第31章 一生最大的收获 (2)(1 / 1)

The final stage of loss is acceptance, which most people come to slowly. This is the stage when you begin to come to terms with what' s happened. Reaching a place of acceptance doesn' t have to mean you agree with the company' s actions—just that you' ve decided to move on with your life.

There is no right or wrong way to experience the stages of loss. Most people move in and out of them over time. For example, you may start sleeping more (or less), eating more (or less), and you may even find yourself remembering other losses. These reactions are normal. They can also serve as a reminder to treat yourself with compassion.

It may be hard to believe at first, but you can ultimately use this experience to your advantage—to find another, perhaps even better job;to strengthen your relationship with your family;and to make some much-needed changes in your life. Here are three essential steps:

Step 1

Get emotional support.

Because it' s easy to feel unsettled and vulnerable, reaching out to others is the key to making a smooth transition. You' ll need people who will listen and provide a safe haven for you to vent, cry, or express your tears and concerns. You can lean on a trusted friend, a fellow coworker in the same situation, or a sibling. In addition, you might want to join an online discussion group(see step 2 below) or a career support group at your church or community center. Your local unemployment offices can provide affordable resources near you.

Have this support in place before you take steps to secure your next position. Too often people bring their anger or bitterness into a job interview only to lose the opportunity and feel even more defeated.

Remember, your spouse and children will be dealing with their own anxiety about your job loss and may not be able to offer you the kind of support you need. You should also avoid turning to people who add to your stress level or criticize you. Instead, surround yourself with those who can make you feel hopeful and confident about this transition.

Don' t go it alone. It takes courage to ask for help, and yet, help may be what you need most to move forward.

You also need to protect your emotional well-being. If you are required to continue working until a specific deadline, avoid long work hours and get out of the office at lunchtime. Stay away from toxic coworkers who constantly complain. Build confidence by doing something you enjoy and do well. One woman I know, an amateur photographer, made note cards using her favorite photos. The positive feedback she received from friends and colleagues gave her renewed confidence.

Step 2

Seek professional guidance.

Getting assistance from a recruiter or career counselor will not only help you assess your experience and improve your skills it also will ensure that you put your best foot forward. Once again, your local unemployment office should have helpful resources.

Check out the career section of your local bookstore. One of my favorite books is What Color is Your Parachute? 2001 by Richard Nelson Bolls. There are great online resource as well. Monster. com offers useful career advice, online success stories, and a variety of message boards—not to mention a large database of open job listings.

If possible, try not to let fear cause you to grab the first new job you' re offered (unless it' s the right one!). Give yourself time to explore different options. And don' t be afraid to look for a short-term "transition position" that will pay the bills while you continue your search.

Step 3

Strengthen family ties.

Meet with family members to openly discuss your feelings. Listen carefully without interrupting one another, and give everyone a turn to speak.

Once you' ve landed a new job, create your own security. Keep your resume up-to-date, stay in touch with recruiters about the job market, and constantly improve yours skills to stay marketable in your field. Although being downsized can turn your life upside down, many people say that it gave them the push they needed to start a new life!







经历失落的每个阶段并没有对错之分。在时间的流逝中,大多数人有过陷入又走出失落的经历。比如说,你或许睡得多了 (或少了),吃得多了(或少了),你甚至或许会想起其他失落。这些都是正常的反应,它们还会告诉你要善待自己。









