Why did the memory of that dead child seek me out on this beautiful day? Till then, no intimation of sorrow had come to me through the dazzling revelations of a summer that sang.
It happened many years ago. I had just arrived in a small village in Manitoba, Canada, to finish the school year as replacement for a teacher who had fallen ill or simply, for all I knew, become discouraged.
“When the time comes for you to apply for a permanent position,”the principal of the normal school had told me,“You'll be able to say that you've had experience.”
And so I found myself in spring in that very poor village — just a few shacks, with nothing around but spindling spruce trees.“A month,”I asked myself,“will that be long enough to become attached to the children? Will a month be worth the effort?”
Perhaps the same calculation was in the minds of the children, for I had never seen faces so dejected, so apathetic or perhaps sorrowful. I had had so little experience. I myself was hardly more than a child.
Nine o'clock came. The room was hot as an oven. Sometimes in Manitoba an incredible heat settles in during the first days of June.
Scarcely knowing where or how to begin, I opened the attendance book and called the roll. The names were for the most part French, and today they still return to my memory, like this, for no reason: Madeleine Berube, Josephat Brisset, Emilien Dumont, Cecile Lepine...
But most of the children who rose and answered“Present, mamzelle”, when their names were called had the slightly narrowed eyes, warm coloring and jet-black hair that told of metis blood.
They were beautiful and exquisitely polite; there was really nothing to reproach them for except the inconceivable distance they maintained between themselves and me. It crushed me.“Is this what children are like, then,”I asked myself with anguish,“untouchable, barricaded in some region where you can't reach them?”
I came to the name Yolande Chartrand.
No one answered. I repeated the name and, when there was still no answer, I looked up at faces that seemed to me completely indifferent.
Then from the back of the classroom, above the buzzing of flies, arose a voice I couldn't place at first.“She's dead, mamzelle. She died last night.”
Perhaps even more distressing than the news was the calm, level tone of the child's voice.
“Ah,”I said, lost for words.
We looked at one another in silence for a long time, the children and I. Now I understood that the expression in their eyes that I had taken for indifference was a heavy sadness.
“Since Yolande...was your schoolmate...would you like...after school at four o'clock...for us to go and visit her?”
On the small, much too serious faces there appeared the trace of some smiles, wary, still sad, but smiles just the same.
At first past four I found most of them waiting for me at the door, a good 20 children, but making no more noise than if they were being kept in after school. Several of them went ahead to show me the way. Others pressed around me so closely. I could scarcely move. Five or six of the smaller ones took me by the hand and pulled me forward gently as if they were leading a blind person. They did not talk, merely held me enclosed in their circle.
Together, in this way, we came to a wooden cabin standing in isolation among thin spruce trees. Its door was wide open, so we were able to see the dead child alone in the room from quite far off. She had been laid out on rough boards suspended between two chairs.
The parents had undoubtedly done all they could for their child. They had covered her with a clean sheet. Her mother, probably, had arranged her hair in the two very tight braids that framed the thin face. But some pressing need had sent them away: perhaps the purchase of a coffin in town, or a few more boards to make her one themselves.
The child had a delicate little face, very wasted, with the serious expression I had seen on the faces of most of the children here, as if the cares of the adults had crushed them all too early. She might have been 10 or 11 years old.
The children were watching me. I realized they now expected everything from me, though I didn't know much more than they. Then I had a sort of inspiration.
“Don't you think Yolande would like to have someone with her always till the time comes to commit her to the ground?”
The faces of the children told me I had struck the right note.
“We'll take turns then, four or five around her every two hours, until the funeral. We must be careful not to let the flies touch her face.”
They agreed with a glow in their dark eyes. Standing around me, they now felt a trust in me so complete, and it terrified me.
In a clearing among the spruce trees a short distance away, I noticed a bright-pink stain on the ground whose source I didn't yet know. The sun slanted on it, making it flame, the one moment in this day that had been touched by a certain grace.
“What sort of girl was she?”I asked.
At first the children didn't understand. Then a boy of about the same age said with tender seriousness,“She was smart, Yolande.”
“And did she do well in school?”
“She didn't come very often this year. She was always being absent.”
“Our teacher before last said Yolande could have done well.”
“What did Yolande die of?”
“Tuberculosis, Madam,”they replied with a single voice, as if this was the customary way for children to die around here.
They were eager to talk about her now. I had succeeded in opening the little doors deep within them that no one perhaps had ever much wanted to see opened. They told me moving facts about her brief life.“One day on her way home from school — it was February,”“no,”said another, in March — she had lost her reader and wept inconsolably for weeks. To study her lesson after that, she had to borrow a book from one of the others — and I saw on the faces of some of them that they'd grudged lending their readers and would always regret this.“Not having a dress for her confirmation, she had pleaded till her mother finally made her one from the only curtain in the house —the one from this room... a beautiful lace curtain, mamzelle.”
“And did Yolande look pretty in her lace-curtain dress?”I asked.
They all nodded deeply, in their eyes the memory of a pleasant image.
I studied the silent little face. A child who had had loved books, solemnity and decorous attire. Then I glanced at the astonishing splash of pink in the melancholy landscape and realized that it was a mass of wild roses. In June they open in great sheets all over Manitoba, growing from the poorest soil. I felt some consolation.
“Let's go and pick some roses for Yolande.”
On the children's faces there appeared the same slow smiles of gentle sadness I had seen when I suggested visiting the body.
In no time we were gathering roses. The children were not yet cheerful, far from that, but I could hear them at least talking to one another. A sort of rivalry, had gripped them. Each vied to see who could pick the most roses or the brightest, those of a deep shade that was almost red.
From time to time, one tugged at my sleeve.“Mamzelle, see the lovely one I've found!”
On our return we pulled them gently apart and scattered petals over the dead child. Soon only her face emerged from the pink drift. Then — how could this be? — it looked a little less forlorn.
The children formed a ring around their schoolmate and said of her without the bitter sadness of the morning,“She must have got to heaven by this time.”
Or“She must be happy now.”
I listened to them, already consoling themselves as best they could for being alive...
But why, oh why, did the memory of that dead child seek me out today in the very midst of the summer that sang?
Was it brought to me just now by the wind with the scent of roses?
A scent I have not much liked since the long ago June when I went to that poorest of villages — to acquire, as they say, experience.
intimation [?inti'mei??n] n.暗示;告知;征兆
Still he had a strange prescience, an intimation of something yet to come.
dejected [di'd?ektid] adj.沮丧的;灰心的
He went home, dejected in heart.
inconceivable [?ink?n'si:v?bl] adj.不能想象的;不可思议的;非凡的
For a child to do that job is just inconceivable.
indifferent [in'dif?r?nt] adj.漠不关心的;无关紧要的;中立的
At some point, I truly became indifferent, until now.
I had just arrived in a small village in Manitoba.
arrive in:到达;到达某地;抵达某地(大地域)
I am very attached to her.
attach to:系于;附属于;爱慕