable, stronger, more talented, more capable, more everything than we are. On the other hand, a poor self-image can also result in what we interestingly call a superiority complex. To cover up our own feelings of inadequacy, we behave as though we know better, act better, think better and, even, are better than those around us.

A healthy self-concept allows us to acknowledge our abilities and talents, our strengths and weaknesses. There is no need to compare ourselves to others in order to recognize traits in ourselves!Self-acknowledgment is not conceit or arrogance. Self-acknowledgement is perceiving the truth about oneself so that one may freely move forward in life without the fetters of unproductive modesty. Self-acknowledgement is inner work, not shouted from the rooftops but cherished within. This is cause for celebration !

Are you willing to feel good about yourself ? To notice when you do things well and enjoy the feeling? Are you willing to celebrate your uniqueness and the unique gift you have to offer to the world? Are you willing to acknowledge others for the things they do well? For the contributions they make to your life? Are you willing to catch yourself and others doing something right? Wonderful!Then you have the willingness to celebrate, to join with others to make the world a place of celebration. After all, all it takes is a little willingness!






1. So our focus is on the negatives in life. We look for what is , for weaknesses, for holes in the armor of another. ? Perhaps the answer in our need to feel superior to another — in our behavior, to compare ourselves constantly to those around us.

2. There is no to compare ourselves to in order to recognize traits in ourselves!Self-acknowledgment is not conceit or arrogance. Self-acknowledgement is perceiving the about oneself so that one may freely move forward in life the fetters of unproductive modesty.


1. 如果我们的自我观念不强,我们就会觉得所有人都比我们强、更受别人喜欢、更强壮、更聪明,我们什么都比不上别人。

2. 你是否注意自己的优秀表现并享受那种感觉?

3. 这样,你将愿意去欢呼,去加入创造美好世界的队伍。


1. Perhaps the answer lies in our need to feel superior to another.

lie in:在于……;睡懒觉;待产

2. To cover up our own feelings of inadequacy.

cover up:掩盖,盖住