Lesson 3 The Way to Free Oneself(1 / 1)

Before we go into the contents of the Heart Sutra,we must first understand that the Heart Sutra has the key concept of the 600 scrolls of the Maha Prajna Sutra.It also holds the central concept of the Diamond Sutra.

It has been translated into Chinese from Sanskrit by famous Master Xuan Zhuang.

Master Xuan Zhuang is a master of eminence.In Buddhism he is regarded as the religious Confucius.

He's famous for his works on the Heart Sutra,also on his philosophy of Mind-Only,and also the verses of the Eight Consciousnesses.

Today we'll be focusing on the first few lines of the Heart Sutra which is:When the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara is coursing in the deep Prajna,he saw that the five skandhas were empty.Thus he overcame all ills and suffering.

And exactly,who is Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva?

Most people would refer Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva,as the particular Bodhisattva,who is also known in Chinese as Guan Yin.This is not entirely correct because each and any one of us is also Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva.

Avalokiteshvara in Chinese is roughly translated into contemplation on carefreeness.Therefore,the question lies in whether each and every one of you,is able to look at this world with a mind that is carefree.If you can actually do that,you'll also become a bodhisattva who contemplates carefreeness.

If we were to go over the time and the things that happened in our lives,we'd realize that,yes,at some times we would experience happiness.But most of the other times they tend to be made up of suffering.

And once we're confronted with things that caused us to be unhappy or suffered,or when people said something that made us feel uncomfortable,then we'd lose that carefreeness.

When you're poor,when you don't have the money that you needed,you won't be carefree.

When you face problems and difficulties,when things don't go smoothly,you are also not carefree.

When you get angry or unhappy about a situation in front you,then you can't be carefree either.

When you're ill and when certain parts of your body ache, then you'll not be carefree.

Of course all of us wish to be free and without obstructions in life,but exactly who can give us this freedom?

When you face somebody you do not like,you do not feel carefree.

When things go against your wishes,you also not feel that freeness within your mind.

When certain situation and condition go against your wish, you'll also feel uneasy.

When you see a mess,you'll also feel uneasy.

When you discover that you're getting old,and that your appearances are no longer as good as you used to look,you also feel uneasy.

When certain voice or sound make you feel uncomfortable, you'll also be uneasy.

Therefore,it's obvious that no matter where we are or no matter what time it is,it's all about wishes that we can always feel carefree.

Even though when we said that when we're poor,we feel uneasy,not carefree;sometimes even when we do have the money,we still feel that way.

Imagine if you were to have one hundred thousand dollars in your pocket in cash.I'm sure that you won't be sitting here with a carefree mind,because you'll be worried about where to put the money,and whether that money would be stolen or not.

Imagine if you drive a very expensive car,and you park it outside right now,something worth a few hundred thousands dollars;I'm sure you would also not be able to sit here easily, because you'll be worrying about whether somebody is stealing your car right now.

As we've said that even though you would feel unhappy in front of the people whom you dislike you'll also feel uneasy when you think about the people whom you like.For example, when you sit here,you'd worry about what he or she is doing and how things are going with her right now?

Therefore if you wish to be at ease,then Prajna would be very important for us.

Therefore,if we cannot be at ease,whether we do have or do not have certain things,then we'll have to think about travelling the Middle Path,which will also require the wisdom of Prajna.Just as the sutra has told us that when things are at their extremes,you would not feel comfortable.For example,when it's too hot or too cold,it will not make you feel good.Therefore it's always better to stay in between or in the middle.

Once there was a man who worked really hard to become successfulin his career.However due to economic recession,he went from a rich man to a poor man just overnight.

He was so depressed and upset that he decided to go to the beach and commit suicide.

Before he jumped into the water,he saw a young lady walking around,who seems to also want to do the same thing. Therefore,he wondered why such a young lady is doing here at the beach.

She was also wandering around,walking forth and back.

Therefore he approached the lady and asked,"What are you doing here?You seem to be troubled by something.What is it?"

She said,"I feel like jumping into the water and kill myself".

"You're still young;why are you thinking about doing such a thing?"

She said,"My boyfriend dumped me.I feel very lonely and I feel so much pain.And I don't want to live anymore."

Suddenly signs of Prajna flashed in the man's mind. Therefore,he said to her,"Did you feel as much pain before you even met that man?"

So she said,"When I didn't have him,I never felt any pain or suffering.

He said,"So that now you don't have him,isn't the situation the same?Isn't that good for you?"

That made sense to her.And she realized that it's all the same whether before or after she dated this man.It was all the same.She never had him before or after.

Now it was her turn to ask him the question,"What are you doing here?"

I came here to commit suicide.


I used to have a lot of money.I used to be rich.But now I have nothing.

Before you became rich,did you have all this money?

He said,"Oh,that's right.Before I became rich,I also had nothing either."

So you had no money before.You have no money now. Therefore,why kill yourself?

From this we can see that our uneasiness is usually caused by our attachment to things that we have or do not have.Therefore,that's why I say Prajna is very important because it allows us to deal with the situation and lessen or even minimize our suffering.

Let's now look at the example of Master Hong Yi,who used to be a very famous literati by the name of Lee Shu Tong in China.

One day he was visited by his old friend.His friend saw how simple or ragged Master Hong Yi was living his life.For example,when they were eating,the malted pickle in front of them not only tasted badly,even has smell.

Therefore he said to Master Hong Yi,"I think this pickle is too salty."

But Master Hong Yi replied,"Saltiness also has its own kind of taste."

The towel which he was using was also very old.It even has holes in it.Therefore his friend suggested that he get a new towel.

But he said,"I can still use it for a while."

Because of the rough environment he was living in,there were a lot of bugs and pests in the place that he was living in.

His friend started to feel uneasy.

Master Hong Yi said,"Don't take this to heart because there're only a few of them.Just let them be."

In my mind Master Hong Yi was living a life with Prajna because no matter what the situation was,he was always at ease.

Once there was another Zen master by the name of Fa Rong. He lived inside a cave.One day he started cooking a rock as if it was his food.

He was visited by one of his devotees who walked into the cave and saw how the smoke was making tears and mucus coming out of the Zen master's eyes and nose.

But the Zen master answered,"Just let them be.I have no time to wipe away this for an ordinary man."

What this story is trying to say is that The master was also at ease even under such condition.

Another example is a Zen master from Japan.This is also a very touching story.

He was very famous because of how well he taught the Dharma.

One day the daughter of a merchant became pregnant.Her father asked her,"How did you get pregnant without even getting married?"

She was too ashamed to tell her father the truth.She knew that how bad temper her father was,if she was to tell the truth, her boyfriend would get into trouble.

As her father kept stressing her on who the father was,she was so pressured.She couldn't think of anyone else but this Zen master,Zen Master Bai Yin because he was her father's role model.Therefore,she decided to tell her father that the baby's father was the Zen master.

The father became really really angry.He went to the Zen master and beat him up.

After the baby was born,the girl's father took the baby over to the Zen master and said,"Here!Look after your own child."

So the Zen master got the baby out of no where.He pretty much didn't know what to do.

Therefore he had no choice but to go outside the temple everyday to look for women who just gave birth to babies in order to provide milk for this baby.

As people knew or believed that this indeed was the Zen master's baby,they started treating him very badly.Whenever he would come out on the streets,they would walk behind him and try to abuse him in any way,even throwing rocks and things at him.

After a short while,the real father of the baby came back and asked the girl,"Where's our baby?"

She said to him,"How can you have the guts to ask me this question.My father almost killed me because of the baby. Therefore,now my father has given this baby to Zen master Bai Yin."

The man felt very guilty because Zen master Bai Yin was also his master.Therefore he said to his girlfriend,"We cannot let Master to take the blame.I'm willing to confess to your father even if he would kill me."

Although the girl's father was very angry to see the real father of the baby,at the same time,he was relieved to hear that Zen master Bai Yin was not the father of the baby.

Therefore,he led his whole family to the Zen master and said,"We're very sorry for the misunderstanding."

The Zen master didn't say anything except for,"Oh,is this baby yours?O. K.You can take him back."

Imagine if you were the Zen master,would you still be at ease under such humiliation?

From this we can see that a person's manner comes from years of experience.For the Zen master's case,it came from his years of spiritual cultivation.It was his Prajna wisdom that showed him such good quality.

There's another Zen master by name of Meng Chuang.One day he traveled on a ferry to get across the river.

Before the ferry was about to leave,there came another general.He yelled up to the ferry and said,"Wait for me.I also want to go across the river."

The boatman yelled back,"Wait for the next one because we have already left."But the Zen master thought,"Since each trip takes a long time,the general was bound to wait for quite a while."Therefore he persuaded the boatman to return and pick him up.

The boatman obliged this master's kind wish.When the general go on board,he saw that the whole boat was full. Therefore he took out his whip and attacked the Zen master on the head,causing him to bleed on the head as he yelled out to him,"Monk,get up and give me your seat."The Zen master didn't say anything.He simply stood up and walked away from his seat.

After the boat got to the other shore,the passengers started getting off the boat.Since the Zen master was there to visit a friend,he had to clean up his wound.Otherwise he would look horrible to his friend.

People around him started saying how it was such an unworthy thought to even allow that general or soldier to get on the boat,as Zen master also got himself injured.

As soon as the general knew that it was the Zen master who gave him the chance to get on board,he quickly went over to the Zen master and knelt down to apologize.

The Zen master was not angry at all.He said to him,"It's not your fault because you didn't know anything about this."

The moral of this story is the fact that we need to think about when we were to be in such a situation,would we still be so at ease even if we were humiliated or hurt.

While Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is a certain character in Buddhism,at the same time,each and every one of us can also be the Bodhisattva,Avalokitesvara.

The word,Avalokitesvara,in fact,means the task of observing and looking to check whether yourself is there or not.

Sometimes you may fall into the trap of other people and follow what they want you to do.When that happens you won't be at ease.

Sometimes you may be bought by money.Or you may even be seduced by love.And you may even be deceived by other things,for example,your desire.When all of these things happen,you will not be at ease.You will not be carefree.

The most important thing for us is to live with dignity and never to be tempted or controlled by our physical environment.

As we have said that Avalokitesvara is a Bodhisattva.But have you ever met a Bodhisattva in person?

When we talk about Bodhisattva,we're not referring to any particular statues.There're also living Bodhisattvas.If you as a person or human being display the qualify of Prajna wisdom,you'll also be regarded as a living Bodhisattva.

A legend has told people that a real living Bodhisattva has been found in the southern sea of China.

Once there was a butcher who was very devoted to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.Therefore he started to go to Nan Pu Tuo Mountain in China to pay respect to this Bodhisattva.He also wished that he may get the chance to come across a human or living bodhisattva.

But where exactly did he have to go to look for a living bodhisattva at Nan Pu Tuo Mountain?

He came across an old man.Therefore he asked him,"Do you know anything about a living hodhisattva around this area? Where can I find him?"

The old man said to him,"I think you came from a certain place.Our living bodhisattva is at your home right now.

The bodhisattva knew that you had come to pay respect to him. Therefore,he took a step first and went to your home to look for you.

As soon as he heard this answer,he decided to turn around and go home in order to meet the living bodhisattva.

This butcher was a very bad son.He treated his mother very badly.When he rushed home in the middle of the night,he knocked on the door very roughly because he was very eager to meet this living Guan Yin Bodhisattva.

As soon as the mother heard her son knocking,she became very frightened because she didn't want to make him angry. Therefore she quickly rushed out,and in the process,she put on her jacket inside out and put on her shoes the other way around.

Before the butcher turned around,he also asked the old man what the living bodhisattva looks like.The old man told him that Living bodhisattvas always wear their jackets inside out and shoes the other way around.As soon as he saw his mother in such an outfit,he dropped on his knees and started calling his mother a living bodhisattva.This surprised his mother who said,"What are you doing?I'm not a bodhisattva.I'm your mother."But the butcher insisted that she was a bodhisattva.Upon realizing what was happening,his mother said to him,"If you were never kind or filial to your parents in front of you,what good would there be for you go such place so far away to pay respect to Guan Yin?

You can compare a bodhisattvas to a student.While there are primary school students,high school students or even university students,bodhisattvas also come in different levels.

In fact,there are 51 different levels for a bodhisattva.

Therefore that's why I say,"All of you can be a bodhisattva."And you can start by becoming a beginner.

Bodhisattva is a term from the Indian language.When it's translated into Chinese,it means an enlightened sentient being. Therefore,any sentient being,who has the aspiration to help other people or practice to reach buddhahood,can be considered as a bodhisattva.

Starting from tomorrow as I continue to talk about the Heart Sutra,I would no longer address you as ladies and gentleman. Starting from tomorrow,I'll be calling out to you,"Dear Bodhisattvas."

You have to accept your role as a bodhisattva.

Once you admit that you're a bodhisattva,I don't think you'll ever start a fight with your husband or wife anymore because you're a bodhisattva.And a bodhisattva doesn't do that. Imagine if you were to pick up a glass of wine or pick up a cigarette,think about it.Do bodhisattvas take a puff like this? Does a bodhisattva drink like this?

Therefore,we can all strive to be a modern living bodhisattva.How do we do that?

First of all,we need to have compassion.

We need to be passionate.

We need to be active or aggressive.

We need to take care for other people and other sentient beings.

We need to help other people.

That is why we say that anybody,who does good for other people and who follows the path of virtue or goodness,can be regarded as a bodhisattva.

When Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara reached a very advanced level of Prajna,he saw that the Five Skandhas were empty. Therefore,he overcame all kinds of suffering and ills.

Now we have come up to the term,the Five Skandhas. Before I started talking about the Heart Sutra,I had wished that before you came into this five-day talk,you would have at least gained some basic understanding of these terminologies.

These include the terms such as the Five Precepts,the Four Noble Truths,the Twelve Links of Dependent Origination,the Eighteen Realms or the Eighteen Ways of Perception as well as the Six Organs,the Six Consciousness,and the Six Dusts.I had hoped that you've gained some basic understandings about these terms before you came.

If so,then I'll be able to talk about the Heart Sutra without having to go into the details of these terms.

As we come up to the term,the Five Skandhas,it's in fact a term that represents ourselves.

You may think that,"My name is John;"or"My name is David;"or"My name is Mary."My name is not the Five Skandhas.

The word skandha means an aggregate.It means that there are certain five elements that have come together to make up the self.

The Five Skandhas consist of Form,Perception,Mental Conception,Volition,and Mind Consciousness.

Our body is a Form.

It's a physical body.

Our hair,our bones,our muscles,and even our skin are all physical forms of the body.

The word in Chinese,Form,does not mean color.So those who know Chinese have to bear this in mind.It actually means Form.

The last of the Five Skandhas is the Mind Consciousness. This mind or this consciousness.

When the Mind Consciousness comes together with Form, This combination gives the outcome of Conception,Mental Conception,Which also represents your feelings and thoughts.It results in your behaviors and consequent effects.

When a body dies,the consciousness leaves this physical body,leaving the physical body there,not being able to do anything because it no longer has a mind.

Even if the body is still alive,at times when it falls asleep or when it doesn't do anything,the mind is still active.It is still doing all kinds of things.

Before I continue,I think most of you would be familiar with the Chinese phrase,which tells us that"the four elements are empty."

These four elements represent different ways of form in the physical world.They are Earth,Water,Wind and Fire.Every phenomenon in this universe comes from the combination of these four elements.Thereforc,as we know that if only when these four elements are there,we would understand that the self or the physical form of this world is in fact empty in nature.But I'm not saying that they're not there.

In order for a flower to blossom,it first has to be planted into the earth.So,that's the first element.Then we have to give it water,which is the second element.It also requires air,which is wind.Then,it also needs the warmth given by the sun,which is the element of fire.

In order for our physical body to stay alive,we also depend on the balance or harmony between these Four Elements.Our bones make up the Element of Earth while our feces,our urine, sweat,or saliva represent the Element of Water.Our body temperature represents the Element of Firc.When we need to breath,it becomes the Element of Wind.In order for us to stay healthy and alive,these Four Elements would have to maintain a balance.

It works this way for a flower.It also works this way for our physical body.In fact,it works this way for every single phenomenon in the universe.Take a house as an example.First of all,you would need timber in order to make up its basic structure,which is the Element of Earth.You also need paint and concrete to make up the walls.These represent the Element of Water.There also needs to be good lighting in the house and also good ventilation,which is air.So,a house would also depend on a good integration of the Four Elements.

Therefore,when earth,water,wind,and fire come together,they would also have to be accompanied by a right set of causes and conditions in order for a temporary existence to happen.

So the first type of Form is represented by the Four Elements.While we come to the Mind Consciousness,it is made up of the six consciousnesses along with the seventh,which is the manas-consciousness and the eighth,which is the alaya-consciousness.

And consciousness makes up the key element of our life.It links up our life from the past to the present and even to the future.

And while there are the five skandhas or the five aggregates, they are also what we called the five covers because these are the five things which pretty much cover up our mind from the truth.

A lot of human beings are afraid of death.But if we understand that after death,we enter a new life.Then there would be no point being afraid of death because this is the same as moving into a different house or when your car breaks down. But if your engine still works well,you can give it a new outfit.

When you pass away,it may only mean that you will be getting a new and a better body.So why be afraid of death?

There's another reason to why human beings are afraid of death.Because in between lives,you actually lose your memory of your previous life.And so that's why people are afraid that they no longer know what had happened to them in the past.

After you pass away and before you enter your new body or before you become reborn,you actually exist in as an intermediate being.And so that's before you become reborned. And this is a being that takes no physical form.But it actually looks like what we say a cloud or a puff of smoke which floats around different places before you become reborn.

When the bodhisattva saw that the five skandhas were empty,it means that the substantial essence of the self within the five skandhas are not there.

This also means selflessness.When people hear the word selflessness,they become uneasy because they tend to take it as the fact that the self is not there or I'm not there.They would think that it's a sign of destruction because they are not there.

In fact in Buddhism,The theory of selflessness is not about telling us to destroy ourselves,because we are still there.

In my opinion,there are a few benefits to this concept of selflessness from the perspective of Prajna wisdom.

Because once you take the fact that this body is me,then you will stop others from hurting you.

Or this is my money;therefore I have the obligation to protect it.

Or this is my lover;and don't think about dating him or her.

And also you will think about:this is my thought;this is my opinion;this is my idea;so everything is mine.And this results in an attachment to the self.

If you were able to understand that this sense of the self is only provisional or temporary,because they come from a combination of causes and conditions that are bounded for apart one day,and then you will get a better understanding of the impermanent side or the empty side of everything.And with such thoughts in mind you will then find it easier to practice things such as the six Paramitas which is made up of generosity,precepts,endurance,diligence,meditation and wisdom.And once you learn how to practice the six Paramitas,you will find yourself closer to a bigger world or a bigger heart.But once again these can only be done with the sense of understanding on the emptiness of the self.

Which things in this world actually belong to me?And what actually belongs to you?

Even if things really become yours,you will still have no control over them.But if certain things were meant to be with you,then they will come to you naturally.

Once there was a rich man who constructed a very big house,a grant mansion.

And it was the day of its completion.And therefore he threw a party.

He made sure that all the workers who helped build this house and anybody who contributed to the completion of this house sat in the better seats,while his families and his children sat in the worse places.

People started wondering if something was wrong with the man because usually you would give your family the best places or seats.But this man has chosen to allow the workers who had given their labours to sit in the best seats.

And the rich man responded,"No,that's not the way it works.I have invited the workers to sit in the better seats because they were the ones who helped me build this house.I decided to let my children sit further away because in the future they are going to bethe ones who sell my house."

Therefore you can never have a definite way to determine what is yours and what is not.

I'd like to tell you the following story from the Buddhist sutra which portrays the concept of selflessness very well.

Once there was a traveller who failed to find accommodation before it got dark.Therefore he was forced to find shelter within an abandoned temple.And he chose to sleep underneath the altar.

In the middle of the night,he was awaken by a little ghost who carried a corpse with it.

The traveller became very afraid because he knew that he had come across a ghost.

And as he started shaking there came another ghost and this time it was even bigger.

He found himself to be real troubled because he'now with two ghosts.

The bigger ghost yelled at the smaller one and said,"What are you doing with my dead body?"

And the smaller one replied,"It's mine,not yours."

And the two started fighting over this dead body.

This made this traveler even more scared,and he started shaking very badly.

The smaller ghost turned around and said,"Cool,there's a human being.Come out.We are not going to hurt you.And come out to be my witness."And now tell us.Which one of us carried the corpse into this temple?

The man thought to himself,"I'm in really deep trouble today;I don't think I can get out of it."

I did see this smaller ghost coming in with the dead body. But if I was to tell the truth,I think the bigger ghost would give me a real hard time.But if I was to say that it was the bigger ghost who had the dead body,then I would be lying.

And therefore I may as well learn from the Americans that I need to be honest.So I might as well tell them the truth.The dead body belongs to the smaller ghost.

This made the big ghost very angry.So he dashed forward and ripped off the man's right arm and ate it.

And the smaller ghost saw this and said,"Hey,how can you hurt the man who helped me?Fine,if you took his right arm…"Then he ripped of the right arm of the dead body and attached it to the man's body.

And then the bigger ghost wasn't ready to give up.Then he ate the other arm of the man,and the ghost did the same thing. The little one,he gave the man another arm too from the corpse. So the two continued doing so.Whichever part of the body that the bigger ghost ate,the smaller one would reattach it with the corpse that he came in with.

The two of them continued until the man got a whole new body.After the ghost had all the fun they wanted,they rushed out of the temple and went away,leaving the man in a very serious dilemma:Who am I?Is this me?

I used to be so and living in Los Angeles.Now my whole body has been eaten by the ghost.I'm left with this totally different body.

Then he realized something which is the fact that"this body which is made up of the five skandhas was never mine."

The same thing goes to today's advancement with the medical technologies so that organ transplants are possible. Therefore once a part of somebody goes into your body,is it still you?

The provisional self is only there to help you find the true self which is Prajna.

Therefore to say that when the bodhisattva realized that the five skandhas were empty,it does not mean that he saw that the five skandhas did not exist.In fact he only realize the fact that nothing is real and the fact that they are made up of the five aggregates which can fall apart anytime.

And now what exactly is emptiness?

It means that nothing in this world would remain unchanged.

So you can take a look around you;everything continues to change.

Imagine when you get reunited with a friend after ten years, you will realize that your friend has gotten older.

Or a place which you haven't been to for twenty years will look so much more different.

And emptiness also means that nothing can ever exist independently.And nothing is substantial.Nothing will remain the way it is forever.

Everything in this world is impermanent.A sea can one day change into a desert while a desert can one day turn into a sea. Therefore there's not a thing in this world that would never change.

And in terms of how we can see emptiness,there are actually three methods.The first one is to realize the fact that effect arises from cause.So when you see a result,you have to realize that it comes from a certain cause or reason.For example, when somebody hits you,you're only seeing the result.But you have to also look at the cause.Why did a person assault another man?It could be because the man has stolen something from him,making the first one really angry.And that's why he deserves all the hitting and beating.

As we all know that the way the American society operates is under a set of law.So they don't just focus on the effect.In fact they will try to trace things back to their origin or cause.

And that's why we say effect comes from a cause.In order for an effect to take place,it has to go through a certain process of development and change and so on.Therefore it is important for us to look into the relationship of the two.

And secondly,how do we look at emptiness?We have to realize that phenomenon derives from the absolute which means that whatever we do,no matter what kind of things we do,we are doing it based on a certain set of principle in order for an event or phenomenon to happen.

For example if I wish to make a painting,I will have to first equip myself with the canvas,a brush and even the paints.And therefore with these very basic principles that make up a painting,then I'm ready to start this work.

And next,how do we look at emptiness?We have to realize that emptiness is based on existence.Therefore in order for there to be emptiness or space,we have to make sure that certain causes and conditions or certain set of things come together.

That's why we say that emptiness can only be seen on top of existence.

The flower used to be there;but how come it's not there any more?It's because it has wilted;so it's become empty.

A house can be there for many years;but after a while,it will start to fall apart.

It's because you knew the house was here before and it enables you to come to the next conclusion that this land or this spot is now empty.

Therefore basically emptiness is a sign of things that are provisional.

For once the unreal phenomenon become empty,it would lead you to the very true essence of everything.

And there are several ways for us to look at things that are empty.The first one is to look at the provisional continues of everything.For example,a father gives birth to his son.And then his son has grand children and so on.So the births continue to go on.

That's why we say that every generation is replaced by a newer generation.And even the waves on the beach would be replaced by the waves that come after.So everything continues to change.

Once there was a man.Upon seeing how naughty his grand son was,he slapped him on the face.

Then the old man's son saw this,and started slapping himself.

He turned to his son and asked him,"Why did you do this?"

And he replied"If you slapped my son,I will slap yours."

So how exactly do you explain this relationship?

So sometimes you have to be very careful with what is actually right and wrong.And you can't really let things go away if they are not right.

And a second way upon which emptiness operates is what we called a provisional cycle.For example,when we look at cause and effect,we have to realize what comes after a cause would become an effect,which then gives rise to a cause,and then come another effect and so on.So this becomes a cycle that continues to operate.

Thirdly,emptiness operates underneath a kind of provisional combination.For example,when we take a look at this talk,all of you come from different places.You come together and the combination of everybody in this room makes up this event.But once this event ends,we will all scatter.So this event will no longer be there any more.

We can also take a look at our physical body.We are made up of our bones,our skin,our flesh and so on.But once these different parts of body fall apart,where will we be?

And number four,emptiness operates upon provisional relativity.For example there's a relationship between a teacher and a student.But today he could be your student.When he learns something new and has new ideas,he could one day also become a teacher who teaches you his ideas.So this relativity can always change.And also take an example;if I was sitting in this room,and somebody is standing over there.I could tell him,"Oh please don't stand outside;come inside."But look behind me there's another room,another person can tell me,"Don't stand outside;come inside."Therefore the relativity of inside and outside continues to change.

We can also see the way emptiness operates based on provisional conditions.

For example,why did you marry someone so ugly?

You have no idea how beautiful his heart is.So I love him just like that.

That's why the Chinese tell you that just as long as the person that you love,he will always look beautiful to you.

And further more,everything that you see in front of you, or everything that you call by a name is also empty.

And in countries like China nowadays,I think they are getting close to snow season.

Once there was a scholar in China.He woke up in the morning and opened up his window to see a world of snow;therefore he started writing a poem.

And in the eyes of the poet,he saw a world that is beautiful because the snow is there.Then there came a beggar.In his eyes the snows are like blades cutting into his flesh because he was so cold and had nowhere to stay.

And then the poet continued,"If it snows for a few more inches,it would be even more beautiful."

But then the beggar would say,"There will be less of me if it does so."

The eyes of the wealthy and the poor would look at the snow very differently.And every human being in this world has his or her own preferences.But the certain things that you find good or beautiful may not appear the same way to another person.

So it's not about things not being there.It's about the way things appear differently to different people.And this is also a sign of emptiness.

So what happens after one realizes that the five skandhas were empty?

And this will be a time when we overcome all ills and suffering.Most people tend to find it more comfortable to discuss happiness rather than suffering.

But we have to realize that suffering is a natural part of life. Without understanding what suffering is,how can we find true happiness?

And that's why it has been said that only after you have gone through the worst type of suffering,will you become the best member or an elite person in the world.

In a lot of situations,when our physical body experiences suffering,it will also consequently effect the way we think.

But sometimes the sorrow within ourmind will also take on its tow on the body.

Now let me ask you a question.Where does suffering come from?

Sometimes suffering comes from the situation where you don't get along with people.

Or when things don't go smoothly,you will suffer.

Or when your world goes against you,you will also suffer.

Or when natural disasters happen such as land slides,earth quakes or flood or storms.This will also cause suffering on you.

Sometime when you do not get the things you want;when you do not fulfill your desire,you will also suffer.

You can't even get a car;you can't afford a car;And you can't even afford a bicycle.And when this world makes it hard for you to continue to live,for example,there will be people who try to hurt you.There will be people who try to take advantage of you.Or you're prone to all kinds of accidents or bad things. And these will all make you suffer.

And all kinds of suffering are coming in your way from all directions.

Somebody will even feel sorrow in seeing the fact that one day even this world could come to an end,but suffering seems never do so.

Once three kinds of bird got together.There was a pigeon, an eagle and a sparrow.And they started talking about what is the worst kind of suffer in this world.

One of them said,"the worst type of suffering is when you don't have water."The other said,"No,it's when there's no tree for us to live in."And the third one said,"The worst type of suffering should be when there's no food."

And then there was a Buddhist monk who could understand the birds'language.He turned around and said to them,"In fact,the worst type of suffering happens when you have a body."

And there was a group of four bhikkhus or four Buddhist monks who were also discussing the same topic.

What is the worst suffering in this world?

One of them said,"Fear is the worst."

The other one said,"It's anger because it's like fire that consumes your body."

And the third one said,"It's actually hunger;when I'm hungry,it's the worst suffering ever."

And the final one said,"Desire causes the worst type of suffering."

He said it's because once we have a physical body,this body will have all kinds of desire and emotions,which will consequently make us suffer.Therefore the body is the worst. And that's why we need to realize that the five skandhas were empty.

And in the mind of Lao Zi,a very famous Chinese philosopher,he believes that the greatest crisis of human beings lies in the fact that they have a physical body.

As the physical body consists of form,perception,mental conception,volition and mind consciousness,these are also the reasons to why the body suffers,because of the information which they process.

Perception comes in different types.For example,there's a perception of suffering or the perception of joy,also the perception of neither joy nor suffering.The first type consists of eight categories.For example,we experience the suffering caused by birth,old age,sickness and death,and even suffering cause by separation from loved ones,or having to be stuck with the people who you do not like.You also suffer when your desires are not fulfilled.Therefore these are the perceptions of suffering.On the other hand when you perceive happiness,you have to realize it is also a form of suffering.Why?No matter how happy you are,no matter how joyful you feel,you have to realize that the condition which makes you happy would one day fall apart.And in the end when these conditions fall apart,you will still suffer from that falling apart of your happiness.

Suffering happens when your body is not in a balance.Or suffering also happens when your inner and external worlds are not in balance.Suffering also comes when you and other people are not getting along well.This will also make you suffer.

We know that management is a very popular topic in today's society.And there's school management,industrial management even financial management as well as personnel management. While all of these are possible,the most difficult thing to manage is actually our own heart or mind.

We all know that a country can only be governed or managed under a set of rules or law.But when it comes to managing your family,you will have to realized that set of law has to become flexible.So there's no set of law or rules.

A general may find it easy to lead an army because all he has to do is to give out an order.And all of his soldiers would do as they are told.But when he goes home and turns to his wife,he seems to have trouble even telling her what to do.

For example,when his wife starts yelling,he would start panicking.

Of course there would also still be a way to communicate with his wife because love works both ways;so you have to work by communicating.And therefore the most difficult thing to manage is actually your heart.

While we understand that the mind also means consciousness,we have to learn a way to turn this consciousness into a form of wisdom.And it is a form of wisdom that is unbiased and never discriminates between anything.In other words,this is about selflessness.

We know that soccer is a very popular sport in Europe. While American loves basketball.

So at every soccer game,you will realize there are thousands of people all staring at the same small ball.One of the fans was smoking as he watched the game.And as he was so into the game,he didn't realize that his cigarette caused a spark and burned the sleeve of the man sitting next to him.

Well,normally they would get into a fight.As both of them were so into the game,when the man with the cigarette apologized to the other man,the man stared at the game and quickly waved at him and said,"Oh,forget about it.I will buy myself a new jacket when I go home."

But none of them realized that the fire continued to bum and the spark jumped onto the hair of the lady in front of them.

Then the lady jumped out of pain because it was burning.

And the man who was smoking once again realized it must have been his fault.

Therefore he apologized to the lady and said,"Oh,I'm sorry about your hair."

The lady was also very into the game so she waved to the man and said,"Oh,forget about it.I'll buy myself a new wig when I go home."

But of course,this was not even the state of selflessness. They were only in the state where they have forgotten about themselves.Nevertheless,they were still free from the suffering.

Therefore once a bodhisattva sees that the five skandhas were empty,it means that he has reached the status of selflessness,which gives him the ability to overcome all ills and suffering.

Scientists are working very hard with all kinds of inventions and discoveries in order to make life easy for everybody.

And politicians also have the mission of relieving people from suffering.But the only way for us to be free from suffering is to rely on the strength given to us by Prajna wisdom.

Once we have such strength,even when we are confronted by suffering,we'd no longer be affected by it.

While we dwell on the question on where suffering comes from,we have to realize that once the original suffering becomes eliminated,we'll also be free from it.

Every kind of suffering comes from the existence of the self. But with a life supported by Prajna and selflessness,you will be free from suffering.

And tomorrow we'll be discussing the following lines,where it basically says:Form is void and void is form.Form is no different from void and void is no different from form.